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Questions about G&G CM16 and upgrades


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Old April 3rd, 2018, 09:14   #1
Join Date: Apr 2018
Questions about G&G CM16 and upgrades

So I got a G&G CM16 raider as a very early birthday gift, since my brother and I are interested in airsoft.
So far I like it, and the only issue was with the feed, which I fixed with the ol velcro fix.
Questins: are there specific mags that will work better?
And how are these guns for upgrades down the road? I understand I could Google upgrades, but I'd rather get first hand opinions.
If they aren't great for upgrading, what rifle would be?
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Old April 4th, 2018, 14:48   #2
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Oromocto
parts wise, they are everywhere, its all a matter of finding parts that mesh well together. some brands mesh better with other brands, and some brands don't mesh well with others. there are thousands of build options available to draw from. where the cm16 is a v2 gearbox, as I mentioned parts are everywhere, just make sure you do your research first to find out if a part is meant for a v2 gearbox before you commit to a purchase. ive done a variety of builds on my own guns, its all a matter of trial and error when it comes to parts meshing (DO NOT TRY USING AN M160 SPRING PAIRED WITH AN 11.1V LIPO IN THE G&G P90 IF YOU STILL WANT TO MAKE USE OF THE QUICK SPRING CHANGE FEATURE!!!). when it comes to upgrades, your inner barrel, and hop should be your first go-to. just as important as the hop and barrel, is shimming, aoe correction, and battery choice. the reason for shimming the gearbox and correcting the aoe is to prolong the life of your gun. the reason for the hop and barrel upgrade, is to give you tighter, more consistent groupings.
current armament:
mk43, ump.45, p90, barret, m14, g33, k98, m4 tac, m4 swat, mp5 navy, vsr10, p226, m9.
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Old April 7th, 2018, 15:58   #3
Join Date: Apr 2018
Thanks! I'll keep all that in mind. Any brands you'd reccomend for my gun? Or is that something I just have to figure out?
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Old April 10th, 2018, 10:35   #4
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Oromocto
when it comes to brands, it really all depends on what upgrades you are looking to do, I primarily only deal with hop, barrel, mag, related stuff myself as most of my set ups are hpa as it is (doesn't mean that I wont do work on an aeg, just means that there are others out there a lot more experienced in that field than I am. if you have a gun and the part that you want swapped out, then yes I can certainly do that for the owner). at the same time, almost every new part that you swap out/replace, you will need to rework a few other parts in your gun to make sure they mesh well with each other as well. so if you have an idea on where/what upgrades you are looking into, then I can certainly offer what little advice I do have, or I will point you in the direction of someone who will likely know more than I would about a given part/brand
current armament:
mk43, ump.45, p90, barret, m14, g33, k98, m4 tac, m4 swat, mp5 navy, vsr10, p226, m9.
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Old April 12th, 2018, 10:50   #5
Join Date: Apr 2018
Oh ok cool. I'd appreciate your effort!
I want to get a little more experience first, but as of now, my goal is to start with inner/outer barrel, and hop up. (What I keep seeing as a good start). Also a bearing spring guide seems to be a recommended part.
Any good Canadian web stores you'd recommend? There's NOTHING in this area for actual stores to go to.
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Old May 23rd, 2018, 01:19   #6
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