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Traveling Across Borders for Airsoft.


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Old February 28th, 2009, 17:39   #1
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Traveling Across Borders for Airsoft.

Traveling Across Borders for Airsoft.

Since there is not to much WW2 airsoft related events here in Canada, it means that we have to go across the US border to play. Normally that would be ok, but wait! We got our Airsoft Guns? And the laws are not to clear about them.

Do we go across the borders and say we have them, just to get them confiscated?
Or do we not say nothing, just to have our cars checked and the guns taken away?

It appears we are ‘fudged’ either way. It would be nice to get some details cleared up. Hear of some peoples experiences going across the borders.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 17:42   #2
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You can bring them over the boarder aslong as they have a 1/4" Orange tip on the muzzle, but you will not be able to bring them back into Canada. It doesn't matter if you had them when you left or not.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 17:44   #3
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Go over the border, buy them, play with the guns at the event, then when you're done, find someone you can trust to sell the guns in the states. Once they are sold, whoever sold it should forward you the money. You won't get every penny you spent on buying the gun back, but at least you won't get held up at the Canadian border if you do decide to bring them to Canada.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 17:45   #4
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If you want to play in the US, you'll have to arrange to rent guns there. You can bring all your gear, mags, etc across, but you have to leave your guns at home.
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Old February 28th, 2009, 18:08   #5
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I guess if you have family or friends in the US just buy some guns and leave them there.

Otherwise you're limited to rentals or doing the buying it for a game then selling it after thing.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 13:51   #6
sharpshooter666's Avatar
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Excuse me, i don't know much about the subject,
but once i've read somewhere than you can take guns back if they are in pieces, would that work?
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Old March 1st, 2009, 13:52   #7
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Yes but you cannot bring any receivers back across.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 14:47   #8
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In pieces = Smuggling charges since you know what you're doing and willfully took it apart theres more evidence against you.

That being said you can pretty much bring any non restricted piece back. No prohibited parts though (eg. Receiver)
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Old March 1st, 2009, 16:07   #9
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Has anyone ever successfully smuggled their weapon back in?
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Old March 1st, 2009, 16:23   #10
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Probably, just like some people must have not been bum raped after dropping soap in prison.

Want to risk it?
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Old March 1st, 2009, 17:07   #11
Big Red
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Originally Posted by steve_slugga View Post
Has anyone ever successfully smuggled their weapon back in?
Seeing how this is a very "open" forum that's probably not the best question to pose. Always remember to stay above board and STAY LEGAL unless you want to risk everything. Wouldn't suggest it, try it or condone it.

Find a relative or friend in the US who can keep one on that side of the border for you to use.

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Old March 1st, 2009, 18:39   #12
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Originally Posted by Big Red View Post
Seeing how this is a very "open" forum that's probably not the best question to pose. Always remember to stay above board and STAY LEGAL unless you want to risk everything. Wouldn't suggest it, try it or condone it.

Find a relative or friend in the US who can keep one on that side of the border for you to use.

Big Red
CWO - Force Recon
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O dont worry i wont be going to the US anytime soon, ive never been & i dont really have a reason to go, i was just wondering, but looking back that question probably wasnt the most appropriate
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Old March 1st, 2009, 20:26   #13
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So, I can fairly much bring all of my stuff, Mags, Propane, etc… just not the actual physical gun?
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Old March 2nd, 2009, 21:58   #14
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Originally Posted by Pockets View Post
So, I can fairly much bring all of my stuff, Mags, Propane, etc… just not the actual physical gun?
Propane might actually give you a problem. It's cheap and available though. Any hardware store, heck larger pharmacies and even groceries carry it if they have a "Picnic/BBQ" section.

I've been reading the legal bits and have a suggestion.
Only a licensed dealer can import, so what prevents a licensed dealer then from offering a safe return service?

You make the arrangements with the dealer, and pay a small fee... He gives you a claim ticket and a shipping label, perhaps even provides a suitable box.
You come down, have fun, and then ship the airsoft to the dealer using the provided shipping label, he then checks the contents to make sure it's legitimate, signs off on it as such, and returns your gun to you.

That seems clean, and legal, and would probably be something a dealer could make a small amount of money on at the same time, but would be much less costly than a disposable airsoft gun. Who wants to get stuck renting something that's probably been abused to death?

Sorry... I'm only familiar with the loonie politics down here. Up there not so much. Doesn't that sound at lease worth asking after?
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 00:10   #15
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Ummmm..... No..... Bad idea.

The way the government and laws work up here is pretty whacked out.

Also the importer can't import the gun unless he also has a BFL which are fucking hard to get. Also they're not going to bother with bringing one airsoft gun across the border.
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