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Time for a change!!!



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Old July 11th, 2007, 23:08   #1
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Angry Time for a change!!!

You the member who play more than a year will understand me!! English is not my 1st language, sorry for the orthograph!!!

IT will be 3 weeks sence i tried to have my age verification!!! and still no answer from every one!!! Only Today I made 3 post to know if there was some one avalayble in the montreal area... and know respond!!! more than 10 emails have bean send to some member!!!

Just remember your first week here!! How hard it was to wait before you could buy something an have access to all those gun you could buy!!!

NO it not normal to wait that long... I am not alone... just read the new post today and you will see there a few people in the same position as me

I think it is time for a change...

ONLY the people who are scared of the evolution said no to the change!!

YES today I m GRRRRR!!!!!

IN FEW DAYS THERE WILLL BE A MATCH!!! an still not ready!!! Tomorow I will receive my sr-16 and got no gear to go with it!!!

HERE I SUPPOSE only the member who are scared of the expention of airsoft will say no to the change!!! Because there is... I READ THEM!!



I'm 38 yrs old and still waithing!!!
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Old July 11th, 2007, 23:12   #2
Scooby Steve
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You could probably get verified at the match.
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Old July 11th, 2007, 23:54   #3
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If your SR 16 is going to be there tomorrow, then you have nothing to worry about, because you dont need to be age verified to buy gear....
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Old July 12th, 2007, 09:06   #4
monsieur x
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True, and have to wait for my side arm and try to make a difference for other new member!
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Old July 12th, 2007, 09:18   #5
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He's talking about the process, or lack of committment by these "chosen" age verifiers. Perhaps if there was a bit more hustle on their end, this wouldn't be an issue.

I think what needs to be done is the recall of all those "verifiers" who don't do their job and reallocate the responsibilities to those who can meet people. Why do some players have to wait 3 weeks or a game to get verified? Cause the verifiers are lazy and don't make the effort.

The need for verification is without question, something that should never be dropped..... I wouldn't sell a gun to anyone under 18, but then again, how do you make sure someone 1000 kms from you is 18?

It just needs to have committed individuals who respond to requests in a timely manner. Apologies to all those verifiers who are doing their part, (both of you).
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Old July 12th, 2007, 09:39   #6
Capt. T/O
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i got age verified at a game in calgary the first night i played.
that same information was sent to ASC, and it took over 6 months for it to go through "the process" before i was officially age verified for ASC... go figure
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Old July 12th, 2007, 09:45   #7
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Originally Posted by Kurgan View Post
He's talking about the process, or lack of committment by these "chosen" age verifiers. Perhaps if there was a bit more hustle on their end, this wouldn't be an issue.
please keep in mind that the age verifiers are volunteers, not "chosen".

And I admit that when I first started I was going to meet people at timmys or mc d's or wherever, I stopped putting myself out when I didn't get a discount at the armoury and now I still do it but only at games I attend if it's convenient for me.

and we all are busy in life and this verification is a voluntary way to try to keep the game for responsible players. It's not a perfect system but it's FREE and I think better than nothing.

So come to a game and it'll be easy peasy.
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Old July 12th, 2007, 09:59   #8
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They are volonteers, they have a career and you missed the whole debate in 2005-2006 about change and evolution and the need for it.

I will leave it at that.

Originally Posted by LeGROS View Post

I think it is time for a change...

ONLY the people who are scared of the evolution said no to the change!!
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Old July 12th, 2007, 10:11   #9
Red Tiger
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It's true that in the QC Province we have less than adequate Age verificator.

We have 4 agains 20 + in Ontario.. Indeed it's pretty tough to hold of someone.

The best trick is to go to a game where Local reps are in, and there you go.

Don't forget this guys have personal life and they will try to help the community, but you will have to help yourself and come to meet them or come to a game.

I have heard many times people complaining, but they don't have any cars, and they don't want to go to meet the age verificator. They want them to come to their home.

Some very know player have asked to be rep and been refused or never answered for.

Keep trying guys, this is the only thing i can tell you for now.

Or check local games and check if any rep gonna be there.

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Old July 12th, 2007, 10:16   #10
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Hey, although I understand that age verifiers have careers and lives, I think all this guy wants is a response. It seems that he has sent plenty of emails. I find it hard to believe that an age verifier couldn't at least reply and ease his mind that his voice has been heard.

I appreciate what the verifiers do, and it is a thankless job which is necessary for this hobby to survive, but if you can't at least provide an email response to the guy (even if it's "I'm too busy this week/month/year, try somebody else"), they shouldn't be a verifier.

Just my $8.45 + gst and pst.
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Old July 12th, 2007, 10:42   #11
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Originally Posted by LeGROS View Post
IN FEW DAYS THERE WILLL BE A MATCH!!! an still not ready!!! Tomorow I will receive my sr-16 and got no gear to go with it!!!
Granted that all depends on how crazy you are but for most people it's going to take over a year to get all the gear they want

I remember when I started about a year and a half ago. I started looking for my gear and guns in February 2006, and I got to go to my first game in July 2006. And I didn't even went to the game with my own gun because I didn't have it yet!

To this date, I still need a couple of things to be completely happy with my setting (some will argue that you always need knew stuff to be happy).

The moral of the story is, knowing that airsoft is such a controverted hobby, patience is the key. When I got into this, I knew it would be a long process figuring out which gun I wanted to buy, how to upgrade it, getting the gear, being patient, finding the money, etc. But everyone gets there eventually. I know I'm doing fine even if there were frustrations.

Anyways, as most people would say, the best way to get things started is to go to a game and get verified there. If things don't go your way, take action.

Best of luck to you!
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Old July 12th, 2007, 10:47   #12
Heeere, Brucey, Brucey, Brucey
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for the record, I am a local Rep for Montreal, I have received nothing from this guy, if he needs to be verified all he's gotta do is send me a PM
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D.O.W. Mason
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Old July 12th, 2007, 13:55   #13
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I'm sorry to hear that you send more than 10 emails to one verifier. Can that person be Aper? He's in the Forces now and I don't think he'll be able to do any verifying at the present time.

You have to be patience with us verifiers. We're all doing this because we believe that airsoft guns should be sold to 18+ and not because we get something for this. It may have been better when age verification started but I can say that not everything can be blamed on the age verifiers. After agreeing to meet with someone and having to wait for them to show up, we can get frustrated with the concept of us verifiers going to meet you.

It's easy for one of you to complain that you can't get age verified in a timely fashion. You get pissed when we don't answer your email right away. Imagine how we feel when you don't show up on time or don't even bother to show after setting a time and place. Or when we tell them to meet us somewhere, we'll get no respond back from them.

If you don't seem to get a reply with your emails, use the ASC PMs. We're mostly here and I think it's the best chance to get a meet with a local age verifier. Your 1 email to me have been answered.
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Old July 12th, 2007, 15:12   #14
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iv been waiting since April, and the last time i visited the armory, they told me that the identification i had provided the previous time wasnt sufficient. (i have no picture ID anymore).. but its quite obvious that I am indeed over 18. I live in the niagara region, where there are no age verifiers (to my knowledge) and i dont frequent games, so how am i supposed to go about this? because i pretty much gave up a while ago.

Last edited by DC_ACU; July 12th, 2007 at 15:16..
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Old July 12th, 2007, 15:17   #15
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if you dont frequent games...then you don't need to be another gear whore chairsofter!! get to a game...get your name out there and have some fun...then you will buy more...

besides AEG's, why complain about not being able to buy gear on here? There are tons of places to get your L33tness from!
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