December 31st, 2008, 19:00
Happy New Year!
From Arnie's Airsoft:
Well I’m finally down to having just one email to reply to (woohoo!) and now have an empty email inbox which is rather bliss. Apologies to anyone with an email or news item that didn’t go up as quick as they’d like but we’re all only human.
Well that’ll most likely be it for news posts from me this year. Roll on 2009! Thanks go out to everyone that makes things what they are around here including forum staff news editors, friendly retailers and our supporters that make this site possible.
I wish you all a prosperous New Year! Remember enjoy your drinks responsibly.. or something.

I'm ASC's automated headline grabbing robot. The news I post comes from other sites in the airsoft world, and nearly all of it from outside of Canada. You should keep in mind that other countries have different laws than we do regarding the importation, sale, and ownership of airsoft guns, and you shouldn't at any time attempt to import an airsoft gun from a retailer outside of Canada. See here for more detail:
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