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Airsoft Guns Discussion

View Poll Results: which would you get?
KJW P226 (Full Metal, Black) 91 67.41%
KJW M9 Vertec (Full Metal New Version) 44 32.59%
Voters: 135. You may not vote on this poll

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Old January 7th, 2008, 20:42   #31
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Originally Posted by Cassius View Post
Wait till you're 18 and save up so once you're old enough, you'll have enough money to buy yourself a TM P226 and a metal conversion kit. This will make your 226 ten times better than that KJW gun. I have many GBBs and the worst are my 3 KJW, the best are my 2 TM then WA then KSC.
Bad luck with KJW perhaps? Mine is fine.

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Old January 7th, 2008, 20:46   #32
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Originally Posted by Cassius View Post
Wait till you're 18 and save up so once you're old enough, you'll have enough money to buy yourself a TM P226 and a metal conversion kit. This will make your 226 ten times better than that KJW gun. I have many GBBs and the worst are my 3 KJW, the best are my 2 TM then WA then KSC.
As I posted earlier in this thread, out of my 3 GBBs, I easily consider my KJW to be the best in terms of performance and accuracy. I've put well over 1000 rounds though it so far, and it performs just as well as the day I got it.

My only gripe with KJW is the magazines that tend to be problematic.
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Old January 8th, 2008, 13:37   #33
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You know, this sort of confuses me. I'm personally all for the 18+ rule for accquiring anything that fires a projectile. Kids shouldn't be allowed to run amuck with airsoft or pellet guns. I personally have no issue with kids owning said guns, as long as it was purchased by a parent and the said parent supervises the kid while the gun is in use, and then the gun returns to the parent when done. But I'm gonna sort of play devil's advocate here.

Why is it that as soon as someone who isn't age-verified or admits to being under 18 speaks of accquiring an airsoft gun, everyone seems to jump on him on how it's illegal and not to excpect any help from anyone here on illegal activities. Yet, those same people chasing down the noob with torches and pitchforks are doing illegal stuff all the time by buying and selling guns in the classified section on this very forum that "doesn't condone illegal activity". Airsoft in particular may sit in a grey area of the law, but there are sections of the law that are quite clear on the matter of transfer of guns.

Airsoft guns are considered replicas according to current laws. According to the law, possession of airsoft guns (ONLY accquired before Dec 199 is totally legal, but transferring them to another private individual is illegal. Buying them is illegal, regardless whether it's a private sale or from a licensed importer. Selling them is illegal. So technically, anyone who's bought an airsoft gun in the last 9 years (I include myself here) is guilty of buying a prohibited item. And I'd say that includes the majority of us on this forum. Whether the posession and use of airsoft is clear or not in law, the law is quite clear when it comes to buying and selling - it's illegal. End of story.

So while we may be correct that the under 18 crowd shouldn't be allowed to buy airsoft guns, I think we're sort of shooting off our own guns inside our glass houses by slamming these underage noobs like that all the time with claims of illegalities, when most of us are even more guilty in the eyes of the law.

Not to piss people off here, but I just thought I would make this point.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; January 8th, 2008 at 13:40..
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Old January 8th, 2008, 14:05   #34
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We invoke the 18+ law for a matter of responsibility as well. It's also about the future of our activity/sport/hobby.

Think of it like this; the more people fuck up, the less chances we have to play airsoft so the more we make sure people don't fuck up, the longer we can play airsoft.

If people buy more on the classifieds, nothing will happen.

If under-aged kids do more immature acts involving airsoft, the more chances we have of losing airsoft.

Finally, on to my last comment about KWJ and TM;

I have:
1x KJW Para P14 with 4 extra mags
1x KJW Glock 23 with 2 extra mags
1x KJW M9 with 1 mag

The M9 mag leaks, all the Glock mags leak and all of the P14 mags leak.

Among my collection, I also have:
1x TM P226 with 1 mag
1x TM M1911A1 with 1 mag

None of these mags leak.

It can't be just "bad luck" with 7 leaking KJW mags. I make sure all of my mags always have a bit of propane in them, that they are all in a safe area, not too cold, not too hot.
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Old January 8th, 2008, 14:29   #35
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KJW mags suck. They do. I'm lucky that my 3 main mags for my M9 haven't started leaking yet. I've resorted to loading them with less propane than the original mags, and I think that may be the answer.

The original 2 mags I got with the gun, I would fill for about 7 seconds (till it was full and started squirting out propane). There would be enough gas in it to shoot 2 full mags of BBs. Those mags both developed leaks within 2 weeks.

With my 3 new mages, I fill them for about 4 seconds. I can only get one mag, but I've had them for several weeks now and they've seen more use than the original 2 mags, and they haven't started leaking yet. I hope they stay that way.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; January 8th, 2008 at 16:50..
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Old January 8th, 2008, 15:01   #36
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Originally Posted by Cassius View Post
I have:
1x KJW Para P14 with 4 extra mags
1x KJW Glock 23 with 2 extra mags
1x KJW M9 with 1 mag

The M9 mag leaks, all the Glock mags leak and all of the P14 mags leak.
Just because the mags leak, doesn't mean the gun sucks. You probably just need to replace the o-ring, and then keep them filled.

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Old January 8th, 2008, 16:03   #37
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My KJW mags don't leak from the valves. They leak from around the base and from the pins that hold the base on the mag body.
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Old January 8th, 2008, 16:20   #38
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Styrak, I'm talking about quality here. My TMs don't leak. Besides, I did not say KJW sucks because if I thought it did, I wouldn't have 3 of them.

I'm saying that my TMs are more reliable.

The thing that really ticks me about KJ though is the lack of trades.

Finally, when I wanted a P226, I could have bought a full metal KJ but I went for a plastic TM and I don't regret it one bit and I also don't intend to modify that gun at all.

So overall, I think that TM makes a better P226 than KJW simply for the lack of trades and the leaking mags.
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Old January 8th, 2008, 17:02   #39
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Keep in minds that i have seen 2 KJW M9 :

the slide broke while firing resulting in receiving the slide in the face.

One guys luckily received it on the side of the face while the other one receive the slide in his tooth...

The slide is not very good quality.. Very bad and feeble metal is used.

Not recommanded.

Stay away from KJW.

Take a TM and it will last very much longer.
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Old January 8th, 2008, 17:03   #40
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Trades are a bit of a sore point with KJW for me too, although in the end, that's just cosmetic. When you're out in the field shooting at someone, what you have inscribed on the side of the gun is meaningless. If I'm buying it as a collector's piece or have some theme in mind (like the C8 metal body I just got for my TM M4), then they mean something.

My WA 92FS with all the trades is the cosmetic gem of my collection. It's the one of the sexiest looking pistols I've ever held, airsoft, pellet, or real steel. But in the end, I very much doubt I'd ever use it in the field, because to me, the performance is lacking compared to my other pistols. The accuracy is there at short (20 foot) ranges, but not enough power or range compared to my M9 or Glock. But as a collector's item, I love it, and it always gets a "WOW!" or some other positive reactions when I take it out to show it to someone. To me, that's its main purpose - to look pretty.

In the end, as long as it shoots straight, hard, has good range, and performs reliably, that's what really matters to me, not trademarks. And my M9 hasn't failed me yet. Although it hasn't seen field use yet, it's shot more BBs than many people's guns that are used in the field regularly, and for me, that says that the gun is solid and reliable. And it will be my primary pistol for any outdoor games for that very reason.

Now if only the mags were as reliable as the gun itself, I would consider it the perfect pistol. Unfortunately, that's not the case. I really wish I could find another brand of magazine that works with KJW.

That being said though, I too would prefer a TM with a metal slide and plastic body over an all metal KJW. They are definitely made of higher quality materials.
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Old January 8th, 2008, 19:12   #41
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All the KJ guns i had owned were great and had no issues. But the quality control is obviously not up to par with the TM so buying a KJW is a gamble; you have a slight possibility of getting a defective one...
i'd personally go for the p226
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Old January 26th, 2008, 13:39   #42
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SIG SAUER is teh sex.
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Old January 26th, 2008, 14:31   #43
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I prefer the 226,'s a KJW. TM's new 3rd gen GBB guns out perform pretty much all others. Great range and accuracy....the KJW is solid as a rock..and just as accurate if you throw it.
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Old February 16th, 2008, 17:07   #44
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never noticed but the kjw p226 looks good without trades...
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