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G&G M16 RIS MAX or G&G M16 RIS


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Old May 2nd, 2011, 21:17   #1
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Winnipeg MB
G&G M16 RIS MAX or G&G M16 RIS

Hi everyone I'm brand new to airsoft and I'm looking to get my own gun. I am a new player and won't be on the fields for a while. (FPS not an issue). I want to know if the MAX series with all the upgrades are worth the extra cash or should I get the regular version and just upgrade it myself down the road. Any input would be good as I am a bonifide noob to the sport any info will help me out I'm sure.
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Old May 2nd, 2011, 21:58   #2
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Hey Kelly. I was in your seat not to long ago. Driving down the "omgFPS" road. Well it turns out that FPS is nowhere near "the end of it all". Just keep in mind that for most outdoor fields, 400fps is a LIMIT and not a GOAL. A high quality gun @ 300fps will shoot just as far as my 360 G&G.
Make sure to buy something that you aesthetically like, because in the end you'll spend lots of time with it (hell, who would date an ugly bitch because she shoots hard? )
I bought something before getting AVed. I wont say I regret it because I like my AEG and the way it looks, but it wasn't the smartest purchase in my life.

Anyway, I know I didn't, but I think you should wait a bit and see whats availably around

Originally Posted by FOX_111 View Post
Un tricheur malveillant, c'est facile d'y casser son gun sur la tête. Un noob ignorant, c'est un peu plus gênant.
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Old May 2nd, 2011, 22:18   #3
Dooms's Avatar
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Might I suggest something?

Sweet, thanks...

Find your local AV rep, get AV'd, and then Drool at the vast selection of awesome weaponry that is available to you once you are AV'd.

Trust me, I was in your boat a few months back, then I got AV'd, then a whole world of selection opened up to me. Its well worth it.

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Old May 2nd, 2011, 23:04   #4
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I wouldn't spend the extra money on the MAX line. Depending on where you live it will shoot too hot for most fields. Also most people don't believe a new player should be using a hot gun like that until they learn how to use it safely. Save the money and buy the normal version if your set on it. That way you'll actually be able to use it at most fields.
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Old May 9th, 2011, 13:24   #5
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Originally Posted by DEATH2000 View Post
I wouldn't spend the extra money on the MAX line. Depending on where you live it will shoot too hot for most fields. Also most people don't believe a new player should be using a hot gun like that until they learn how to use it safely. Save the money and buy the normal version if your set on it. That way you'll actually be able to use it at most fields.
I understand it is too hot right now and I void warranty by replacing the spring. I was just wondering if the:

Torque-Up Reinforced Gears
G&G High Torque Motor
Metal Ball Bearing Spring Guide
Reinforced Piston
High Compression Metal Piston Head
Reinforced Metal Cylinder Head
Low Resistance Silver Wiring
Tight Bore Barrel (6.04mm)

Is this AEG worth the extra cash for the upgrades if I planned on getting a G & P M16A4 and upgrading it later on anyways? I'm not planning on hitting up the feilds for games until I get comfortable using my new gun anyways.
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Old May 9th, 2011, 15:30   #6
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The MAX series come with an M100 spring in the box so you can drop your fps to about 360-380 fps. Overall excellent guns. I have had very little issue with them outside of the M140 spring that comes installed and the horrible Hopup sleeve G&G use.
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Old May 9th, 2011, 16:00   #7
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Originally Posted by Darklen View Post
The MAX series come with an M100 spring in the box so you can drop your fps to about 360-380 fps. Overall excellent guns. I have had very little issue with them outside of the M140 spring that comes installed and the horrible Hopup sleeve G&G use.
awesome, but it didnt really answer my question. Is it a good set up for the price combined or should a do the G &P and upgrade the parts one by one with the exact parts I would like. (would this be a better idea to do or just get the upgrades from G & G?
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Old May 9th, 2011, 16:11   #8
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I find that G&G guns are a hit and miss. Their gears are just shit and I see them breaking all the time, and I've seen many of their motors burning out way too prematurely. You can get the standard one and replace all of those parts, or get the MAX and use it until it craps out then replace those parts. Do what fits your budget.
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Old May 9th, 2011, 16:12   #9
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The price point difference between the two straddles the line of
Economy and the upgrades put into the max are of fairly good quality. However if you are mechanically inclined you might want to consider getting the standard version and replacing the parts down the road with (arguably) better parts than what is in the max.

One thing is for certain, before you buy hit up a local game and speak with players and get an idea of the differences between guns and Thier capabilities and while there you can get av'd and have alittle fun to boot.

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