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Madbull Heavy Sniper BBs review



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Old March 1st, 2009, 01:53   #1
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Madbull Heavy Sniper BBs review

I bought a jar of 0.40g Tan off of last week, and received it yesterday, so I got to testing it today.

Upon Inspection:
Surface is very smooth, and is quite shiny. They seem very well polished, however, most of them have little dimbles where they injected the material. You can not see these dimbles on Maruzen SGM 0.29g BBs.

As for the airbubbles, every single BB that I've pry opened had Air bubbles, and most of them were off center. Not the best but it will do, we'll see how it performs.

Left is Madbull 0.40g, Right is Maruzen SGM 0.29g(You may notice that the Madbull BB is noticeably smaller in diametre, this is because of the Camera angle I took the picture at. They are almost exactly the same diametre size - 5.96mm)

You can see there's random dark lines going around the Madbull BB, every single Madbull BBs have these "Lines". They don't seem to affect the accuracy or performance at all, it's polished down very nicely.

Three Maruzen SGM BBs pryed open in the middle, No airbubbles

compared to...

Madbull 0.40g Sniper BBs
Bunch of airbubbles


My Rifle setup:
JG- Bar10
-Nineball Hop up Airseal Rubber
-EdGI 6.01 435mm Tightbore
-Laylax PSS10 150MS Spring
-Laylax Silent Cylinder Head
-EdGI Steel Sears
-EdGI Polyeurathane Piston

Madbull 0.40g
I shot 5 shots off my VSR-10, and the consistency is as follows

394 FPS
396 FPS
394 FPS
392 FPS
396 FPS

Deviation(5 rounds): 4 FPS
Average deviation per shot(5 rounds): 2.4FPS
Max Deviation(20 rounds): 12FPS

I fired another 15 rounds after this, and got some random rounds where it fired as slow as 388FPS and as fast as 400FPS. NOT the BEST consistency but it isn't bad at all.

Super Grand Master 0.29g
After the Madbull BBs, I've tried 20 rounds of Maruzen Super Grand Master 0.29g BBs to compare the consistency between them.

First 5 shots:
471 FPS
470 FPS
471 FPS
471 FPS
469 FPS

Deviation(5 rounds): 3 FPS
Average Deviation per shot: 1.2 FPS
Max Deviation(20 rounds) : 4FPS(Lowest: 468 FPS, Highest: 472FPS)

You can definitely see the quality difference between the two brands in their consistency. There is 7FPS difference in their max deviation, and average deviation per shot for SGM is half that of Madbull's. However, I can't really complain much because Madbull 0.40g BBs are more than 3 times cheaper than SGM 0.29g BBs(Not to mention you can ACTUALLY find them for sale).

2000rds of 0.40g Madbull = $20(1 cent/shot)
500rds of 0.29g SGM = $17(3.4 cents/shot)

Accuracy Testing:
Shoots very consistently, hits about the same spot every single time even at the farthest range(Not sure exactly how far). I guess the weight really does help with the accuracy.

All in all, these are very nice BBs. Although FPS was not the most consistent, Range testing proved that it does fly VERY straight and each shot followed almost the exact same path. Moreover, for the price of only $20 per jar, these are very much worth the value. I will definitely be purchasing more of these after I finish this jar.

If you have any questions about these BBs which you'd like answered, please ask here so everyone else can know the answer as well.

Last edited by Skladfin; March 2nd, 2009 at 01:14..
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Old March 1st, 2009, 21:14   #2
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pics up. Though seems like no one cares.

I'm sure there are more snipers
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Old March 1st, 2009, 21:18   #3
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.36 were the same. bubbles in the center.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 21:21   #4
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Originally Posted by Tankdude View Post
.36 were the same. bubbles in the center.
these .40s have airbubbles constantly off centre, and like in the picture, some of them even had two bubbles.

Maybe the .36s are better?
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Old March 1st, 2009, 21:29   #5
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Just got my test samples of Bastard 0.36g and 0.40g BBs, be nice to compare with the Madbull ones at some point......... if I can lay my hands on a jar. Going to run the new Bastards through chrony and field testing this year, and also considering downgrading my M24 from 490fps to something lower since I've seen better performance at lower fps (go figure) with heavy BBs last year.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 21:30   #6
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fairly centered.

someone going to weight these things?
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Old March 1st, 2009, 21:58   #7
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Just got my test samples of Bastard 0.36g and 0.40g BBs, be nice to compare with the Madbull ones at some point......... if I can lay my hands on a jar. Going to run the new Bastards through chrony and field testing this year, and also considering downgrading my M24 from 490fps to something lower since I've seen better performance at lower fps (go figure) with heavy BBs last year.
Bastard 0.40g are almost the same price per shot as SGM, it better be good lol.
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Old March 1st, 2009, 22:07   #8
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Bastard 0.40g are almost the same price per shot as SGM, it better be good lol.
I suppose, eh? At least my cost is $0 so they are the best bang for th ebuck. Lol, will post (necro, is my fricking thread afterall) up my readings and review in the review thread I've done for the Bastards in a couple weeks.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 11:12   #9
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Okay, i'm not sure about this, but these BBs MIGHT be leaving residue on my hop up rubbers after each shot.

The grouping got quite inconsistant after a while, so I took out the hop up rubber and saw that there were "white" residue(or smeared off plastic) on the little rubber part that pushes down on the BBs. I had to wash it off with kitchen detergent like you clean grease with.

I've tried to smear off these off the BB with my hand but I couldn't(I really don't think these are coated), so I went on to rub these BBs against my hard wood floor. Indeed the plastic started smearing off. Then I tried some Metal tech 0.25g and found that they do not smear off the floor as easily as Madbull BBs(Still smears off after a while though).

I need further testing to prove this, right now it's just a theory, but I don't like the result at all.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 12:14   #10
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Okay, i'm not sure about this, but these BBs MIGHT be leaving residue on my hop up rubbers after each shot.

The grouping got quite inconsistant after a while, so I took out the hop up rubber and saw that there were "white" residue(or smeared off plastic) on the little rubber part that pushes down on the BBs. I had to wash it off with kitchen detergent like you clean grease with.

I've tried to smear off these off the BB with my hand but I couldn't(I really don't think these are coated), so I went on to rub these BBs against my hard wood floor. Indeed the plastic started smearing off. Then I tried some Metal tech 0.25g and found that they do not smear off the floor as easily as Madbull BBs(Still smears off after a while though).

I need further testing to prove this, right now it's just a theory, but I don't like the result at all.
Is why I used to wash the graphite off Straight BBs.
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 21:23   #11
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Originally Posted by Tankdude View Post


fairly centered.

someone going to weight these things?
Hey tankdude, can you try to smear off the Material off the 0.36g BBs on a blank white piece of paper? I can do it with 0.40g. And that's not good at all

I did a smearing contest with 3 types of BBs. I used a construction paper.

Top is Madbull 0.40g
Middle is Maruzen SGM 0.29g
Bottom is Metal Tech 0.25g

As you can see, the Madbull was the easiest to rub off, SGM on the other hand would not rub off at all.

Last edited by Skladfin; March 3rd, 2009 at 21:32..
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Old March 4th, 2009, 11:19   #12
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i disagree with smearing being a sign of bad quality,

after all if you take a walwart .12 and squish it with plyers it will crack and shatter after extreme force.

If you put pretty much any .2-.25 in plyers ( i think ive tried ksc 'perfect' bbs aswell as some local club rebranded bbbastards or ksc or something) and they mush and split along to edges not contacting the pliers with relatively little force. kinda like taking a rolling pin to pizza dough

i imagine that probably directly corrilates to smearing.

if it cracks it wont smear, if its malleable it will.

Physics wise im not sure how malleablility effects flight path. Im sure some would argue the acceleration of the bb would warp it if it were malleable.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 11:29   #13
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Originally Posted by Jaxxin View Post
i disagree with smearing being a sign of bad quality,

after all if you take a walwart .12 and squish it with plyers it will crack and shatter after extreme force.

If you put pretty much any .2-.25 in plyers ( i think ive tried ksc 'perfect' bbs aswell as some local club rebranded bbbastards or ksc or something) and they mush and split along to edges not contacting the pliers with relatively little force. kinda like taking a rolling pin to pizza dough

i imagine that probably directly corrilates to smearing.

if it cracks it wont smear, if its malleable it will.

Physics wise im not sure how malleablility effects flight path. Im sure some would argue the acceleration of the bb would warp it if it were malleable.
No, I'm not concerned about it cracking upon impact.... What I'm really concerned is that fact that it leaves material inside the hop up rubber. This causes inconsistant accuracy.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 11:30   #14
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Those madbull BBs look terrible.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 12:07   #15
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Pour your ammo into a bowl, pour in cola (yes, Coke or Pepsi) to cover the BBs, let them sit for a while, stir with your finger every 10mins or so. Then rinse, pour the BBs into a wool work sock, with some laundry detergent, close the sock with a zip tie and toss into a load of laundry. Pull the sock out, rub the BBs in between your hands (still in the sock mind you), run them through another cycle. Pull a couple out, dry off and try the rub test, repeat if necessary. This is how I've always taken the graphite off the Straight BBs.

And I usually wash all my sniper ammo in dish soap to clear off the slight oil finish on them, give more friction on the hop up rubber, which means you can have a lower hop up setting, leaving you with less of an obstruction in the barrel.
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