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Old April 4th, 2006, 19:00   #1
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TM VSR-10 upgrades

Hi. I have a Tokyo Marui VSR-10 that I want to upgrade to about 430-450 FPS.
What I know I need:
- Laylax PSS150 spring

I know I need some other things but I have no clue what air seals, spring guides, pistons, etc.. to get. Thanks in advance.TM VSR-10 Upgrades
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Old April 4th, 2006, 19:25   #2
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You should read the following: Dusk's VSR-10 Upgrade guide
Has all of the information you're looking for.
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Old April 6th, 2006, 20:50   #3
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Hi there,

follow up question, I have read the guides and all and I'm about to go about drilling the cylinder. However, what drill bit should I use? Can anybody suggest a size and type of drill bit? As I do not have access to a drill press, I might have to try my hand drill and help from a buddy.

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Old April 6th, 2006, 22:11   #4
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Before you do anything, do you have replacement parts for what you may screw up?

Recommendation; find a local expert if you want to do any upgrades on an unfamiliar gun.

Power-drill surgery is not reversible.
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Old April 6th, 2006, 22:44   #5
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I hear it's pretty difficult to accomplish with a hand drill, but I've also heard it being done before so if you're determined it should be doable. I didn't drill my cylinder, but it looks like a 3 mm hole, I'd start small and widen the hole to ensure that you dont get too much otherwize you'll get air bleed through your cylinder. maybe start 2mm. then widen to 3mm if nessissary and so on.

Before you do anything, do you have replacement parts for what you may screw up?
A replacement cylinder is 40-90 bucks on UN company. Why spend the money for a replacement part if you probably wont screw it up? Many people have drilled their cylinders for upgrades before, pretty negative of you to assume that he is doomed to fail. Cylinders and cylinder heads can be ordered from WGC, UN and the like if you require.

Recommendation; find a local expert if you want to do any upgrades on an unfamiliar gun.
No kidding. Im sure we can all afford guntechs everytime we want to even think about doing anything. He's obviously familiar with the gun if he knows he needs to drill the cylinder pin to get the cylinder head out for upgrades. Furthermore, the more you know about your sniper rifle the better off you are. They aren't complex machines comapred to AEGs, and there is a lot of fine tuning you can do to it if you learn to do it yourself. If you can find an 'expert' great. But by the sounds of it you've already done your research you should be fine.

Without a drill press, I would suggest you at least get a vice or clamp to hold it down while drilling. The metal for the cylinder is pretty strong stuff, there are some slip marks on my cylinder.

Also, the fella mentioned above that he wanted to achieve 430 - 450 fps, I would NOT recommend the pss150 spring, that pushes it over to around 480, if you ever plan on adding a tightbore and other things, it may go even higher which may get difficult to get into games or play safely depending on your area of play and field limits. I have both a pss 130 and a 150, mine chroni's at 430 and 490 respectively with a 6.03 (pro sniper length) barrel. I just stick with the 130, chronied the 150 once and put it away, plus it was a challenge to chamber a shot quickly with the 150 spring.

Anyways, good luck on your upgrades.
I have 2 personalities, Telkin and Valcrow.
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Old April 6th, 2006, 23:30   #6
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To Valcrow, I think the main point of Grey's post was that it is very easy to totally screw that one step up so he should be prepared for the worst. (The stock cylinder is probably the only good internal part on the VSR-10 though so I can't really recommend bringing in a second one just in case.)
For my own cylinder I actually took it to a shop where they touch welded a small piece of metal onto just the pin and then yanked the pin out. Much cleaner than drilling but requires special equipment.
If you are going to drill the pin out I recommend finding a micrometer to determine the size of bit you need. (I'd look it up but I'm lazy) Just keep in mind that all you only need to drill far enough to let the cylinder head rotate in the cylinder so you can remove it. (ie: 2mm at most) You definitely need a drill press though. I've seen pictures of the results of someone using a hand drill and the end result was that he needed a new cylinder since he couldn't cycle the bolt without scraping up the inside of the receiver.
Good Luck!
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Old April 7th, 2006, 03:36   #7
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I wasn't worried about scratching up the cylinder (since nobody would see it anyway) until you mentioned the story of the cylinder scratching. So I'm gonna have to look for somebody or some place with a drill press to let me use.

I'm pretty familiar with gun upgrading from playing in high fps games in Philippines, but I still agree with all of Greylocks' advice. I would not pay somebody to upgrade my baby though. That way if something goes wrong, I don't have to point fingers, cos the only one to blame would be myself.
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Old April 7th, 2006, 07:33   #8
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Dont immediately assume that a local person will charge you an arm and a leg. And dont use equipment that is liekly to give you bad results. This can get expensive real fast.

What is more? $90 or a few minutes of advice and the use of a drill-press and a caliper?

When you're talking millimeters, skill and experience counts.
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Old April 8th, 2006, 08:23   #9
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i thinking of getting a vsr-10 as well, and would like it to shoot at 500fps with .2 bb's

im on a real tight budget, Whats the absolute minimum i will need to upgrade to get it to this level,
i was thinking of just getting a new spring, laylex sp170, new Trigger Sear and a new Piston Sear,

then replacing any thing that brakes when it does, hopefully i would have some more money by that point.

let me know your opinions

ps sorry for hijack
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Old June 6th, 2006, 13:22   #10
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I would recommend getting a new spring guide stopper and a new piston. With the strength of a 170 spring the stopper will likely snap quite quickly and the stock piston in the VSR is made of relatively cheap plastic. Unless you're going with Deepfire sears (which have compatibility problems with just about every aftermarket piston out there) I'd recommend getting the Zero Trigger and piston set since it's only a bit more than buying a piston and sears seperately. Other upgrades I would recommend for that spring would be a new spring guide, a tightbore barrel and some good ammo. At 500fps you're going to want some ammo at least as heavy as .36g
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Old June 6th, 2006, 20:35   #11
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teflon cylinder, high pressure piston, spring guide w/bearing, trigger sear, piston sear, cylinder head, spring guide stopper and a laylax 200 spring got me shooting .2's at 503-508fps. all these upgrades and the gun cost me close to 1k. it's not cheap.
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