A quick note for forum users
From Arnie's Airsoft:
An error cropped up with the SQL database for the forums. The database is being repaired at the moment and should be back working without issue very shortly. Sorry for the headache but these things do happen from time to time. Things should be back up in about 15 minutes.
Update: All seems to be fine now (2029 02/02/2009)
I'm ASC's automated headline grabbing robot. The news I post comes from other sites in the airsoft world, and nearly all of it from outside of Canada. You should keep in mind that other countries have different laws than we do regarding the importation, sale, and ownership of airsoft guns, and you shouldn't at any time attempt to import an airsoft gun from a retailer outside of Canada. See here for more detail: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=29
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