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Questions bout MP5 and G36 AEGs


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Old April 23rd, 2007, 00:46   #1
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Talking Questions bout MP5 and G36 AEGs

Yeah so i know im not 18 yet(god willing 10 days to go), but im trying to do some research on these two types. I was wondering what companies make the better models, and what kind of price the different guns range from. Was looking at reviews on youtube as well. Why the mp5 and g36? Well Ive always had a soft spot for the mp5 since cs 1.6 and Golden eye but also i like the look and im thinking of something that is functional in CQB and outdoor ops. The reason im also thinking bout g36 is they also look good, and from what ive seen most function better than the mp5. As for prices i would be willing to pay...anywhere between 200-400. Any comments or useful information i could get about any particular model or company you trust would be great.
And if this gets flamed...meh :-D

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 00:50   #2
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The difference in performance isn't much...
It's really all about what you like to look at and like to hold.

Personally, I like them both, though to me the MP5 looks a bit prettier and is less weird 'feeling'. That is my opinion though, and you have to make your own.

For your price range though... I would suggest saving up a little bit more, then placing an order for a ICS MP5 at

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 00:55   #3
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Hell im actually think about spending closer to $500 any way. Got bout 1.5k saved up and planing on spending roughly $1000 on startup(when i start something i generally go head first, for good or bad)

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 01:05   #4
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I personally like mp ICS MP5A4. Full metal body gives it some excelent weight and durability, and the latest version has a great gearbox and shoots quite nicely stock. For indoor, its a great CQB rifle due to its shorter length, and if you want to play outdoor just throw on a silencer and extended barrel, and drop in a new spring.

If you get the RIS conversion for it aswell, becomes very modular, with just as much practical rail space as a G36C anyway (as best as I can tell atleast...)

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 01:09   #5
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Was looking at and they have the ICS mp5 a4 and a5....whats the difference, same price, and seems like same specs, a4 just has the half and half option for payment

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 01:18   #6
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Originally Posted by NachoPuddin View Post
Hell im actually think about spending closer to $500 any way. Got bout 1.5k saved up and planing on spending roughly $1000 on startup(when i start something i generally go head first, for good or bad)
i spent easily $1500+ my first year on gear and guns, and i got a great deal on a G36. depending on the kind of setup you want with a $500 budget for a gun and assuming you are buying used and are willing to spend more on things like mags, batteries, charger, and all the other gear you are okay. if you want to get the gun with a bunch of the other stuff i would say you likely are gonna have to up your willing to pay amount. also if you wanna buy new that amount goes up even more.

that said i have a TM G36 which i have mod'd a bit by adding a G&P G36K style front on it and i love the gun. the G36 series might seem an ugly beast to some but i think it looks great and for the field and the CQB stuff its a good do everything gun.
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 01:23   #7
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Actually, Checked pricing on mp5's between several sources and looking at a good one is about 400-450. I can get a full set of digicam, and a cheap tac vest for 250(second hand), and then bb's batteries etc, 200-250.
at high ill be spending $1000.
Dont plan to mod the mp5 much in the begining

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 02:44   #8
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My preference would be on the G36. CA makes the best as the finish is nicer than Tm and the internals are already slightly upgraded.

Also a G36 also has a V3 mechbox which is more durable than a mp5's version two. the ICS requires ICS specific parts so most aftermarket upgrade internals aren't compatible.

The difference between an a4 and a5 mp5's is that a a4 has a solid stock which would allow for a bigger battery where as the a5 has a sliding stock.

Also the G36k with the stock folded can be great for cqb and would be good for the outdoors as well.

But on the negative side it is hard to find mag pouches for the G36 also you have to get mags used or from a retailer unless you get star or MAG magazines. The different add on pieces(stocks, handguards, carry handles) can cause the gun to have many shades of grey.

I had an mp5a4 but now I have an XM8 which is a G36 but a different shell. But in all honesty pick the one that you feel suits you. Both run about the same price.

That said have fun.
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 03:01   #9
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yeah, i like the g36, but im probably gonna go mp5 a4. Not a huge Fan of collapsible stock. Plus, i like the look of an mp5. Nothing says "I F**k shit up" like a mp5 , I still got a few weeks to decide any way

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 03:34   #10
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I recommend you try using TM clone (jing gong); check Since you're willing to spend $400 or less, you could buy both mp5 and g36. A perfect opportunity to try both. If you end up liking the clones, you can upgrade to metallic gears/bushings, etc; becomes just as good as TM. It's your call, it's just something I would do if I had an extra $400.
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 03:36   #11
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Originally Posted by NachoPuddin View Post
yeah, i like the g36, but im probably gonna go mp5 a4. Not a huge Fan of collapsible stock. Plus, i like the look of an mp5. Nothing says "I F**k shit up" like a mp5 , I still got a few weeks to decide any way
never owned either an mp5 or a g36,but have friends who do and im here to tell you it's g36 all the way as far a performance and reliabilty goes. if you want a more in depth review on internals for both and to see how easy a g36 is to maintain/upgrade go here.

Last edited by six4; April 23rd, 2007 at 03:38..
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 03:42   #12
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i might do just that, but id rather just get the one gun. Easier for me to keep track of things
After further review, and looking at the pricing, i just might buy the two clones and mod them at later dates, plus also gives me the ability to switch between the two on a whim

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."-Albert Einstein

Last edited by NachoPuddin; April 23rd, 2007 at 04:25..
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 08:18   #13
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I have a Classic Army G36, it's totally an awsome gun. Very solid, good range and ROF stock. The MP5 is nice because it's smaller and thus a little more mobile, but the G36 has better range (CA one anyway) and a much longer inner barrel and thus more accuracy. The Mags for the G36 are a bit of a bitch though; easy to break the tabs off. I would recommend getting your hands on the two guns and seeing which one feels better to hold, etc. I'm glad you upped your starting price from $400 lol, you can get a TM MP5A4 for $435, but a G36 is going to cost you more than $500. I haven't gamed with an Mp5 but I can tell you the G36 is an awsome gun.

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Old April 23rd, 2007, 08:54   #14
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Before you buy, just go to a game/meet and ask to try a few different models.
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 11:43   #15
Amazing KG3
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CA G36s are terrific, i loved them, ive had 2. The K model and the E are great, I wouldnt suggest the C unless you plan to do some CQB. I also heard the A&A airsfot got a new load of CAs in a few weeks ago so hit him up.

Happy 18th when that rolls around man!
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