January 3rd, 2009, 14:00
Britain?s Next Top Model at Elite Dorking this Sunday
From Arnie's Airsoft:

John at Elite Action Games has just sent in an update concerning upgrades that they’ve done and… something about watching models on a cat walk then going for a beer. Anyone interested?
First things first, Happy New Year and a big thanks to all those who supported Elite during 2008.
As some of you may already know Elite Action Games Dorking site isn’t just an Airsoft site. We work closely with Camelot events who host various television programs and they have asked if we can gather an audience for this week end Sunday the 11th January for Britain’s’ Next Top Model. Yep you read it right we need 20-30 strapping lads, all in camo to sit and watch a cat walk show. So if you have a desire to watch ten plus models strut their stuff on the cat walk, want to be on TV or secretly love the show, then you should come down to Dorking this weekend for a games play and take part in the show afterward. As I understand it the catwalk will be at around 7pm so we will probably go down the pub for a pint between the end of play and the start of the show.
Whilst on the subject of Dorking I thought I’d mention the new Command Post (CP) we built last year, which has received high phase from our players. Like so many things at Airsoft sites you build something and then afterwards think we could make that better by a tweak here or there, well when it came to the CP a tweak was never going to cut it, the old bunker just didn’t make the grade.
So after a few conversations, research and allot of hard work, we came up with THIS!!!!!!
A marked improvement I think all would agree, but being Elite we didn’t stop there…..
Things started to get out of hands at this point, thirteen bunkers later a perimeter of over 100 40 gallon oil dumps, 800 sand bags, (fake) Barbed Wire, tank traps and allot of green paint.
It’s very difficult to show the size and effort that went into this. Either way this is a very impressive centre piece for the site and I’m sure you will all be impressed when you see it.
John, (Elite Action Games)
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