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Is there really a CBSA blacklist?


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Old February 8th, 2009, 02:10   #1
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Is there really a CBSA blacklist?

Is there really a CBSA blacklist if they capture and reject something that is shipped to you? A friend in Hong Kong is sending me a box of old things and I forgot to tell him not to include some old restricted parts that he might have thrown in there.

I know that there is a blacklist for international customs through airports in which you will be flagged and they will always check your luggage - but is there such a thing for things potentially arriving by mail? I know many people have recieved the letters that said that customs were not releasing restricted items, etc. but is there something like a blacklist I should be worried about if something is sent to me?
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Old February 8th, 2009, 02:13   #2
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From what I have been told. If you are caught by CBSA importing restricted items, your future parcels(most, if not all) that you receive will be put under more scrutiny. This possibly means mandatory or more frequent inspections on your items.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 03:53   #3
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From what I've heard from some people who got tagged trying to import stuff in the past, future parcels do get additional attention from Customs.

There also seems to be a "sender blacklist", i.e., certain points of origin (such as HK retailers) which are known to supply controlled items, and which receive particular attention regardless of whom the importer is.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 09:06   #4
Xx William xX
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If there is a blacklist. I think you would have to come to their attention a lot or get caught importing something serious like banned real steel parts. I have had a couple things seized. I haven't had all my packages checked since by cbsa. They haven't even checked them more frequently.
It could just be a false rumor like the Canada post doesn't ship firearms or replicas rumor. I always like to see something in official writing before I believe it. I am too lazy to try and look it up though!!

Last edited by Xx William xX; February 8th, 2009 at 15:38..
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Old February 8th, 2009, 09:34   #5
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I have a freind that have actually try to import his own metla body and it got sized by customs. And he order somes other parts from UNc and From the States and the shipping process never took more than the normal delay.

He paied for 3 days shipping and got it in time and the tracking number never show that the pakage was on hold.

I think that there's is a list some were but not for the you and me trying to import 1 or 2 items. Just immagine howmany people woud be on that list !

CBSA cant afford to pay all the personnel required to check on regular mail and not delay the process at all.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 15:31   #6
Rumpel Felt
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I too, am curious about this supposed list. How does it work? It does sounds pretty whenever you are put on an offical government list they are to notify you, no?

The specifics of it just don't seem logical. Exactly what is blacklisted? Your name in full? Your address? Addresses can change.

I have siblings too. What of them? The only difference would be the first name.... So the list would start flagging them too? That kind of infinges on their freedom just because I tried to import some risky things. And if it's not that specific, the list is moot because I'll just slap my 12 year old brother's name on the package instead....

Phil_Black makes a good point too. Most of the stuff seized is probably going to people who didn't really know it couldn't be imported and just thought it was trivial stuff. The list would be quite lengthy and if everyone on it was to always be checked, their would be no time to check anything else.

There should only be a list for people caught importing serious drugs, serious weapons and truck loads of dead Taiwanese prostituites with hollowed out chest cavities filled with drugs and guns.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 15:34   #7
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Well, I know you get backlisted if you try to bring something on your person/vehicle at a border crossing.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 15:36   #8
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There is a blacklist. It will make your future international travels hell so don't get caught!!!

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Old February 8th, 2009, 15:37   #9
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Originally Posted by T_A_N_K View Post
Well, I know you get backlisted if you try to bring something on your person/vehicle at a border crossing.
Yes I heard about that too when I was at Niagara. But that time I did not know anything of Airsoft, I was just going to buy clothes.
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old February 8th, 2009, 16:06   #10
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By something, I mean something your not suppose to bring in. Clothes and shit all they do is make you pay money on. If you bring in something like a receiver/gbb and try to hide it (airsoft), your neck is going to be up in shit and you will have a headache every time you you cross the border. That includes if said person is in your vehicle. Thus why I make my friend go in his own vehicle when we cross the border.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 16:08   #11
The Saint
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Yes, CBSA blacklist exists.

Yes, CBSA watches ASC. *politely waves at CBSA agent*
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Old February 8th, 2009, 16:11   #12
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Imagine you were worked for CBSA and your job was to monitor ASC and you actually liked airsoft. What a sweet deal that would be...

But yes on to Saint's point. It is well known that there are AV'd CBSA personnel on ASC.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 17:11   #13
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I would not call it a blacklist, but, you become a 'person of interest' and you and/or your address and shippers are flagged for future scrutiny. Think about it for a sec, why would they NOT keep a list of people who've tried to ship or have shipped proscribed items in the mail? If I was in charge of the system and responsible for interception, you can be sure I'd do it. It would make my job easier.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 17:17   #14
Xx William xX
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I never really doubted there is a cbsa list of persons of interest. I just wonder what exactly you would have to do to get on it.
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Old February 8th, 2009, 17:24   #15
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Just by posting this thread you're on it. The black helicopters flying over your house belong to the CBSA.

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