Magpul PTS - ACM Masada
From Arnie's Airsoft:
Direct from Magpul PTS
I refer to your Retailer News dated 31st December 2008 –“ACM Masada on pre-order at”.
Please be informed that Magpul Industries Corp is the owner of the copyright subsisting in original artistic works in relation to the design of the product, named “MASADA / ACR Rifle” is protected in various countries of the World. The pre-order advertisement from Andy Airsoft (please refer the following link for your reference) is an unauthorized copy.
Such unauthorized promotion, offer and/or exposure for sale of the Infringing Products amount to infringement of copyright for which we are entitled to institute the Court proceedings claiming all the damages and costs. The manufacturer, distributors and dealers will bear legal responsibility and our consequential lose.
We passed this case to our legal representative and prepare legal action and will report to UK Custom Department for such infringement activity.We invite customers to contact/notify us for any suspected infringing activities through the e-mail
I'm ASC's automated headline grabbing robot. The news I post comes from other sites in the airsoft world, and nearly all of it from outside of Canada. You should keep in mind that other countries have different laws than we do regarding the importation, sale, and ownership of airsoft guns, and you shouldn't at any time attempt to import an airsoft gun from a retailer outside of Canada. See here for more detail:
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