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Stinger R34 firing problem


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Old August 1st, 2007, 08:09   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Stinger R34 firing problem

AS per topic, my stinger R34 either will not fire. The bullet goes in, it just doesn't fire out. I point the barrel down and the bullet just rolls out. I'm kind a of new to the sport, any help would be get.
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Old August 1st, 2007, 08:16   #2
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It might just be cheaply made. The internals on mine were shit, try taking it back to wherever you got it and getting an exchange. That's probably the simplest solution. if you're new to these guns taking it apart is an unwise course of action.
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Old August 1st, 2007, 08:16   #3
Well the problem is that you gun sucks no offense but stingers arn't the top of the line gun and if you've had it for a while they ussually just stop workin cuz i've had 1 of those you should get a Classic army gun or a Tokyo Mariu but if u can't aford it u can always get china air guns off of anderson airsoft
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Old August 1st, 2007, 08:53   #4
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Local folks cant help you if you dont say where you are in your profile. Your gun is one of the lowest possible quality, so failures will happen.

These guns use BBs, not bullets. It sounds like your hopup system is not adjusted OR broken. The best solution for you is to never buy a low quality gun again. To find out what is good check the reviews in the forums, and then order from a Canadian Retailer after going through the process to get your age verified (that too is in the forums). The more information you read about this sport, and details you give out, the better it will be.
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Old August 1st, 2007, 09:04   #5
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My sons gun, he is 13 and we live in Bathurst NB. Taking it back isn't a option.
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Old August 1st, 2007, 09:13   #6
it's the price you pay wen u buy a crap gun
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Old August 1st, 2007, 09:21   #7
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13? Just throw it out and wait until he is old enough to get his own. He won't be allowed to go to any events anyways until he is at least 16, and using one anywhere else is against the law, and very likely to result in police being called. Read the rules in the faq first...

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Old August 1st, 2007, 09:27   #8
lol i live in saskatchewan i have a CA MP5 and G36C for about a year now and i'm 13 and i haven't got a warning or anything hell a cop drove and stopped by us and asked to shoot mine. But you should play in a private feild like in the country it's not that likley u'll get caught but you shouldn't be waving the thing around in town...
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Old August 1st, 2007, 09:39   #9
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Originally Posted by Spades View Post
lol i live in saskatchewan i have a CA MP5 and G36C for about a year now and i'm 13 and i haven't got a warning or anything hell a cop drove and stopped by us and asked to shoot mine. But you should play in a private feild like in the country it's not that likley u'll get caught but you shouldn't be waving the thing around in town...
Well in Melfort that cop was probably a relative.....

The only place you should be playing is at a field with proper insurance. It's hard to believe a cop would have drop by with the 2 guns you claim to have, and only asked to shoot them. Plus considering that you are giving advice that you should not be waving them around in town, what exactely were you doing when this "cop" stopped you??

Spades, please do not post any more advice or suggestions. The community on these boards have a 18+ rule in effect, and you are turning out to be a prime example of why. Continued post of useless or law breaking advice by you and I will ban you from this site. Last warning.
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Old August 1st, 2007, 09:59   #10
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Unfortunately, the gun you purchased is of the lowest quality possible, so it might just be irreparable.

Does it have a fresh power source in it? (these do use a rechargeable battery, right?)
Does the gun make any sound? (motor or gears trying to do something)
If you shake the gun, are there any loose parts in?
How did you damage/think you damage the gun?
Was it dropped?

It's a long shot since instead of a modular (and repairable) gearbox (the thing that makes the thing shoot), it's probably just molded directly in the body.

Furthermore, unlike the idiot poster above that advocated the use of guns in public, be aware that depending on where you live there might be laws or bylaws prohibiting the discharge of airguns in public.

Also, even if the gun is used for target practice, be sure your son has eye protection since ricochets do happen. Keep an eye out when he uses it, as you are liable for anything stupid he does with it.

Good luck!
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Old August 1st, 2007, 12:02   #11
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Originally Posted by DD5.1 View Post
My sons gun, he is 13 and we live in Bathurst NB. Taking it back isn't a option.
You did check the laws about replica guns I hope? Because this could put your son, and even worse you, in major crap.

That information is in the FAQ section.

Please wait until he is 18 before letting him handle a Replica Firearm. Waiting is far better than the alternative. This can lead to a Criminal Record for you in a big hurry, and that will stick with you for a long time. Forget your job future after that.

Last edited by Greylocks; August 1st, 2007 at 12:05..
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Old August 1st, 2007, 12:20   #12
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The guj is clear plastic which makes it legal to use I beleive. I would imagine he would get into paintball when he gets older.
Anyhow, I took it apart and ixed the problem, appears a pellet was stuck in it.
Thanks for the help
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Old August 1st, 2007, 12:47   #13
Mr. G36!
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All Airsoft guns are legal to use in Canada. Customs just won't let them in unless they're clear and have the orange tip (unless you have a license to import them).
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Old August 1st, 2007, 13:03   #14
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Clear or not, there are specific laws and bylaws that apply to the discharge of airguns (ie, anything that fire a 6mm bb and more) within city limits.

There are also specific laws and bylaws regarding ownership of airguns and minors. Just because you bought it doesn't mean he can do whatever he pleases with it afterwards.

Contact your local PD for more details.

Also, public discharge is a bad idea since a stray bb can hit a passer by, and even at low speeds can harm an eye.

Hey, he's your kid, do what ever you feel is appropriate. But get involved and get informed.
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Old August 1st, 2007, 13:06   #15
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Originally Posted by Mr. G36! View Post
All Airsoft guns are legal to use in Canada. Customs just won't let them in unless they're clear and have the orange tip (unless you have a license to import them).
The orange tip thing doesn't apply in Canada.
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