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Magazines/Upgrades Shipping?


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Old February 2nd, 2006, 20:42   #1
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Magazines/Upgrades Shipping?

I am planning on buying a Glock 19 fairly soon but first I would like to know a bit more about these international shipping problems: Are you able to ship magazines, metal barrells, slides etc. over the boarder without it being seized by customs like complete Airsoft guns are? They are much cheaper from other stores and it would save me a fair ammount of money.

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Old February 6th, 2006, 03:46   #2
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I realize this may be a little bit of a "touchy" subject, but if you have previously bought from international retailers please share your findings.

Thank You.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 07:00   #3
Hedonism Bot
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there really is no clear answer. People get airsoft stuff shipped from overseas all the time but the fact is that the more it looks like a firearm accesory to a laimen the more chance of it being flagged and grabbed by customs.

It's prob. best to use your own descrection but I'd say the barrel would be fine, mags would probably NOT be. Keep in mind customs agents know what mags real look like as they are often the only line of defence in terms of enforcing our ban on double stack handgun magazines.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 07:13   #4
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The normal answer is no, but you are welcome to try since it's your money. Check the thread from the guy who got his gun seized a few days ago.

You can get excellent deals in Canada, from people who deliver the product to your door with zero loss. So it's entirely up to you. Is there anything you want that the Canadian Retailers really dont have or cant order for you? Did you email them?

If it even looks like a gun part, you are at the minimum gambling your cash.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 08:13   #5
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I wanted to import some when I first started but decided against it as there is a risk of seizure and blacklisting. You will find that the price difference isn't that great if you comapre to shipping it by yourself or getting it from a Canadian retailer, and its less of a hassle.
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old February 6th, 2006, 08:18   #6
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A good trick, Find a friend that just happens to be visiting asia & get them to pick up stuff for you. Just make sure its not anything too gun like, So internals & other non obvious parts are fine to carry on back with you.

To the person doing this for me, LOVE YOU!
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Old February 6th, 2006, 11:48   #7
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GBB magazines are not a problem. Even the dimmest customs officer will know there is no possible way it can hold live rounds and is ostensibly not for a real firearm. The only airsoft components I've heard of being seized are full guns, metal receivers, and magazines that have fake rounds in them (ie. SIG/G36 AEG mags) but never GBB magazines.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 15:19   #8
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OK, thanks. I think it may be worth it to take the chance since a glock 19 mag costs $60+ here in canada and in the US its $28 US (about $35 CAD). I also may need a metal slide/barrel, so if anybody has had any previous experience, please, keep the posts coming.

Also, why would it increase the chances if somebody goes to Asia rather than the US? And wouldnt the changes of seizure be the same if it is shipper over or if somebody is taking it over in person? please explain.

Thank You.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 15:32   #9
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Everything is made usually in China, so buying it there, your not paying for any form or shipping/ect on items. Can get stuff from WGC's, Redwolf's,Ect's store fronts for very cheap.

The item(s) go into their carry on or stowed away luggage (flying of course) and there hasn't been any problems.

Example on the prices. A $36USD item cost me $50 CAD (No tax no nothing ) landed to get. No retailer/import fee's or anything. If you have any friends visiting asia, I suggest talking to them to see if you can work out a nifty little arrangement like that.

Just be well aware as to what you can and cannot bring in, so that way you have ZERO problems at all.

Silencers, Upgrades parts, Whole gearboxes, odd ball adaptors, pins, ect are fiine.

Metal bodies, Stocks & AEG magazines are a no no.

Pretty much if you can instantly find a use for an item on a real gun, its usually not allowed through customs.
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Old February 6th, 2006, 16:06   #10
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could i do the same thing with going over the us boarder, buying from a US storefront, and then coming back over the boarder by car?

ps: wouldnt somebody get suspecious if you bring a silencer or a some sort of gun part on with you in your carry on luggage?
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Old February 6th, 2006, 17:09   #11
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I ordered a Glock 17 magnesium slide and barrel plus a magazine from and it came through without problems. It's once you start getting into the metal outer barrels that would be prohibited length where customs might make a seizure, if they believe the barrel to be usable on a real gun. The fact that outer barrels now sometimes come with faux rifling at the tip won't help. Best to have an importer get you short barrels.

Originally Posted by BC_K
Metal bodies, Stocks & AEG magazines are a no no.
Correct on metal bodies, but stocks are not a controlled item and will pass. Only AEG mags with visible fake cartridges will pose a problem. Customs doesn't seem to have an issue with any other AEG magazines.

Originally Posted by BC_K
Pretty much if you can instantly find a use for an item on a real gun, its usually not allowed through customs.
Completely false. Hundreds of airsoft gun accessories (scopes, sights, rail covers, vertical grips, bipods, cheek pieces, slings, etc.) can be used on real guns, especially those with Picatinny rails like AR-15s. Importation of REAL gun accessories is not covered under a blanket ban, only specific gun parts cannot be imported - short handgun barrels, and fire control parts for automatic weapons. Civilians are even permitted to import handguns themselves as long as they are verified and registered prior to being picked up by the importer. Getting them out of the host country is usually more of a pain than getting them into Canada!
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