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Kwa fps to high?


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Old June 26th, 2010, 02:58   #1
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Location: Vancouver,B.C.
Kwa fps to high?

eh so are kwa 2gx aeg's fps to high because most shoot around 410 till there broken in and then still shoot like 395 which leaves you unable to put in a tightbore because then you shooting around 400-405.

I just want to know if any owners have ran into problems because other than this i have no hang ups about this gun and it would be burnt if i had to figure out how to install a new spring and possibly **** up my gun.
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Old June 26th, 2010, 03:02   #2
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What the hell does "Burnt" mean in your context?

Is this one of the new words that all the cool kids are using? Like "sweet" or "my bad"?
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Watching videos and reading a book means dick all. By that thought process I can read a book on advanced physics and Kung Fu and make rockets that could round-house kick mars
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Old June 26th, 2010, 03:41   #3
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You haven't stated what the FPS limits are where you play.
Where I am, that would be a perfectly fine FPS to play at.

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Old June 26th, 2010, 03:51   #4
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Your a goof, that was completely off topic and I hope you can pick up the meaning of the word from the context of my sentance or is it alittle past you bed time bud, feeling arnery. Another thing for a guy that has a quote of kurt cobain in his sig you wouldn't think he'd be such a moron and "like to shoot his gun, but don't know what it means".

Lol and ouyin you got some titty girl as your avatar your such a burnt kid(that's the adjective form) go watch porn when it's late if you got nothing better to do.

Now back on topic I live in Vancouver and op-for(think that's the name) states 400fps max on full auto aeg's

Last edited by Batistatheory; June 26th, 2010 at 03:56..
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Old June 26th, 2010, 04:12   #5
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Springs settle. Get it. Throw some rounds down tube then get it chronied. Your in Vancouver there are loads of people that can swap the spring for you if your still running hot.

Though you don't NEED a 400fps gun to start mang, you should be considering downgrading just for learning purposes.
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Old June 26th, 2010, 04:19   #6
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Originally Posted by Batistatheory View Post
Your a goof, that was completely off topic and I hope you can pick up the meaning of the word from the context of my sentance or is it alittle past you bed time bud, feeling arnery. Another thing for a guy that has a quote of kurt cobain in his sig you wouldn't think he'd be such a moron and "like to shoot his gun, but don't know what it means".

Lol and ouyin you got some titty girl as your avatar your such a burnt kid(that's the adjective form) go watch porn when it's late if you got nothing better to do.

Now back on topic I live in Vancouver and op-for(think that's the name) states 400fps max on full auto aeg's
Since we're going to tear each other apart here...

First impression. You spelled "You're" incorrectly. And no, I obviously didn't understand the context that you were using the word in. If I did, I wouldn't have posed the question.

Now, who gives a rat's patootie about my choice of avatar and signature? Nowhere did I criticize your avatar and/or signature of choice (or lack there-of as it may be), so why all the hate?
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Originally Posted by pancakedestroyer
Watching videos and reading a book means dick all. By that thought process I can read a book on advanced physics and Kung Fu and make rockets that could round-house kick mars
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Old June 26th, 2010, 04:27   #7
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Burnt dope who bloody cares and who cares if he likes Women and Kurt Cobain, shit I loved Lake of fire back in the day and tits are great. Try to keep shit civil both of you and stay on topic.

Buddy wants to know about other end users issues with this specific model and their final stock FPS after spring wear in.

Again I will reiterate. Don't worry about upgrades or anything else for that matter. if you like the platform and have a source then giver. Otherwise consider an alternate platform to start with a tamer FPS and build your soft skills with that stock then move from there.

400 FPS is not a magic number people should be shooting for when first starting out. Its a limit.

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Old June 26th, 2010, 11:00   #8
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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And going out to a game finding your FPS is too high sucks.

+1 on downgrading, useful skill.

And if you don't like playing around with your gearbox, get a softer spring, sub-350, get it installed by a gun doc and keep it that way. You'll be able to play both indoors and outdoors.


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Old June 26th, 2010, 12:58   #9
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I was wanting a 400 fps aeg because I'm thinking that the more fps the more range I can get from the gun. I've heard that the kwa m4 with a tightbore can be accurate to 200ft which is pretty bad ass and also I see what your saying with buying a lower grade gun first but my attitude is if I'm puting 300 down why not put 500 down and not have to worry about getting another one until something comes along that blows my old aeg out of the water, hopefully that won't happen tho for 2-3 years

also what would you think would be the max range of a 350 compared to a 400?
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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:03   #10
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Originally Posted by Batistatheory View Post
I was wanting a 400 fps aeg because I'm thinking that the more fps the more range I can get from the gun. I've heard that the kwa m4 with a tightbore can be accurate to 200ft which is pretty bad ass and also I see what your saying with buying a lower grade gun first but my attitude is if I'm puting 300 down why not put 500 down and not have to worry about getting another one until something comes along that blows my old aeg out of the water, hopefully that won't happen tho for 2-3 years

also what would you think would be the max range of a 350 compared to a 400?
FPS means nothing. All it does is get the BB to the target faster. What will effect range and accuracy is the hop-up, quality and weight of the BB, and a T/N barrel.

A properly tuned gun with heavy BB's shooting 350 will outrange a stock gun shooting 400 anyday.

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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:07   #11
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360fps will outrange some guns set at 400fps. Velocity has a bit to do with effective range, but not as much as people think, hop up type/setting and BB weight play a MUCH bigger role on getting BBs 'out there'. Common example I use is my sniper rifle, at one point I had it downgraded to 340fps with 0.20g BBs, but found I could get 0.30g BBs out to 300ft slowly very easily. When it was at 500fps, I'd have a hard time with consistantly reaching 200ft away with any small degree of accuracy.

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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:08   #12
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isn't there like a 5 page thread on why FPS doesn't = range?
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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:10   #13
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
FPS means nothing. All it does is get the BB to the target faster. What will effect range and accuracy is the hop-up, quality and weight of the BB, a T/N barrel, and the player.

A properly tuned gun with heavy BB's shooting 350 will outrange a stock gun shooting 400 anyday.


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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:17   #14
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Cool thanks for the info guys I would of never of thought about downgrading my gun, but now that I know it won't drop my range and I can also us it in cqb it seams like a smart choice. Are .25 still recommends in 350 fps aegs or will they drop the fps to much you think?

So why don't we allow heavier bbs too drop fps? Then there wouldn't be constant upgrading and down grading

(edit) well originaly I was wonting the info from kwa owners about if they've had to downgrade or if their spring loosened up enough that it wouldn't be required

Last edited by Batistatheory; June 26th, 2010 at 13:20..
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Old June 26th, 2010, 13:23   #15
a.k.a. LastSpartan
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.25s are good. Indoors, you can use .20 as the BB is not affected by wind, or you don't have to penetrate bushes and grass making the BB reach its target a tad faster. .25 packs a bit more punch though.

However, many players still use .25 for indoors and .28 & heavier for outdoors.

I guess it's really personnal preference. I use .25 in my sub-350 fps gun.


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