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G&G GR-25


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Old October 23rd, 2008, 13:31   #1
Tr0nic's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2007
G&G GR-25

The gun wouldn't shoot the trigger wouldn't go back. If i opend the latch of the motor and closed it that would fix it. But now if I pull the trigger I can hear the motor turn but that's it ! I haven't modified anything and haven't shot that many times... How can I remove the gearbox? what could be the problem?
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Old December 14th, 2008, 15:47   #2
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Location: united kingdom
i bought my gr25 second hand but unused, and from day one being semi only repeatedly jammed.
when the gearbox was dismantled there was absolutly no trace of any grease /oil anywhere ,piston gears all totally dry.
even after relubing still jammed, so remove semi latch from gearbox now full auto only and not a problem since.
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Old December 14th, 2008, 17:44   #3
Join Date: Feb 2005
this could mean many problems.

first, u should clarify ur question as to what is not moving, what have u tried so far etc..


if ur motor is spinning while everything is assembled then that most likely means that ur motor is sitting too low. screw the motor screw from the bottom of the grip so that it moves the motor upward. do 2 turns and then try firings 2 turns then try firing. if it start firing try using common sense and adjust the motor accordingly.

if that doesnt work, take the gun apart if u konw how to, if u dont, still do it sine ul need to learn some day anyway. once u take the gearbox out check to see if the selector switch is loose if it is, tighten its screw from the inside of the gun body, put the grabox back and and most likely it will work.

If the selector switch is not loose, then take the gearbox apart it might be seized/seizing because the shimming is shit, or its not lubed or sometinhg just broke inside.

ALSO, it being semi auto only can also be a cause of 2 metal tabs that are inside the gearbox in between wich the trigger pushes a connector into. they might be loose, causing a shit connection and eventually giving u semi auto only.,,theat happened to me before.

so try all of this out then tell us what the results are.

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Old December 14th, 2008, 22:38   #4
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Where are you located? It's good to know so local guys can chime in.

If the motor is just spinning (i.e. you hear the motor turn, but no other noise at all, and it'll turn for as long as you hold the trigger down)...then your motor isn't seated high enough to mesh with the bevel gear.

If it sounds like the gears are spinning but nothing's happening...time to open up the mechbox (same as an M4...except the body comes apart a little different than a plastic TM...pretty close). Dive in (check out or get it to a gun doc.

Best of luck,

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Old December 16th, 2008, 16:10   #5
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: united kingdom
the g&g gr25 is semi auto only, no full auto option even though other copies of the sr25 sniper rifle are.
you say you can hear the motor turning, if its only the motor there will be a high pitch/speed whirring noise. if this is the case remove motor and see if drive gear has stripped/fallen off.
if okay check motor depth adjustment (grub screw in motor cage).
you say you cant pull trigger, this on mine was caused by semi auto latch in gearbox sticking which is why i removed it creating full auto only.
you could try removing motor and with a hooked piece of wire release anti reversal latch then replace motor and then try to fire gun.
a problem ive found with alot of guns in semiauto is that if you dont pull the trigger back fully every time and wait till gun has fired before releasing ,the gun can stop half cycle meaning the semi latch will jam the trigger.
this is where on a gun with full auto option will clear the jam as the lever is disengaged
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Old December 16th, 2008, 17:22   #6
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I bet yah its the motor disk or whatever its called. If you didn't touch anything, when you took it apart, I bet you just forgot to put it in when you put it all back together.
We'll do it like the Italian Job!
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Old February 1st, 2009, 14:09   #7
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A bit late response , But I finally had the time to take my gun apart.
It seems there's a teeth missing on of the gears
Also the piston head doesn't have alot of compression on the cilinder, I can move it back and fort without alot of compression.
Wich piston head and gears set should I buy ?

Now I got it !
I didn't know it was just a V2 mechbox with long nozzle
I'm gettining some sytema helical gears ...

Last edited by Tr0nic; February 4th, 2009 at 19:18..
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