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A P90 vest?


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Old August 24th, 2005, 15:29   #1
Greykin's Avatar
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A P90 vest?

I saw this vest on Ebay, and the seller claims that it holds P90 mags. The mag pouches look pretty big, but if it were to hold the mags, do you think they would hold well? Does anyone own this vest? How is it?

I emailed the seller about this already, he doesn't seem to be very good at his english, so probably didn't know what I asked him >_>.
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Old August 24th, 2005, 16:08   #2
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Valcrow, Telkin and I all have a similar vest likely from the same seller you are describing. The pocket flaps are held into the back of the pocket via velcro, so you can lengthen and shorten the flaps accordingly. P90 mags do fit although since they are so long, they have a tendancy to "lean forward". Some simple mods should make the vest more secure. Valcrow is the one with the P90 so you should PM him for the details.
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Old August 24th, 2005, 16:25   #3
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Ai, Rico is right, they do tend to lean forward a tad when crouching.

Also, each velcro strap thing seems to have a slightly different length to them and each pocket has slight variences so the front pocket willl usually hold the mag better than the back one.

One thing to note however is you need to move the strap all the way to the back where its a little bit wobblie. It takes a while to setup but its doable. After that the mags come out nice and smoothly. Unlike G36 mags....

Also the P90 mags are so long that they actually interfere with the other pistol mag pockets and it actually makes it somewhat difficult at times to shoulder your gun. See that US patch on the picture you have attached? that'll be completely covered by the mags. And as usual the side pockets will be hard to reach. but unless you're trying to put a mag in it, it's not too bad.

Overall it works. You'd be hard pressed to find other vests that hold p90 mags and the ones we got were a pretty good buy. But its by no means desgined specifically for p90 mags, so there are a bit of quarky problems with it. You do feel very protected by your mags though, its like armour plating. The good thing about it is it's very adjustable, you can pretty much fit any kind of mag (cept for maybe the AK) without too many problems and fit tightly. We'll be at the FR game this weekend if you wanna check it out.
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Old August 24th, 2005, 16:46   #4
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Wow, thanks for the quick help. Unfortunately I can't make the game this Saturday at FR =(. Still though, what you told me seems to be enough, thanks for your help =).
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Old August 24th, 2005, 18:28   #5
Brian McIlmoyle
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P90.. pain in the a** mags

I have aP90.. love the gun... hate the mags, they are so long I'm thinking the only stock pouch that will fit them is a "bren gun" pouch.

I am trying to figure out some way to attach a pouch to my vest in a place where I can get at it.

At least with their 50 round capacity( yeah I only load em up with their "real capacity".. I'm a stickler for accurate simulation) you don't have to carry as many for a reasonable loadout... but still...

I think that maybe across the lower back with the pouch opening to the left side, then I could reach behind me to get the mags.

But at the end of the day.. I think the only effective solution is going to be a leg rig. Which.. in the end will probably have to be custom.
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Old August 24th, 2005, 21:12   #6
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I have aP90.. love the gun... hate the mags, they are so long I'm thinking the only stock pouch that will fit them is a "bren gun" pouch.

I am trying to figure out some way to attach a pouch to my vest in a place where I can get at it.

At least with their 50 round capacity( yeah I only load em up with their "real capacity".. I'm a stickler for accurate simulation) you don't have to carry as many for a reasonable loadout... but still...

I think that maybe across the lower back with the pouch opening to the left side, then I could reach behind me to get the mags.

But at the end of the day.. I think the only effective solution is going to be a leg rig. Which.. in the end will probably have to be custom.
Yeah, I have a drop leg P90 pouch that holds 2 mags, and it has worked very well for me =).
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Old August 24th, 2005, 22:06   #7
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I modified my BH EOD Tactical Vest by removing the bottom velcro half and sewed them to the top half. The flaps now hold on to the mags quite securely. As for the mags leaning forward, I stitched the middle on back of the flap to the seam along the chest, voila! With the BH P90 drop leg, I now carry 5 lo-caps on me with no problems. I usually carry my hi-cap in my butt-pack for those scenarios where I have to return to base to reload. :innocent:
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Old August 25th, 2005, 04:42   #8
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I have aP90.. love the gun... hate the mags, they are so long I'm thinking the only stock pouch that will fit them is a "bren gun" pouch.

I am trying to figure out some way to attach a pouch to my vest in a place where I can get at it.

At least with their 50 round capacity( yeah I only load em up with their "real capacity".. I'm a stickler for accurate simulation) you don't have to carry as many for a reasonable loadout... but still...

I think that maybe across the lower back with the pouch opening to the left side, then I could reach behind me to get the mags.

But at the end of the day.. I think the only effective solution is going to be a leg rig. Which.. in the end will probably have to be custom.
Mil-Force, Guarder, and BHI all carry P90-specific mag pouch leg rigs.
Or as an alternative for a more modular (and cheaper) solution, the BHI pop flare pouches apparently fit P90 magazines (as per Brad from
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Old August 25th, 2005, 10:01   #9
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Honestly, P90 mags on a vest is a very bad idea. Not enought room, unless you want to store them horizontally.

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Old August 25th, 2005, 10:24   #10
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I have a vest almost identical to this one, and I use it mostly for paintballing (sorry guys) because of the mag pouches. The only difference is that my stock shoulder is reinforced and the back has a compartment for a hydration pack.

The sides of the mag pouches are actually made of a stretchy material, so they should actually hold your P90 mags pretty snuggly. They only thing I'd worry about is that the pouches are made for M4 mags, which if I remember correctly, are wider than P90 mags, so you might get a little side swaying, but nothing too bad.

It's pretty comfortable to wear, not too heavy, and has MOLLE attachment points in the back.

If it's not too expensive, I'd recommend it. I'm really happy with mine.
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Old August 25th, 2005, 22:47   #11
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BHI combat medic vest. The 3 large pouch apparently hold 3 mags each. Hey it's what they use on Stargate......
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Old October 14th, 2005, 18:02   #12
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Ok, I just got this vest and it works good!

For me, the mags don't lean forward at all, it depends on how tall or short you are though, cause you have to adjust the shoulder velcro straps. So ya, it looks great so far.

I had two problems though. The adjustable mag pouches, when I adjust them, they're at the very limit and aren't 100% secure with the mags in there, but still hold them well with a lot of movement.

Also, the holes on the bottom of each mag pouch, they don't seem to be well made, and are quite sharp inside. The first game I used the vest at, I scratched the bottoms of my mags quite a bit, and wondered why, then found out it was the vest. To fix that, I just took out the metal pieces with plyers and I took a lighter and burned the edges of where the holes used to be to prevent frailing. Doesn't look as good, but I'd rather have it this way than to scratch my mags continuously.

Not the best picture, but I can be seen wearing it here. I'm the only guy with a balaclava on btw.

Oh, and one more thing, I don't suggest carrying any mags in the pouches that are closest to the sides, just use the 4 that are closest to your chest. It's not comfortable at all to carry mags in the sides, I suggest using them as an alternative utility pouch.
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Old October 14th, 2005, 19:30   #13
Man Solo
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Originally Posted by vondnik
BHI combat medic vest. The 3 large pouch apparently hold 3 mags each. Hey it's what they use on Stargate......
IM not sure about this...
I have been poking around and have read a buch of different things. Some say the vest can hold 2 some say it holds 4 mags total some say 3. You are the only person who seems to think that it fits 9 mags. Can anyone confirm this? Are there better pics of this vest?
I only found this one

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Old October 14th, 2005, 19:34   #14
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WOW, did that guy just eat something really hot, or is he naturally that red?
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Old October 14th, 2005, 19:59   #15
Man Solo
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Didn't even see that. LOL I bet his camo is just too tight.

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