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TRI COMTAC III... anyone have experience with them?


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Old August 27th, 2016, 01:41   #1
solidgear34's Avatar
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TRI COMTAC III... anyone have experience with them?

so i found my self being in a major bind. Z-tac headsets don't seem to perform the way i want them to be and a real steel headset cannot be imported due to ITAR and are usually out of my price range.

i noticed that a company called TCA/TRI make some decent Peltor III clones. i have never used them before. anyone have any experience with them?
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Old August 29th, 2016, 15:04   #2
DAS BOOT's Avatar
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TCA User here. I bought mine from another user here in classifieds. For first impression, theyre well made and sound quality is far better than its Ztac predecessor. I do own a Genuine MSA sordins and the TCA Comtac is in par with my Original MSA in terms of sound quality.

They also seem to be solid in construction but I have yet to determine its rigidity in field.

overall, Theyre a good pair to begin with if youre looking for budget-wise better-than-other-clones headset.

If youre actually going for genuine Comtacs without ITAR, SRS Tactical does sell them.
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Old August 29th, 2016, 16:00   #3
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I have a set from Airsoft Depot about 3 years ago. Plugged into the TRI Harris clone they work fine and same for standalone. Battery consumption is very low.

They seem a bit fragile to me but all I've done is tear off one rubber plug. The plastic just seems a step below the real headsets I've used.

The price is right.
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Old August 29th, 2016, 17:11   #4
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my ztacs shit the bed after a year and a half, something in the mic disconnected itself, is there any reason to believe the tris will have a similar issue? I've been looking for a sub 300$ ptt headset option, so the Tris are about half of that with the ptt unit. Also is it compatible with the kenwood 2pin or would I need to send the ptt off to get a custom wire job done?
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old August 29th, 2016, 18:27   #5
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From what I've heard there is a guy in Quebec who's really the TRI guru and they're set up to sell through Canarmo.

They have a FB group too if you're on there. There is also a lot of TRI parts for sale on eBay and through the big Hong Kong stores.

Some of my cables and mics came from eBay and the headset and radio came from Airsoft Depot but he's all out of most of the TRI stuff right now.
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Old August 31st, 2016, 17:30   #6
DAS BOOT's Avatar
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
my ztacs shit the bed after a year and a half, something in the mic disconnected itself, is there any reason to believe the tris will have a similar issue? I've been looking for a sub 300$ ptt headset option, so the Tris are about half of that with the ptt unit. Also is it compatible with the kenwood 2pin or would I need to send the ptt off to get a custom wire job done?
TRI or TCAs are compatible with Real genuine PTTs Having any ztac or element PTT would not work. You need a original Nexus ptt. but if youre going for the clone version with real steel wiring, check here:
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