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Asia Electric Guns


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Old May 29th, 2012, 20:34   #1
BennyBoy's Avatar
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Asia Electric Guns

Hey folks, was at P Mall today and was a vendor selling Asia Electric Gun...guns...
Anyone tried them before? The PDW was dead sexy, probably woulda bought it if i had remembered my wallet.
What i didnt like was the battery compartment, it was in a dummy LAM unit ehich was pretty big compared to the rest of the rifle. The owner said there was a foregrip coming in that doubled for the battery compartment..
The externals were decent couldnt see much of the internals..guess i ahoulda asked for a demo

lil off of the vendors had a Umarex g39kv gbbr by vfc for $460, that baby had some nice recoil

Sorry forgot to add, shop keeper said they were TM/JG clones..

Last edited by BennyBoy; May 29th, 2012 at 20:39..
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Old May 29th, 2012, 21:01   #2
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Is this the one that was on the outside perimeter of the mall. Like it was facing the windows? If so stay the hell away from those knobs. I was in there trying to get some help. Nothing but condescending BS from the little punk behind the counter. Just as well they were selling a WE g36 for $500+

The one I am talking about sells boot leg DVDs and highly marked up SOG knives.

Heres a thread about pacific mall and airsoft. Chi gun seems the one to give your money to if you want to pay a lot of mark up.

Edit: Dude your AV'd arnt there any PDW's in the classifieds?

Last edited by jordan7831; May 29th, 2012 at 21:07..
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Old May 29th, 2012, 21:49   #3
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No not them, i did buy 3 gas adapters from them, this the one hidden in one of the corridors
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Old May 29th, 2012, 22:15   #4
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Stay away from the anime store, and as for the person selling Asia Electric guns, they're all overpriced, you may as well just get a King Arms M4. You're better off buying from Chigun, also, stay away from the airsoft store across the street, their stuff is overpriced too.

The Asia Electric Guns M4 was a deal when he first opened up the store $265 for a full metal M4, but now it's being sold at $300+, you can easily get a KA M4 for much cheaper with nicer internals and externals.

Last edited by Juke16; May 29th, 2012 at 22:22..
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Old May 29th, 2012, 22:20   #5
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At the store I mentioned they have a "limited edition Mac 11" and I touched it to see if it was full metal. The shop owner rudely said "can i help you?" and started to curse in Cantonese because he thought I was totally whitewashed. I calmly said to him "yaaa not at these prices" and walked out. If you dont want people to touch dont have a hole in your damn display case.

Honestly take a look at the classifieds. Someone has a nice PDW on sale right now.

Last edited by jordan7831; May 29th, 2012 at 23:20..
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Old May 29th, 2012, 23:12   #6
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Originally Posted by jordan7831 View Post

At the store I mentioned they have a "limited edition Mac 11" and I touched it to see if it was full metal. The shop owner rudely said "can i help you?" and started to cure in Cantonese because he thought I was totally whitewashed. I calmly said to him "yaaa not at these prices" and walked out. If you dont want people to touch dont have a hole in your damn display case.

Honestly take a look at the classifieds. Someone has a nice PDW on sale right now.
Lol, I remember walking into the store and seeing two people try to disassemble a V2 gearbox.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 00:37   #7
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so the guy upstairs was Dragon Airsoft i believe, the bigger one downstairs is something Disc and the third is J&J

I went to the Splendid China Tower one too but they were closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so dunno what their prices were

The guy at J&J was the only one really willing to help us from the beginning. I don't think he knows much about what he's selling though, kept telling me green gas was better than propane because it shot harder but couldn't say how much of a difference it was. He didn't sell gas adapters either which was why I originally went to P Mall, he also only sold green gas($25 a can). I also asked for a Scar H mag and he told me the M4 would fit np...I insisted they looked half the size of what my Scar H uses but he wasn't quite sure. He had mostly AsianEG rifles on the wall with the exception to a CA M14 DMR, a Ruger (correct me if i am wrong{sorry it's a MK1 sniper..}), rifle barrel, pistol grip with a pistol type magazine in the handle, very light and very minimalistic) and some SRC PDW. He was really into his co2 pistols saying how they shoot over 400fps and so, I said that's way too hot for indoor but he said it depends where you play and shrugged. I fondled the shit outta most of the guns on his wall and he didn't really mind, the SRC PDW however was missing a pin and the receiver almost fell apart in my hand as i brought it down. We ended up taking the baby glock by KSJ for 190 or something... and I would of impulse buyed the PDW there at I believe was listed as 280ish dollars.

The guy upstairs wasn't really interested in helping us, was too busy on his computer. My buddy really liked his KSJ 1911 MEUs, he didn't really want to let us touch them but gave in cause we kept pestering him to. His price sucked but he had some gems, a grease gun on the top shelf, a VFC Scar H w/ GL, bunch of Umarex HK boxes (G36kv, hk416) they were all over priced to be honest. My buddy ended up walking away with the Umarex VFC G36KV GBBR + extra mag for 500 and a MEU + extra mag for...230(?). Saw a MK23 silencer and almost jizzed myself, it didn't say what if it was 14 or 16mm CCW, he didn't know either but after a quick Google, I found it was 14 which made me cry inside.
******Side note....two police officers came up as we were fondling the g36, I asked if they were into this too but the first said no, he just needed something for his Real Steel AR15. He was complaining about the gun sling he sold him and the shop keeper agreed to replace it for him in 2 weeks when it was back in stock, hehe

The third store was the one that sold anime, they were also watching anime..... when we went in, there was a freaking annoying sensor that kept greeting us in japanese every time someone walked in. This store had a lot of staff inside, one was fixing a Ares M4, a girl behind the counter, another big dude doing nothing, another girl holding two ferets and some random weird looking fella. They wanted 350 for the KA m4 and wouldn't budge on the price, we told them we bought the g36kv and he wanted to chrono it for us. Most likely he was really curious about it, lol. We jammed the shit outta the gun and he tore it apart to fix it for us for free hahaha. Shit load of BBs got jammed right under the hopup was so the bolt wouldn't fully move forward anymore. Anyways, they had a caged showcase with some beat up guns and a newish Scar L w/ GL. They had a few m4s in a glass cage, a bunch of random pistols and accessories at bottom (pistols and revolvers of all sorts) and anime all of one side of the shop. These guys were pretty friendly fairly knowledgable. They kept talking smack about the guy upstairs though, joked about his breath, how he spoke and his stutter. /shrug

We actually went there to see Red Shark Airsoft at Splendid China Tower but only found it replaced by a shopped name Challenger that as stated above, did not open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays..

Last edited by BennyBoy; May 30th, 2012 at 00:48..
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Old May 30th, 2012, 00:41   #8
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I was only there to buy a gas adapter for my Mk23 since I noobed it up big time and forgot to add it to my order. My buddy was really intent on getting something before we left. He ended up spending just a little under a 1000 buckeroos for a Umarex VFC HK G36kv, KSJ 1911 MEU and a baby glock(28?).
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Old May 30th, 2012, 00:54   #9
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Dude im sorry but you guys have wayyy to much disposable income. So all they do is talk shit about their competition? Thats good business practice isnt it?

Oh well you guys enjoy your new guns.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 00:59   #10
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I spent 54 dollars and 27 of that was for Daishi since he needed a gas adapter and i was going to get one anyways

Though I did just pick up a Scar H from Daishi for 550....
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Old May 30th, 2012, 01:09   #11
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Correction. Your friend has too much disposable income. And no impulse control! .
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Old May 30th, 2012, 01:17   #12
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I dunno....that g36kv would make any man jizz his pants

anyhow, has anyone tried the Asian Electric Gun brand?
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Old May 30th, 2012, 08:58   #13
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You should have just went to either Mach1 or see Frank at Toronto airsoft both of them are their main distributor and I'm willing to bet that if you go visit them you would have walked away with a much better deal.

Most of the guys I played with tend to avoid Pmall for our airsoft needs, they tend to be overpriced, quite often don't know their product or knowledge to repair customers gun and some just flat out questionable business practice to rip you off. With more available option online and big distributors in the GTA I often wonder why these guys still exist and still practice the business model that exist in the late 80's where there was no Toronto airsoft or Mach1. So buyer beware do your research!

Last edited by wildcard; May 30th, 2012 at 09:07..
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Old May 30th, 2012, 11:25   #14
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
You should have just went to either Mach1 or see Frank at Toronto airsoft both of them are their main distributor and I'm willing to bet that if you go visit them you would have walked away with a much better deal.

Most of the guys I played with tend to avoid Pmall for our airsoft needs, they tend to be overpriced, quite often don't know their product or knowledge to repair customers gun and some just flat out questionable business practice to rip you off. With more available option online and big distributors in the GTA I often wonder why these guys still exist and still practice the business model that exist in the late 80's where there was no Toronto airsoft or Mach1. So buyer beware do your research!
Sorry that I have to disagree your comment about PM shops especially the "overpriced" comment. I just got a message from one of the shops about their re-stock items:

This week special :
WE SCAR tan GBB open bolt $360.00
WE M4 CQB GBB open bolt $395.00
WE FULL METAL 5.1 Hi-cap. $199.00
WE FULL METAL M9 $205.00

I am not a big WE fan, but the price seems decent. And most of the time, the tax is already included. I bought a ICS M3 at the price of $ 350 (tax included) from there.

I like Mach1 & Torontoairsoft, but Mach1's price tends to be too higher than now the average norm. Torontoairsoft offers good selection but has some "service" disputes recently, and most of their item with attractive price has been out of stock for quite a while.

I am a serious buyer and often did some research before I visit them, and I always receive pretty good service. If these shops rip off every customers, they should not be able to be there for so many years. So I suspect the cases quoted here do not represent all the others' experience.

I think we should keep the PM shops option opened.

Bottom line: I want my purchase experience to be an enjoyable one, so I won't take any shit from any shops. On the other hand, I also pay my respect to them even though they may not have what I want. The end results: My visits and purchase are always pleasant.

Last edited by Swattiger; May 30th, 2012 at 11:34..
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Old May 30th, 2012, 11:32   #15
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
they tend to be overpriced, quite often don't know their product or knowledge to repair customers gun and some just flat out questionable business practice to rip you off.

This is why I think they deserve to go under. Shady business practices and piss poor service. Perhaps they give crap service because they have soo many people just coming in to look around. But hey, they should treat everyone as potential customers and not as window shoppers.

Although to be fair. The guy at J&J does let you hold the guns and seems alright although somewhat oblivious to many things. He wasn't ever rude or anything.
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