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Would a crappy sight help on a P90?


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Old April 29th, 2006, 03:02   #1
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Would a crappy sight help on a P90?

Would this dirt-cheap RDS mounted on a P90 be any better than the gun's "ironsites"?

I know this sight would be crap, however I'm willing to pay $45 for a slight to moderate improvement in ease of aiming.

With my mask on I can't really sight down anything on the P90. Just pointing and shooting works, but I like to sight down something. I also like the square shape in conjunction with a P90, but can't find much else below $100 that isn't round. If you know of anything, let me know, alright?

The other thing I thought might help is goggles. Without the lower bits of the mask I could hold the gun right next to my cheek and "ironsight" properly. I'm not sure that I want to go without some kind of lower face protection though.

Thanks for your help.
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Old April 29th, 2006, 03:22   #2
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Well try ripping your goggles out of your PB mask as a start - maybe you don't need to buy an RDS. If you're worried about face protection just run with a thick belaclava.


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Old April 29th, 2006, 03:26   #3
Scotty aka harleyb
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An RDS or reflex sight will help quite a bit in my experience with P90s. I wouldn't call the sight you linked crappy.
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Old April 29th, 2006, 04:03   #4
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Originally Posted by harleyb
An RDS or reflex sight will help quite a bit in my experience with P90s. I wouldn't call the sight you linked crappy.
No? Good, and thanks. That's basically what I was asking. I mean, this is the cheapest one I've found, so I was wondering how much worse it is than the more expensive ones.

I just pulled the goggles out of my mask. Didn't even realize the whole thing just snapped together until I tried pulling on it real hard. The goggle part of it is huge and bulky and still comes down pretty far on my cheek. Still, it's definately better. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Old April 29th, 2006, 05:10   #5
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I assume since you mentioned iron sights on your p90 that you have the RDS version, I suggest (although a more expensive route you get a DTP rail and add whatever optics you like including the square RDS thing that you have up there.

The RDS receiver cannot use any aftermarket optics such as the one in your link. If you have the TR version then it'll be peachy. But considering the TR doesnt have Iron sights... well.

Here's my setup with an extra rail and an aimpoint, I believe it elevates it even more than the TR so it's extremely easy to sight even with a full PB mask. (i wear full mask indoors)

and here's the rail:

gluck. p90s rock!
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Old April 29th, 2006, 05:31   #6
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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I think he means the TRS which comes with no optics but has semi goofy iron sights on the left and right of the rail.

Disclaimer: the site ( referred to is my own site so take my opinions as you wish as I'm commenting on crap I carry. Personally I really like the NB-04 optic. It doesn't have the heavy metal feel (it's mostly plastic) of an Aimpoint or AP replica or something ACOG like, but it's open frame design doesn't clutter up the visual field. The square pane pops up a nice bright dot without much parallax. It's hugely better than the RDS that comes with the non TR P90 as it has a much larger angle of acquisition i.e. you can view the dot from a wider angle than with the stock RDS.

The economics of the NB-04 also let you not worry about having your optic shot out so much. The plastic lens probably would withstand a ranged hit fine, but even if it did crack, you wouldn't cry too much because it doesn't cost a big chunk of change.
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Old April 29th, 2006, 19:06   #7
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Heh. Ooops! I guess I should've guessed that the owner of that site would visit this forum. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. It was mostly an anti-flame statement (as I've noticed a lot of people who post questions regarding the least expensive equipment get flamed and told to save and shell over the big bucks), if I really thought it was a complete waste of money, wouldn't have asked at all.

You were right, I was talking about those goofy sites, not the rds version.

Thanks for the help all. MadMax, your site says you don't have any of those sights in stock, any idea how long it would take to order them? If it's quick, I might just place an order soon.
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Old April 29th, 2006, 19:25   #8
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Actually, my guarder inventory is posted as zero as I am upgrading the shopping cart engine. I'm launching a new Canadian storefront very soon though. All prices will be in CAD instead of USD. AI is going to be geared for the US and int'l market exclusively soon.
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Old April 30th, 2006, 15:07   #9
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Dont worry about just wearing goggles, getting shot in the face isnt that bad. I got my face nailed about 6 times yesterday, a few from really close, got 1 bleeder. But it's not as bad as some people state...

Most of the time.

Depends on what distance, and what upgrades are in the gun hah.

But yeah it all comes with the game. If you are afraid just do like the one person said above, just use the goggle, and wear a belecalava. Or even wear a Shemagh. Shemagh's are a lot cooler. And about 24.99

Oh and Madmax, dont forget to lemme know when thats all done, so I can get my adapter, instead of constantly borrowing it from a friend. Hah.
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Old April 30th, 2006, 18:36   #10
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keep your mouth closed. Chipped teeth are ugly and cost lots of money. Ditto for getting teeth knocked out, although the latter may be covered under OHIP?

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Old May 1st, 2006, 04:23   #11
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i have a p90 as well and i set it up with a walmart tasco rds and its works fine. i wear bolle x-800 goggles not paintball goggles, so i dont know how that would work for you. the tasco rds is 49.99 canadian and seems fairly sturdy. i will admit ot doenst look as cool on top of the p90 as the one from innovations, but its seems to do the job.

as far as the flaming on saving up for the expensive gear, i say spend what you can to get on the feild and enjoying yourself. the expensive goodies can come after you get your main kit playable. we have a few players that took that slow approache and after a few months have enough basic gear that they are now looking at the more expensive stuff. dont get me wrong, if you have the extra coin, go nuts, but if not just be patient and have fun

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