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two questions regarding airsoft law, and finding an airsoft.


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old April 4th, 2007, 00:46   #1
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Sault Ste. Marie
two questions regarding airsoft law, and finding an airsoft.

Hello everyone, I'm brand new to Airsoft Canada (quite clearly), and I'd just like to ask two hopefully simple questions

I'm seventeen years old, and I want to get into airsoft as soon as humanly possible, from what I've read, purchasing a gun requires you to be 18, as well as owning it, but people under this 18 can use them, as long as they are under supervision, is that about right? I really don't want to wait another 8-9 months before I get started .

My second question is about finding the gun that is right for me, the first thing I was going to do (try to refrain from hitting me) was just drop down the 90 or so bucks on a cheap airsoft gun, and then I'd be on my way (see Here.) but after reading some resources online (which I've finally built the habit of doing before I go and do something stupid) I learned that it fires at 130 fps, and takes like a nine volt battery.

Now, I'm not going to pretend that I've got a single clue how good or bad either is, and I guess it depends on what you're looking for, but I've been reading about rifles at around 300, and even extremes like 500, then seeing that this thing caps off at 130, well.. I felt a little cheesed off.

The problem is, I live in a nice little town in ontario where the only places you can get an airsoft are Canadian Tire, and maybe walmart, (supposedly you can, I don't know), I don't know anyone who has an airsoft gun, or anywhere I can rent one ( me and a group of 5 kids wanted to get into it and play out of town, in a nice area out of town ).

So, I guess I didn't need to tell my life story, but I really don't want to have to delete that, to sum it up (incase my point got totally lost while I was rambling)

1) At the age of 17, I'm still legally fine to play Airsoft, just not purchase the guns (under correct supervision, of course)

2) What would be the best approach to finding a gun, if I can't access any of them, I sincerely doubt my parents would drive out so that i could try one out, sadly, so What should I do?

Thanks for any help
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Old April 4th, 2007, 00:50   #2
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just save up and buy a $300 gun

i did what you did and wasted as much money as a Classic Army gun costs
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Old April 4th, 2007, 00:52   #3
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Sneak out of the house while your parents sleep and make your way to TTAC in Toronto on a game day. You should be able to see a few different guns, unless Brian doesn't go for minors in his establishment.


Make your way to a game as close to you as possible and check out the hardware. Get a buddy to drive, take a bus, or do what you need to get there.

It's going to be very difficult to find what you want without actually seeing it first (or something very much like it).
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:01   #4
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1) I would sugest you just wait till your 18. 8-9 months aint bad, look at me i still have 2 and a half years. Plus once your 18 you don't have to worry about parental supervisin, you will have access to the classifieds (which you may find the gun your looking for) providing you get age verified.

2) stuff sold at canadian tire and wallmart is not consitered airsoft it is clearsoft. (big difference) As for finding an airsoft gun once your 18 you will more than likely order from the classifieds here or an airsoft retailer like 007 or A&A so where you live does not become a problem.

As for what gun you would by that is totaly up to you. most will say stay away from bolt action snipers but it all depends on what position you would like to play. Other people have other opinions and preferences. IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU!

Finnaly i would suggest you read the fAQ section. (if you havent allready)
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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:13   #5
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I read a couple of articles on finding the right AEG, but again.. The biggest piece of advice was to try them out, so unfortunately I'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot, what I'm considering doing, is dropping down the hundred bucks or whatever, to get one of these guns, and use it all summer and whatnot until I turn eighteen, then i can get myself a REAL airsoft gun..

I just quit from a big professional gaming streak, so I NEED something to do in the summer, and shooting my friends is the first thing i thought of..

OR would it just be a total waste of my money and time to get a clearsoft to tide me over until I can really start shopping for a nice gun?

I'm totally new to all of this, so any help is appreciated, thanks!
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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:21   #6
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im like 5 month old to airsoft and i didnt buy my first aeg yet. Like you i was looking at those clearsoft while waiting to buy a real airsoft. But trust me, i've read enough posts and watched enough videos to understand that those guns dont worth your money, really just wait. If you REALLY wanna shoot your friend this summer get a nerf or super soaker gun??
Finished and installed my SL8 style stock.
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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:30   #7
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Hm, okay thanks.. I'm still not sure how I'm gonna make my way to some real airsofts, but I've got till next January to figure that out :P....

For now I guess I'll just stick to drooling over the crazy AEG's I see people with on these forums :P

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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:33   #8
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if you really want to have fun over the summer, come down to california with a 500 fps sniper rifle and shoot sunbathers out on the beach

it is sooooo much fun until you get caught
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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:47   #9
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Location: Sault Ste. Marie
Hm, After looking around the forums for a bit, I saw a couple of people from Sault Ste. Marie.

Also, Is it possible, for one of my parents to create an account, and get age verified, so I can see what's going on and get a bit more research in, I've been having troubles finding canadian retailers (although that's probably because I'm still a little overwhelmed at where to look)

and if it is possible, where would I find out the next opportunity to get age verified in Sault Ste. Marie?

Thanks for all of the help
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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:51   #10
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Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post

Also, Is it possible, for one of my parents to create an account, and get age verified, so I can see what's going on and get a bit more research in, I've been having troubles finding canadian retailers (although that's probably because I'm still a little overwhelmed at where to look)

Don't think it works like that... Are your parents willing to actively partake in the sport?
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Old April 4th, 2007, 01:53   #11
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Location: Sault Ste. Marie
I'd probably be able to sucker my dad into playing against me, But I was just wondering if it was like, y'know buying M rated games for their kids, as long as they feel that their son is ready then it's all right and all that, I know it's kind of a bigger issue then video games (apart from in Jack Thompsons eyes) But I'm just trying to figure out a way around this all, y'know?

Desperate 17 year old all that stuff.

Edit: Wow, I hit edit, then post reply out of pure reflex, and lost the addition to my post...

anyway, I was looking at a gun like this one and I was just wondering if that's maybe where I'd want to start out, I really want to get into Airsoft seriously, that kind of sport has always been what I've lived for (paintball, Counterstrike :P, stuff like that) so I KNOW I'll like it, but a gun like this, is it about what I'd want to start out with?

I see a lot of the numbers, and they mean very little to me, but it IS 2 in the morning, and I've got a physics test tommorow..

I'm really sorry that I'm asking you guys to hold my hand through this process, but I almost totally screwed up and got the wrong thing once, I'd like to completely learn from my mistakes and start out right...

Totally forgot, I was looking at that gun, because I've always fancied the M4A1 style and design, it always seemed to be the most comfortable to me, I guess the only way i'd know is to find someone with it, and a few others so I can compare, which hopefully I can do soon.. But I'm basically looking at pricepoint, and numbers that mean a lot when you're looking at a new airsoft rifle..

Thank you

Last edited by MadeOfScars; April 4th, 2007 at 02:06..
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Old April 4th, 2007, 02:07   #12
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Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
I'd probably be able to sucker my dad into playing against me, But I was just wondering if it was like, y'know buying M rated games for their kids, as long as they feel that their son is ready then it's all right and all that, I know it's kind of a bigger issue then video games (apart from in Jack Thompsons eyes) But I'm just trying to figure out a way around this all, y'know?

Desperate 17 year old all that stuff.
I was there a while ago, don't worry about it. If worst comes to worse, you can always build a gun from the ground-up. It's all sketchiness at this point, I know.. but just sit it out for a bit, get all the info you need, and set up a good contingency plan (e.g : I want a Tokyo Marui M4-S system, but importation has ceased! what do I do? *you realise you've spent enough time on the boards to know what you need to make your own gun* I know! I'll make my own custom M4-S! *you contact jugglez* NOW YOU HAVE YOUR M4! ~fin)... Just relax, and read!
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Old April 4th, 2007, 08:08   #13
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Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
Hm, okay thanks.. I'm still not sure how I'm gonna make my way to some real airsofts, but I've got till next January to figure that out :P....

For now I guess I'll just stick to drooling over the crazy AEG's I see people with on these forums :P

If you take a parent along, there is nothing stopping you from going to visit any games/events. Some places you can show up by yourself, some groups/provinces dont allow it. Look at the Teams section for Ontario. Places to buy? Look at the Canadian Retailers button on the top of each page.

That would allow you to see the equipment in person. The rest of what you need to know is in the Information section. Be warned, this is NOT cheap.

Read a lot, relax.

Last edited by Greylocks; April 4th, 2007 at 08:11..
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Old April 4th, 2007, 08:37   #14
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Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
Hello everyone, I'm brand new to Airsoft Canada (quite clearly), and I'd just like to ask two hopefully simple questions
hi. questions are always welcome.

Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
I'm seventeen years old, and I want to get into airsoft as soon as humanly possible, from what I've read, purchasing a gun requires you to be 18, as well as owning it, but people under this 18 can use them, as long as they are under supervision, is that about right? I really don't want to wait another 8-9 months before I get started .
if it is before its your parents gun not yours. you need to wait if you want to own or to play. besides that if you want to play with other clubs 18+ is key most established clubs are strictly 18+.

Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
My second question is about finding the gun that is right for me, the first thing I was going to do (try to refrain from hitting me) was just drop down the 90 or so bucks on a cheap airsoft gun, and then I'd be on my way (see Here.) but after reading some resources online (which I've finally built the habit of doing before I go and do something stupid) I learned that it fires at 130 fps, and takes like a nine volt battery.

Now, I'm not going to pretend that I've got a single clue how good or bad either is, and I guess it depends on what you're looking for, but I've been reading about rifles at around 300, and even extremes like 500, then seeing that this thing caps off at 130, well.. I felt a little cheesed off.
clearsoft is crap, dont waste your money on it. you will be laughed off a proper game if you show up with it. save up and buy a proper airsoft when you are old enough.

Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
The problem is, I live in a nice little town in ontario where the only places you can get an airsoft are Canadian Tire, and maybe walmart, (supposedly you can, I don't know), I don't know anyone who has an airsoft gun, or anywhere I can rent one ( me and a group of 5 kids wanted to get into it and play out of town, in a nice area out of town ).
you cant just pick an area and go play. the last thing you would want is the police to show up and start using their real guns. that is what can happen if they see people running around with what appears to be real automatic weapons and guns. the ONLY places where airsoft should be played are on licensed and properly insured fields, this does not mean a farmers place or some friends acreage.

Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
1) At the age of 17, I'm still legally fine to play Airsoft, just not purchase the guns (under correct supervision, of course)
see my previous statement on that one.

Originally Posted by MadeOfScars View Post
2) What would be the best approach to finding a gun, if I can't access any of them, I sincerely doubt my parents would drive out so that i could try one out, sadly, so What should I do?
wait until you are 18.
Stop Sulking About It! - Prioritize & Organize! - Canadian Airsoft Is Not A Crime!

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Old April 4th, 2007, 08:38   #15
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anyway, I was looking at a gun like this one and I was just wondering if that's maybe where I'd want to start out, I really want to get into Airsoft seriously, that kind of sport has always been what I've lived for (paintball, Counterstrike :P, stuff like that
First, you don't want a gun like that as your first gun. The JG guns can be made into a reliable airsoft gun, but you have to open the mechbox and do some work to it first. IE, it will probably cost you another $50-$100 in parts to make it come anywhere near as reliable as a TM or CA. Go for a really reliable gun first. When I was getting into the sport, I was looking at the cheaper guns and I finally went with a Classic Army, and man am I glad I did. I have a gun now that I know I can rely on and won't stop working half-way through a game (Wasaga game aside for those that were there....).

If you are serious about airsoft, I'll tell you right now it IS NOT counter-strike. If you think it's counter-strike you are going to be dissapointed. It also doesn't play like paintball. There isn't much speedballing involved. As Greylocks said, get yourself out to a game and see what it's all about.

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