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View Poll Results: Would you play in a hot (up to 490 FPS) game?
Yes - with proper kit and prep 297 70.71%
No - Just too dangerous/painful, regardless of kit etc 123 29.29%
Voters: 420. You may not vote on this poll

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Old June 21st, 2008, 22:48   #76
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I hosted a milsim last year that had a set of rules to get rid of the loners and the rambo wannabe. Everyone was forced to stay in a 10man squad that was under the orders of one LT and one Sgt. Everyone was atributed a number and a squad number. For the whole day, we never had any loners. We just had nice, squad manuvers, lot of comunication and a level of realisme rarely seen.

that being said, on a proper field with proper players, I'd play with hot guns no problems.

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Old June 22nd, 2008, 10:12   #77
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Would this speed crack protective glasses at close range?
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Old June 22nd, 2008, 12:10   #78
Rookie Ab
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Money spent on good glasses or goggles ,is a very good investment.
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Old June 22nd, 2008, 12:34   #79
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Originally Posted by Dimanofff View Post
Hi everyone! I'm new on Your forum.
I'm 28 yo guy from Fiji. Hoping i'm welcome here
Welcome, read the stickys and FAQs and you'll fit in just fine, I'm assuming you had previous airsoft experience so that's a bonus

after that quick thread hijack, has anyone played with 490 or 500 Fps? I read earlier that someone player with pellet guns but has anyone just player with .2/.3g BBs?
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Old June 22nd, 2008, 12:44   #80
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I've played with the M150 in the PTW several times. Many others out west here have as well. Gas M700s at 600+ fps (with 0.20g) are not uncommon either.

It's been my experience over the years that more lost teeth, bleeders and other projectile injuries have occurred from sub-300 fps guns than all others. Due to the numbers of them, plus the inexperience of the player plus poor shooting practices like blind-firing and buck fever.

A hot gun in the hands of an experienced player is by far safer than a stock Marui in the hands of a new guy.
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Old June 23rd, 2008, 17:39   #81
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when me and my friends started to play we played with out any kit at all sometime we played with long shirts and jeans and paintball mask and u can feel it when u get hit so there lieing that u did not get hit and u have marks to prove it
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Old June 24th, 2008, 22:52   #82
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i would love to see a hot game and play in one i was thinkin 550BA, 450AEG and 400GBB

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Old June 25th, 2008, 00:02   #83
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I voted "No".

420 fps is what I think should be a max that I will accept. A 490fps AEG with heavy weight bbs(0.28/0.30g) can do alot of damage to both player and equipement. What can happen in a 490fps game is that players will start to pad themselves more which will lessen the fear/pain of getting hit. So, no point in increasing the fps. The risk outweights the assumed realism of higher fps for me.

Almost everyone that said "yes" had also stated that they would go if the roster was carefully screen. When you make this into a private game, you're already choosing the level of players that you're admitting to the game. You don't need to make the fps more than 400 to get a great game when you have high quality players.

Last thing I want is to have to wear a full face mask when I play airsoft. Where's the realism in that? It gets hot and I'm sure I'll have problems with fogging. I'm using an ESS Turbofan goggle right now and I still have fogging problems.
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Old July 14th, 2008, 13:42   #84
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I would definetely be in. Most people are fully kitted anyway. Body hits are usually fine. It just takes the right gear. Perhaps this would be a good winter game because you could wear more layers/thicker clothing and not worry about heat exhaustion.

As for facial protection, definetely wintertime would be the best so face masks, face shields, balaclavas, helmets, etc. would be doable for longer periods of time. I have plans for modifynig a gasmask to rated standards but with built in ammenties instead of actual gas mask function (like multiple computer fans, hydration, radio, etc). so that would work for this type of game.
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Old July 14th, 2008, 14:09   #85
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After this past weekend in PQ, I'm going to have to say that a hot game will have to be INVITE ONLY.
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Old July 15th, 2008, 13:58   #86
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Hell yah, I figure if I can take a simunition round point blank and live to tell the tail I can handle 490 fps easy. Yes it would hurt but that would give you an even better reason to move with a sense of urgency lol.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old July 16th, 2008, 18:03   #87
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I vote yes.

I've been in the sport since the early 90's and seen how the fps limits go up.
Facemask is a must and some do have some extra padding. Once you have tried this the whole gameplay changes as well, for the better that is. Indeed its going to be more upgrades but hey, what do you do when you first buy a brand new gun? = upgrade.
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Old July 21st, 2008, 13:59   #88
Polar Nova
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Yes. Must have proper attire though.
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Old July 21st, 2008, 16:51   #89
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This thread is locked due to the number of bots attracted to the poll.
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