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Ghillie Thread, lots of thread, litterally ;)


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Old March 15th, 2007, 18:48   #61
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Ok, at home now and the beer must be making me see things. Twigs? Lol, didn't you at first say strips? I was telling him today that because they are so long the extra weight of them is pulling them straight, and from his MSN Messenger pic (the same as above), looks like you are standing about 20ft away from him, and the ghillie looks flat and very woodland pattern, not ghillie like at all. Anyways, we had words, I think he might start seeing things a bit differently. Hey, I mean, who made a perfect ghillie the first time out? Mine is my first, but I went through so many different approaches and rearranged things it was almost as if I've made a half dozen of them! Is one of those things that is never finished, like you said. Constantly adding, removing, adjusting, pieces of burlap and other stuff (I'm aways finding, as you said Ice, TWIGS, sticks, you name it imbedded in my netting.) Pretty funny to see what I pick up during the course of a stalk sometimes. I remember one day, think it was Sniper Hunt last year, I had a thin branch about 2ft long stuck to my backside, didn't notice it for at least half an hour. Lol
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Old March 15th, 2007, 19:47   #62
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Since Stalker is so damned impatient!

My plan was to incorporate several designs that I've seen around. First, I've noted that anytime I try to get into this 3D effect Stalker is on about, :P, it just gets sucked under the thread I have and you don't see it at all. So I decided I'd do it all in layers. First I am doing the long narrow threads to create a leafy-bushy look, picture in your head a Cedar tree. ((A did you know: In Eastern Canada, the most popular tree to grow is White Cedar, in fact it outnumbers strong Maples by about10 to 1. Also, looking at Pine trees here as well.)) Anyway, so I decided I'd get that done first through out the piece and then go on to get into the next layer:

And since the hat was done for thin strands I put some of the twine I have in the garage for it. And since I'll have to buy more, and already used my available funds for this project for the moment, I'll just go through the jacket and by the time I'm done that, will have to pick up some.

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Old March 15th, 2007, 20:04   #63
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well Dracheous, i think your main problem here is you're trying to look like a tree... when you should try to look like the ground, really.

As for the 3D stuffiness stalker's on about, its a simple matter of physics. All your burlap is too long. Make it shorter and it'll work better, somewhat like a hedgehog). Go back to page 2 and look at mine... notice the length of my burlap , they're all about 6inchs in length.

Hope that helps some.
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Old March 15th, 2007, 20:10   #64
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But I hide in trees, not the ground! Its drier up here anyway :P

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Old March 15th, 2007, 20:42   #65
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If you want to get it all bunched up I think I know way. Take the ghillie after its complete and soak it down a bit. Make sure thats its nice and wet. Then stuff it into a bag really tight for a day. Take it out but try not to let it unbunch keeping it as squished together as possible. Then let it dry that way. Should ruffle it up real good. It will also puff out a bit after you have used it in a few games.

Havent heard it mentioned but if it has Ill just repeat it just in case. You can get burlap from Home Depot/Rona stores. It comes in 3'x50' or 100' rolls for about 20 to 25 bucks. Its used to wrap young trees for the winter. Just dye it using Rite dye that can be found at most big retail stores. Then cut it up into strips or right down to the strands themselfs. You can get several different colours of green and brown depending on how much dye you use. Only down side to using this stuff is the mess it makes. Both the burlap from Home Depot and the dye. I had green hands for a week and Im still picking burlap up off my floor. After I was done building my ghillie the floor looked like my front lawn lol
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Old March 15th, 2007, 22:07   #66
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Since Stalker is so damned impatient!

My plan was to incorporate several designs that I've seen around. First, I've noted that anytime I try to get into this 3D effect Stalker is on about, :P, it just gets sucked under the thread I have and you don't see it at all. So I decided I'd do it all in layers. First I am doing the long narrow threads to create a leafy-bushy look, picture in your head a Cedar tree. ((A did you know: In Eastern Canada, the most popular tree to grow is White Cedar, in fact it outnumbers strong Maples by about10 to 1. Also, looking at Pine trees here as well.)) Anyway, so I decided I'd get that done first through out the piece and then go on to get into the next layer:

And since the hat was done for thin strands I put some of the twine I have in the garage for it. And since I'll have to buy more, and already used my available funds for this project for the moment, I'll just go through the jacket and by the time I'm done that, will have to pick up some.
Why does it look like you have nail polish on your thumbnail? You realize that will reflect light when you are trying to hide, thereby giving away your position, right?

Iceman is right, you want to make it look like the ground and what is found on it, not to make it look like a tree. I'd LOVE to watch you belly crawl from tree to tree. Would have to start calling you George!

"George, George, George of the 'Very Special Forces', strong as he can be! Aw-Eee-Aw-Eee-Aww! Aw-Eee-Aw-Eee-Aww! WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!!!!"

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; March 15th, 2007 at 22:12..
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Old March 15th, 2007, 22:53   #67
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Would have to start calling you George!

"George, George, George of the 'Very Special Forces', strong as he can be! Aw-Eee-Aw-Eee-Aww! Aw-Eee-Aw-Eee-Aww! WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!!!!"


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Old March 16th, 2007, 01:18   #68
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
Dude! You must be having one of those bad hair days! LOL!! J/K. Looking good. Please keep us informed while you build!
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Old March 18th, 2007, 21:59   #69
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Just starting. Girlfriend and I have started messing around with ghillie suits and she is making her own vest and such.

We just had plain burlap tonight, we do have green dye but not brown.

This was just to break up my back and head outline and to cover the barrel. I'll add more as I go.

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Old March 18th, 2007, 22:29   #70
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i hope youll have it all ready by Dorchester?
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Old March 19th, 2007, 20:34   #71
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Now, to start the other arm or to do my homework... tough decision.

Or sew an M14 pouch... decisions decisions...

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Old March 19th, 2007, 20:38   #72
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Or sew an M14 pouch... decisions decisions...
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Old March 19th, 2007, 20:55   #73
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Originally Posted by Graham View Post
Ooh, BURNED!!!!!

Psst, hey Drach...........,33283&ap=1

Add in some of this, it's a great green colour jute for cheap!

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Old March 19th, 2007, 20:59   #74
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I have lots of jute thread... the bitch is I ran out of green dye to dye it with! so I only have dark brown and the tan stuff...
although... not having to dye it would be great... and thats the twisted stuff too so I get the curls in the jute I want... hmmm... OFF TO LEE VALLEY!...

WAIT NO! I always buy more than I intend to when I go there!... Shit... say good bye to getting the sniper all set up now -.-.

Graham, I still stand by "BLAME STALKER! HE STARTED THIS! ((the ghillie thing))"

"The hydrogen economy car from the people who brought you the 'Hindenburg'" - Glen Foster

Condoms do not guarantee safe sex any more. A friend of mine wore one and was shot by the woman's husband!
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Old March 20th, 2007, 00:46   #75
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damn you Stalker, stop talking to this man! at least untill he finishes my pouches!
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