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Aftermath Lycaon or Broxa?


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Old April 5th, 2009, 09:50   #31
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Planet P1C-R19
Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
wile your buying the upgrades you should consider a better battery to slightly increase your ROF by 1+ bbs per second. If i remember correctly a better battery also makes ur gun run more smoother.
If you're going this route, I'd highly recommend changing the piston to a steel-toothed one, and adding a sorbothane pad. Then you can use an 11.1 Volt Lipo battery for some wicked ROF. or you could always use the mechbox stock until something breaks and then upgrade it at that point.

Also, a point if you are adding to the barrel length like I did, (by about 6 inches) you'll also need to get a matching ported cylinder. For now, though if you change just the hopup and the barrel (regular MP5 length), you'll have a very gameable AEG.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 11:41   #32
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Originally Posted by Buzzrexx View Post
If you're going this route, I'd highly recommend changing the piston to a steel-toothed one, and adding a sorbothane pad. Then you can use an 11.1 Volt Lipo battery for some wicked ROF. or you could always use the mechbox stock until something breaks and then upgrade it at that point.

Also, a point if you are adding to the barrel length like I did, (by about 6 inches) you'll also need to get a matching ported cylinder. For now, though if you change just the hopup and the barrel (regular MP5 length), you'll have a very gameable AEG.
Simply changing the battery to a 3500Mah 8.4v won't increase ROF enough to warrant that. I wouldn't suggest to any newb that they run a high speed setup, especially with a V2 gun shooting hot. There's a lot more to making a high ROF set up then putting in a stronger battery.

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Old April 5th, 2009, 12:14   #33
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Simply changing the battery to a 3500Mah 8.4v won't increase ROF enough to warrant that. I wouldn't suggest to any newb that they run a high speed setup, especially with a V2 gun shooting hot. There's a lot more to making a high ROF set up then putting in a stronger battery.
I agree- don't go and do this to your AEG until you've gamed it a whole bunch and learned firsthand tactics and strategies while playing on the field. An experienced player with a crap gun can easily pwn a newb with a PTW. It's not just the gun that makes the player.

Originally Posted by NoGear View Post
If i remember correctly a better battery also makes ur gun run more smoother.
A stronger battery will not make it run smoother- just faster so the grinding teeth sounds better. Instead, spend the $3 for a shim set and take an evening and properly shim the gears.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 13:12   #34
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rof doesnt really matter to me cuz my logic is, higher rof, more bbs wasted. i wont be trigger happy because like i said b4, i have other things to spend money on (Nitro RC) if my battery goes, then obviously i will buy a better one, but unless the accuracy is really bad and i get fed up, im most likly just gonna upgrade as it brakes. my b day is at the end of summer so theres plenty of time for me to decide what i want. then i will make posts. thx again.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 14:13   #35
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I have all 3 of the Aftermath products, if you want the best of them get the Kraken AK47. You will get long range and accurecy(shoots average of 370fps @ aprox. 13bbs/sec), and a quiet gun that won't give your position away. Yes you can get after market rail kit to mount your scope. It is not as good in the bush because of it's length. The broxa sounds loud and mean and is pretty solid. Mine averages 355fps not 400fps they claim and only has half the range of the Kraken with accurecy. Great starter gun from right out of the box and all the rail you could need for attatchments. The Lycaon comes with a smaller battery and averages around 330fps. I have heard ppl getting as low as 267fps with it. It still has around 13bbs/sec and is also a good starter for cqb. As far as accurecy between the Broxa and Lycaon, it is a matter of spending some time getting the hop up adjusted. I have read that they both use a non TM compatable hop up and inner barrel, whitch if changed will improve the performance.(I have not taken mine apart yet, so I can't verify the TM compatable issue)
Good luck with you decission, I think you will be happy with any of the aftermath products.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 21:17   #36
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I am told that the Lycaon hopup is not TM compatible.

However, the Broxa's hopup IS TM compatible. So is everything else on it.
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Old April 5th, 2009, 23:03   #37
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Thanks for clarifying the TM compatability for us Buzzrexx. It's good to know !!!

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Old April 23rd, 2009, 07:33   #38
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Originally Posted by Tugg View Post
ok well looking at some reviews on this website, i have found out, that your an asshole. (pusangani)

but after reading those posts, everyone says get the kraken, but i have yet to hear a reason. all ive heard is that the broxa has mag problems, and in my mind so does the kraken (its too small) so as far as im concerned, i like the looks of the broxa more so if it does give me trouble, mags cost the same, so why not get the one i like more right?

P.S I think the lycaon is out of the question now.

By the way, Aftermath is ok, why don't you just get a freakin Cansoft ICS or G&G? There pretty good, other than most of them don't come with battery or charger..

Also, Lycaon and Broxa are the same magazines. There both MP5 mags.
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Old April 23rd, 2009, 08:20   #39
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I bought a Broxia at the TTAC Show this year for my son to plink with. He's a roughhousing 9 year old and he's destroyed a TM Boys M4 already. What impressed me about the Aftermath products is the quality of the plastic being used for a gun at such a low price point - back when I started playing some years ago, TM was very much like this, but we paid $500+ for our guns and the first thing you did was rip them apart and rebuild them because you knew they were shit. This thing fires 375fps out of the box and the grouping is reasonable (not stellar) and you could do some simple smithing to improve it.

As for gaming, I don't know, he's not old enough to game it and I don't give him a battery, he just plays war with it with his buddies on a nearby farm property (no visibility from the road) and they have a ball and it comes back in one piece, albeit a little muddy. We'll occassionally plink with it but I am very happy with it. It also assures me that airsoft is improving and more and more options are becoming available for the average player.

As a starter gun, you can't go wrong - rip it apart, learn about how they work, upgrade this platform and become knowledgable - you don't have to have deep pockets anymore.
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