CIRAS land vs maritime
Im in the process of finishing our custom vest desing for our team. It's based on the CIRAS model.
First, is it possible for someone to take a pic or link me a pic of a CIRAS maritime version with it's peaces layed out on a floor? I need a good quality pic to see how the peaces are made and assembled.
Second, Im still tourmented by this choice: LAND OR MARITIME.
The land version look solide, but the way it is closed look a little complicated if you have big magpouches attached to it. (due to the little flap that goes over the other main 2).
Does anyone have good or bad experiance with the Land version?
How about the Maritime version?
I read the CIRAS thread, but I did not find what I was looking for.
Tanx a bunch!

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne