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NEW LAWS MAKING PELLET GUNS "Non-Restricted Firearms"



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Old February 7th, 2015, 21:25   #1
BattleBorn's Avatar
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NEW LAWS MAKING PELLET GUNS "Non-Restricted Firearms"

So, I literally just finished my Firearms safety course and I rushed home to post this as I didn't remember seeing it anywhere...

So it turns out (about 2 months ago, there was a new ruling) that ANY pellet gun, paintball marker, Airsoft rifle, etc. that fires faster that 214FPS is considered a "Firearm". This means that they now need to be stored like a "Non-Restricted" firearm. That means, trigger guard locks AND they must be stored out of sight. Basically just like any other real shotgun or rifle.

This is the most information from one site that I found HERE. Basically it means that if your house is searched, and an Airsoft rifle is found NOT stored like a Non-Restricted firearm, it's up to the police officers discretion whether or not you'll be getting a small ticket or you'll be getting the book thrown at you.

Bloody Dunn :banghead:
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Old February 7th, 2015, 21:31   #2
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Oh no, the things that have always been considered firearms are now considered firearms!

Topic has been discussed to death already.
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Old February 7th, 2015, 21:41   #3
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Hrm, I have failed to see it in the forums even after looking for it for a bit. It isn't too much of a deal for people who are 18+. BUT this implements hassles when it comes to minors with anything that fires over 214 FPS, as by the letter of the law, the person who gives a minor an Airsoft gun is now breaking it. Unless these rules are followed:Minors and Firearms

Last edited by BattleBorn; February 7th, 2015 at 21:43..
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Old February 7th, 2015, 21:45   #4
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No, we are not breaking the law. These are uncontrolled firearms, meaning they are exempt from the licensing and storage regulations of non restricted, restricted and prohibited devices.

The ruling basically set out some common sense guidelines for storage and transportation of airsoft guns. Don't hide it in a backpack walking around, and don't keep one on the coffee table.
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Old February 7th, 2015, 21:47   #5
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...which is how it always has been, only now it's clearly and officially spelled out.
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Old February 7th, 2015, 21:53   #6
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
No, we are not breaking the law. These are uncontrolled firearms, meaning they are exempt from the licensing and storage regulations of non restricted, restricted and prohibited devices.

The ruling basically set out some common sense guidelines for storage and transportation of airsoft guns. Don't hide it in a backpack walking around, and don't keep one on the coffee table.
Thanks for clearing that up for me - from what this instructor K. Stroud was saying, this new ruling means that ANYTHING that fires over 214 fps must be stored as per a Non-Restricted Firearm.

So was I just given the bum-steer about this?

Last edited by BattleBorn; February 7th, 2015 at 21:56..
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Old February 7th, 2015, 21:58   #7
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Any Firearms course brings up the same subject. Here is the deal. If you are selected for inspection as a firearms owner, and you happen to have your Airsoft not locked up, then yes, they could try to argue with you that you're breaking a law. I had a firearm instructor tell me that they dropped by his house, and attempted to argue that they could charge him because he had an a few Airsoft guns in the house that his kids and him play with on their property.

Nothing came of it outside of that conversation.
Seems every firearm instructor brings this up in their lecture.

I wouldn't worry about it.
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Old February 7th, 2015, 22:00   #8
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cheers for that bud, I guess I'll take down this thread then!

EDIT: turns out I can't... balls
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Old February 7th, 2015, 22:13   #9
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Originally Posted by BattleBorn View Post
So, I literally just finished my Firearms safety course and I rushed home to post this as I didn't remember seeing it anywhere...

So it turns out (about 2 months ago, there was a new ruling) that ANY pellet gun, paintball marker, Airsoft rifle, etc. that fires faster that 214FPS is considered a "Firearm". This means that they now need to be stored like a "Non-Restricted" firearm. That means, trigger guard locks AND they must be stored out of sight. Basically just like any other real shotgun or rifle.

This is the most information from one site that I found HERE. Basically it means that if your house is searched, and an Airsoft rifle is found NOT stored like a Non-Restricted firearm, it's up to the police officers discretion whether or not you'll be getting a small ticket or you'll be getting the book thrown at you.

Bloody Dunn :banghead:
If it is indeed classified as a "Non-restricted Firearm" or "Uncontrolled Firearm"?

Last edited by SuperHog; February 7th, 2015 at 22:16..
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Old February 7th, 2015, 22:25   #10
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by SuperHog View Post
If it is indeed classified as a "Non-restricted Firearm" or "Uncontrolled Firearm"?
It can't be an unrestricted firearm, airsoft guns can not meet the FPS/Muzzle energy requirements to meet the classification of an unrestricted firearm.

because they are an object that fires a projectile with sufficient force to cause significant injury they do meed the criminal code definition of a firearm. but they are not subject to the storage or transport regulations that proscribed firearms are.

this is not a change in law it is a clarification of an existing law. there is nothing new here.
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Old February 7th, 2015, 23:08   #11
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They've brought in this "Pigs Eye" test now though what has basically allowed them to re-write the FPS requirements. In short if a projectile fired from a firearm can penetrate, a healthy 11 month old pigs eye membrane, it is considered a dangerous weapon. it turns out the new magic number is 214fps.

What I'm also seeing by looking at these reports, is that now your pellet gun, Airsoft gun, and paintball gun must now be trigger locked, or otherwise stored safely, when not in use. And they are going to be treated as firearms for the purposes of safe storage.

Thats why I'm a little worried
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Old February 7th, 2015, 23:23   #12
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Pellet gun, pellet gun, pellet gun.....

Guess what I can make a "495 FPS" pellet gun shoot at over 700 FPS. You want to know my trick? Using hyper velocity pellets.

FPS means NOTHING. NOTHING. It NEEDS to have a mass associated with the speed, otherwise I could get a paintball marker shooting at something that makes it illegal, make an airsoft gun shoot "hot" with .12's, or using a hot airsoft gun make it shoot under the "limit" with a .43g BB.

tl;dr LITERALLY nothing has changed in fact the law is been spelled out more concretely and there is now precedent.
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Old February 7th, 2015, 23:50   #13
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This is what I'm saying but in someone elses words... who happens to have a much more complex grasp on the English language than I do.

The last post in Airsoft and Canadian Law - Important Readme for New Folks (cleaned) was in 2008. Perhaps it needs to be looked at and clarified?!
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Old February 8th, 2015, 00:56   #14
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It says right there in the opening to that ancient thread that airsoft guns are to be considered firearms under the criminal code. The only change is that we now know that airsoft guns are in fact firearms under the criminal code.

Anyone who has treated them in a reckless manner is an idiot (lots of those around), lazy (didn't read, didn't ask), or a criminal (who cares).

I'll let someone else take over the minors thing. As for pellet and paintball guns, their use is prohibited just about everywhere except where explicitly allowed and the boonies, so I still fail to see where this will cause more than a mild inconvenience to anyone but idiots, the lazy, and criminals.
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Old February 8th, 2015, 01:05   #15
St. Ides
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@BattleBorn put a lock on it if your worried.....hell buy a gun safe

@mod can we close this thread.....dead issue!

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