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Old June 1st, 2012, 09:14   #1
Trev140_0's Avatar
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Ok, I am peeling the onion here in an ICS m4 I am fixing for a friend. This has turnied into a nightmare.

This is the split gearbox.

For starters this is a classic. "souped up" gun and to be honest all I am doing it trying to put it back to the original state.

There are so many parts on this this that were "supposidly" compatable its not funny.

For example I found the nozzle you need on the ICS is ICS SPECIFIC. YA, it is!

Most M4 nozzles are too long and partially block the chamber where the bbs feed. I even went to an ICS dealer and he too saw this and agreed.

Anyway, I am now shopping for the matching ICS bucking as its shooting with minimal force. (piston and nozzle are fully back to stock and full compression so this is the only area of issue left)

That said, I am fully aware the hop up chamber and the gearbox need to be butted up against each other for a tight seal. (MACIEK did an awesome posting on this issue recently)

So as I close the window on this shit show, my question is do the ICS have a mag that is for this gun only?

I am now wondering if the standard plain jane mag, or p mag, might not have the correct spacing and be forcing the hop up slightly away from the gear box loosing compression?

Is this a stretch?

What is the TRUE difference between a standard M4 mag and Toyo mauri (which is recommened for the gun)


"....Your life is ending one minute at a time..."

Last edited by Trev140_0; June 1st, 2012 at 09:31..
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Old June 1st, 2012, 10:08   #2
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TM mags ARE the standard M4 mag. Also an ICS M4 should be able to use any TM compatible mag like MAG, King Arms, G&P, etc.
ICS hopups also use standard hopup rubbers.

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Old June 1st, 2012, 10:12   #3
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I've used Beta Project PMags on my ICS Mk18, and they shoot just fine in comparison to the high-cap that came with the gun.
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Old June 1st, 2012, 10:13   #4
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(The Mk18 being, of course, just an M4 variant, and using the split-type ICS gearbox in an M4 body)
"As technology reduces the weight of weapons, ammunition and equipment, infanteers reap no benefit; they are merely required to carry more."
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Old June 1st, 2012, 10:39   #5
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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I'm probably the biggest ICS fanboy you'll ever meet.

I've had numerous fitment problems with Magpul brand pmags (not the green label shit but i wouldn't use them either). Best mag to fit in the ICS mag well are the King Arms brand and I even have one Classic Army that fits perfectly as well.

You can actually use any nozzel you like - a year or so back there was a thread on just shaving them down ever so slightly with a fine grain sand paper.
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Old June 1st, 2012, 10:57   #6
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I use a Modify nozzle on my M16 and it seals just fine and doesn't have any issues with being to big or small and not letting the bb feed correctly.

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Old June 1st, 2012, 11:37   #7
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+1, I installed a Modify nozzle and no problem

Try changing the rubber, it might be simply worn down or badly molded.

Also, check compression the in upper mechbox outside the gun. If there is a leak there (you should be able to press the cylinder head, cylinder and piston with your hand and it will stop moving at about half travel), then your problem is not the hop-up.

You might have a warped lower mechbox too. Usually this will pull the upper mechbox about 1mm back and prevent any good seal.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old June 1st, 2012, 15:43   #8
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I have to call Mach1 Airsoft "the shit" on this. Well done guys and thank you.

I went to see them and we swapped out part peice by piece and slowly worked out the MULTIPLE issues.

They dropped in a stock upper and hop up and chronoed and shot awesome...then took my set up and started the replacement porcess of parts. They opened that one that shot awesome and I opend mine and we began the transplant....

Bucking (wrong), cylinder head nozzle itself was worn (not nozzle) border line seal.
Nozzle DOES need an ICS. some work but most are too long and cause a block. Tossed in a S130 spring

Anyway this is not my gun but its is shooting like a laser beam now at 420 FPS with a.2 hop up off. I shimmed the crap out of the gear box and its as smooth as a rolex.

I shot it out my back yard and cut the branches off a tree 70 feet away like a laser pointer.

ZERO feeding issues now.

Goes to show you when you start swapping stuff, and turning a gun into a heinz 57 you can lose your bearings.

Again, this would have been impossible if it was not for going to Mach 1, and doing all the swaps with all the parts right on the desk.

Thanks guys for getting this back. You are the reason why vendors are so important to this sport.

$75 bucks later!

This will turn to be a spare and I can assure you a new gun will be purchased by the owner of this at your shop.

Its a given.


(ps this gun will be shot at Hill437 tomorrow.....)

"....Your life is ending one minute at a time..."

Last edited by Trev140_0; June 1st, 2012 at 15:51..
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