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Airsoft for bigger guys?


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Old December 27th, 2016, 12:51   #16
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
Hectic's Avatar
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id say do it. we have regular guys in their 50's over 250lb who can play with the 20 year old "athlets" and we have 20 yo athlets who cant keep up with the big guys.
ask yourself this. do you thino you would have fun at airsoft? if the answer is yes most of tje groups around would be glad to have you.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old December 27th, 2016, 13:26   #17
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Hey guys I'm naturally skinny and have a 6 pack, but I'm not sure if I should join the gym?

See the relevance? Doesn'tt fucking matter.

Join and spend your thousands now.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 14:51   #18
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Do it man. It's not going to hurt to try. I've gained about 40 pounds since I started about 12 years ago. I'm 6'1'' and 240lb with a reconstructive surgery done on my ankle. I still come out for airsoft and blank fire events which we try to have once a month during warmer time of the year. Most of the time it's a multi-day events too. I work construction so if my foot gives me trouble I have to withdraw in order to be able to work on Monday. Sometimes for an hour, sometimes for half of a day. Nobody ever looked down on me for it.
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Old January 8th, 2017, 20:49   #19
Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: merlin, ontario
6'5" 250 ish. just bought all my gear and excited for my first day out which should be within the next couple weeks. I suppose I'm a bigger target but oh well I'm going out for the fun. I'm also 44 yrs old.

Quick edit as I made it our to my first airsoft game yesterday and let me tell you........ Hooked hooked hooked. What a fun enjoyable time. I thought a guy of my size would be an easier target but its all about movement and using concealment to my advantage. yes I got shot plenty of times but I racked up a few nice kills with the help of my teammates. Thanks goes out to trendkilla and AAS/SCAR for having me out and I cannot wait for the next game.

Last edited by canuckm27; January 23rd, 2017 at 13:54.. Reason: update
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Old January 8th, 2017, 21:11   #20
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I'm just a year younger and the same size as you. I had my first full summer of games last year and had a blast and even convinced some guys on the fire dept with me to drop paintball for airsoft.

My biggest problem was finding clothing or a helmet that fits my big melon. As a tall guy, I tend to bang my head into things a lot since you midgets have everything sized for you
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Old January 9th, 2017, 10:43   #21
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I'm one of the bigger guys playing, have a blast doing it.

I also quite often hear in the bush when I get my Mercy kills "How the fuck does someone your size move so quietly" not uncommon for me to disappear and rack up a series of kills before someone gets me.

So do not let your size be a determent, use it to your advantage, find some good camo that works in your area, learn some bush craft (helps if you are a hunter and know how to move quietly), then go pew pew those younger skinny kids who cant keep up for a full day of play because they dehydrate to quickly.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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Old January 9th, 2017, 12:29   #22
Zeroroaster's Avatar
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I'm with Bloodsport on this. I'm 50-ish, and have worked in the bush for decades. Just over 6 ft. 270lbs...but like him, you never saw it coming. I don't run, ever. Don't need to. Just quietly think about where I'm going, how I'm going to get there and use the shadows and foliage to my advantage. Experience works wonders..

Same goes for the guns. I also have years of engineering experience. Nothing I have is stock anymore and part of the fun was studying the round ball ballistics and applying it to plastic BB's. More range and more accuracy also go a long, long way. The first season, I studied the game play and terrain..and got killed ALOT. Much of that on purpose. Second season I brought the guns I had built over the winter to see if I had understood the game and the players and to see if the research was on target. Third season...BOOYAH.

It's just like hunting deer...the first season, have no expectations, but spend the off season studying the habits and comments...then reapply it the next season, and so on.

As for the sniping thing, sure, I was an idiot. First summer I went out there with a stock bolt gun and got slaughtered. But damn it was fun! The bolt gun is much, much better now...heheheh

As for being injured and such, I jacknifed an 18 wheeler almost thirty years ago, and have had some pretty nasty industrial accidents. Airsoft is terrific physio and if I get too bagged, I just put the killrag on my head and head for the respawn for a couple of minutes to stretch out. Doing some is better than none at all, right? Sometimes I even overload my kit to make sure I'm pulling all the extra weight I can to get the workout benefit.

Sure, I'm old and slow, but rarely get killed in a game...and often get the 'where the hell did that come from''s so much more than just a physical game. Get out there and enjoy it!!
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