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HK 416 Feeding Issues.


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Old July 7th, 2009, 18:21   #1
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HK 416 Feeding Issues.

Okay so here's the story..

Picked up an HK 416 from the classified which I knew from start was a fixer upper. The issue I am having was described in the following way "the air nozzle seems to have gotten unsynchronized and its blocking the BBs to feed properly from the mag". The description from what I have seen when I opened up the gun is pretty accurate, the hopup assy is fine and there are no obstructions in the barrel. I know the BBs aren't being fed properly because there is that hollow sound when it fires (If you know what I mean).

Additional issue that may be related is the gun like to pick and choose what it wants to do when switched to Semi, it will either fire Semi, Burst or Full beased on how it feels.

I have yet to open the Gearbox as I am not sure when I am looking for when I do, a little help would be appreciated.

P.S. I'm looking more into fixing this myself so please don't throw a post in that say talk to your local doc. :\. Thanks Again!!!
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Old July 7th, 2009, 18:30   #2
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disconnected nozzle/tappet plate or broken tappet plate/ spring post . you will probably see it right away after cracking the mechbox

oh and look at for vids on dissasembling a mechbox

member of fire team NOM. my other regular forum: / gen3,gen4 camry
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Old July 7th, 2009, 18:31   #3
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If it's an old might want to look at the cutoff lever area. That and how the selector plate is moving when switching modes.

You could manually try to feed some BBs into the hopup...that'd help isolate if it's a mag that's not feeding or some nozzle/hopup issue.

What hopup, nozzle and tappet is in there? After the first shot...the nozzle/tappet/gears/etc...resynch themselves. A mish-mash of parts can cause it to get wacky. A sector gear chip might help...but it's hard to guess at that.

What's the ROF? If it's too fast for the'll end up with blank shots.

You can go about figuring all that out.....there's lots of stuff written up here and on the Internet about each of these things.

...or you can find a local gun doc and he can just show you what all these things do...
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Old July 7th, 2009, 20:25   #4
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Thanks guys, I'll crack it open and take a look.

Yes it's a JG, All stock parts, probably time for a tune so we'll have to see.

Haha Tys, :P I know!
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Old July 10th, 2009, 06:09   #5
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Either the hop-up rubber, or the hop-up unit itself (especially if it is a 2-piece hop-up), or the mags.

Semi, burst or auto issue = cut-off leve or cut-off lever spring.
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Old July 10th, 2009, 06:19   #6
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Haha, thanks guys.. I gave up. Too much frustration between the ARS and the Trigger wanting to fly out of the mech when putting it back together.. I need more patience!

I sent it to Tys because I am too much of a baby to do it all by myself
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Old July 10th, 2009, 10:17   #7
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Originally Posted by DemiBlitz View Post
Haha, thanks guys.. I gave up. Too much frustration between the ARS and the Trigger wanting to fly out of the mech when putting it back together.. I need more patience!

I sent it to Tys because I am too much of a baby to do it all by myself
Yup, sounds like you have a Gen 1/1.5 JG HK416. Which uses a 2-piece hop-up unit. I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is due to the hop-up unit.

The ARS and the trigger itself isn't too much of a problem though you need to get a small spanner to hold the ARS in place while you put the mechbox back.
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