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KJW M700 Mag issue


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Old July 3rd, 2008, 01:51   #1
Red Wine & Adderall
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KJW M700 Mag issue

Alright, I gotta admit that gas guns are not my fortay so Im asking for help from the ASC think tank. I just recently sold my M700 and the purchaser has stated that he is having issues firing. Now it pains be terribly to possibly have someone dissatisfied, so I have no fears comming forward and requesting help. Lets work through this together so my buyer can have a happy power rifle!

The purchaser has reported that one mag is firing very weak, so weak that it is unable to puncture a cardboard box. The other two are not even firing.

Now prior to sending them off I gave the mags a short fill and fire and with each mag a puff of gas came out the barrel during fire, showing that it was indeed firing. Now after the test firing I lubed up each mag generously and I mean generously as the person purchasing was not going to recieving/picking up the parcel for a few days and I did not want them drying out.

Now my current theories in regards to the issues is either I over lubed the mags and they are now gunked up. However I really do not believe this is the issue.

My main theory is something maybe have shifted during transit and I believe it would be something envolving the trigger and hamer mechanism. I dont believe that the hammer is moving far enough forward to hit the magazine to release the gas.

This is all I can come up with, any assistance at this time is greatly appreciated.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old July 10th, 2008, 12:34   #2
Join Date: Jun 2008
I've owned a Tanka M24 for over 2 years, and the mags are nearly identical to KJW m700 mags.

The mags are pretty simple and fairly indestructible. I seriously doubt a bump here and there on a UPS truck would damage them to the point they won't fire anymore.

I'd be willing to bet the problem is in the bolt, specifically, the spring that tensions the bolt / hammer as you "cock" the rifle (or rotate the bolt handle after sliding it forward). My suggestion is that the current owner dismantle the bolt (2 little screws under the bolt), and tighten the bolt that controls the tension of the main bolt-spring. If that bolt is loose (and it came loose several times on my Tanaka) then you will get low FPS or no power shots... just as you described.
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Old July 10th, 2008, 13:42   #3
Sha Do
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I am exceptionally pleased to see that T7 is helping the buyer of this M700, as it turns out, the buyer has handed the project over to myself to see what I can do from this end.
The gun, over all, is in excellent condition, but shows a fair amount of wear around the cylinder (which is to be expected with a used gas gun) as well as the gas receiver (front bottom of the cylinder where the gas transfers from the mag to the "firing" chamber) is slightly chipped and has a minor crack. This piece appears to be plastic or rubber, so I assume it can be easily replaced, though I have not broken down the gun yet.

All this indicates wear from general use, so I cannot fault T7 as it appears that he has taken very good care of it while in his posession, and by no means did he "abuse" it.

Out of the 3 mags received, one has a leaking seal at the back of the mag (no biggie, if we can get a replacement seal from somewhere), and the other two appear to hold a charge for days, so the mags are not the problem.

The gun does indeed cycle, and it spits out a small amount of propane, but not nearly enough to launch a BB to beyond 40 feet.
Therefore, I am going to assume that what T-Seven told the buyer may be somewhat correct... in that the "internal fps adjuster" may have been banged out of position (during shipping), and may need a simple adjustment.

Now I usually eat, sleep, and breath bolt actions, but a gas gun is something I tend to avoid. But to check and see if this simple adjustent is really the source of the problem may be worth the head ache, and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

**As suggested above by Hurbt.....and thanks Hurbt, I'll see if this is the prob.

BTW; T-Seven, thanks again for seeing your customer through to the end. It is but a few and noble people such as yourself who give me hope for this sport.

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Old July 11th, 2008, 20:01   #4
Sha Do
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Well, Thanks to Fox111 and Hurbt, I was able to take down the M700 with no issues (other that the bolt release button dosen't work and I had to take the stock off to remove the bolt). When the tear down was complete, I found that everything was well lubed, and the inner srping guide "bolt" was not loose. However, I did tighten it right up, so there would be maximum gas released by the "hammer", worked out some friction caused by the hammer slide on the actual bolt, and then reasembled.
This did bring the fps up a fair bit, but the range is only compairable to a 400 fps gun. I ran the two good mags, and found that wear on the front of each mag is causing the shots fired from each mag to be of different ranges (one mag is practically new, while the other is more worn in), and I assume this is because the mag with more wear (lower fps) is sliding forward more when the hammer hits it. I'm going to try to remidy this by building up a small amount of JB Weld on the front of each mag so each sits as far back to the hammer as the mag well will allow.
My only concearn with this M700 is the fact that the barrel is slightly bent to the left. Though it appears that the barrel is not threaded to the receiver and I suspect that I might be able to realign it from the point that it mounts into the receiver. Can anyone let me know if I am either right or wrong in this assumption (if I am right, can someone explain the steps involved).

Thanks guys;
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