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Old February 10th, 2008, 19:03   #16
The Saint
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Locaps are magazines with a BB capacity under 100, loaded by a spring. Midcaps are like locaps but 100+. Realcaps loads the same amount as real steel. Hicaps are powered by winding a dial and typically loads well over 100+.

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Old February 10th, 2008, 19:11   #17
Grim Fandango
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locaps are the standard magazine size. They generally hold 60-70 BBs.

hicaps hold more, but you have to wind them up after a certain amount of rounds are fired. most you have to manually wind, but there are some electric winding ones. they can hold 200-500 usually, there are also drum mags which can hold more

midcaps are in between locap and hicap, they don't need to be wound up and usually hold 100-130 BBs

then there are realcaps, which hold the same amount of BBs are a real guns magazine would hold in bullets. so M4/M16 realcap would hold 30 BBs, while a G3 realcap would hold 20.

I also suggest the 416 as your primary. Maruzen and Marushins are nice, but I find them more collection pieces (just my personal opinion). For the field I would go with something a bit more reliable and cheaper like a TM P226, hicapa or KSC glock. there all great performers and there are lots of upgrades and accesories for them. WA makes really nice GBBs but they are much more expensive. Since these are your first airsoft guns I would stick with GBB for now, if you really like airsoft you'll probably get a good collection over time like many of us, so you can always look at AEPs later on.
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Old February 10th, 2008, 21:07   #18
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thanks to everyone who has posted I appreciate it. after much discussion and all of your feedback I've decided on the
VFC 416 (If I can get my grubby hands on one)
and will for sure go with a GBB pistol TBD however a sig or dare I say it a USP is probably what I'll go with. anymore of your experiences with these would be appreciated and to the moderators my apologies if I'm posting in the wrong place.
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Old February 10th, 2008, 23:32   #19
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Having owned a G3, the rifle itself was great, but if your planning on doing anything close quarters, or playing in a game that requires a lot of fast movement you might want to stick with the HK416. Compact size is a lot easier to move about with. I used my G3 in more of a support role, and it was pretty accurate at distances though my m4 is just as accurate due to it's high velocity. As for a secondary weapon, so far I haven't seen the need for a pistol as of yet. Focus more on getting your primary gear sorted out first, pistols are more of a nicety, most of the guys I've played against with pistols don't have a chance to use them unless they are a sniper, or playing CQB. Anyhow have fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy this sport no matter what weapon you get. (I'm still new to this too, but these are just general observations that I've noticed.) Cheers.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old February 11th, 2008, 00:10   #20
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HK416, good well rounded weapon. As for the maruzen P99, I found it was really plasticy, lots of complaints about the slide breaking too can anyone comfirm that?
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Old February 11th, 2008, 00:13   #21
Grim Fandango
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with the 416 you can always add a suppressor and a longer inner barrel to get more range in outdoor games, so there's a plus. If you want a USP go for the KSC USP, they make both regular frame and compact.
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Old February 11th, 2008, 00:38   #22
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Originally Posted by SHaKaL View Post
Ditch the g3 (unless as The Saint said, you get a CA...) and go with the VFC 416 as you primary. For a secondary you can alway buy a ICS or CA mp5 (for CQB purpose) For your backup go simple; get a TM para 5.1 or a TM p226.
TM makes a Para Ordy, and I didn't know about it!? WTF?!

My suggestion is..

Primary: ICS c-15 (or whatever the fuck they call it)
Secondary: WE 1911 (fmu, and tm compatible for the most part)

and lots of mags..
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Old February 11th, 2008, 01:01   #23
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Originally Posted by spl01t77 View Post
thanks to everyone who has posted I appreciate it. after much discussion and all of your feedback I've decided on the
VFC 416 (If I can get my grubby hands on one)

You may also want to check review of the TM M14 SOCOM, then. As nice as the TM M14 is, the SOCOM has a few improvements. I'm short, so the shortened barrel is a bonus in my case.
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Old February 11th, 2008, 10:53   #24
The Saint
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
TM makes a Para Ordy, and I didn't know about it!? WTF?!
He actually meant Hi-Capa.

I was going to suggest the M14 SOCOM, too. It basically shoots the same as the regular length M14, but is only hella long instead of ridiculously long.
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