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Russia and East Bloc

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Old December 11th, 2015, 20:27   #16
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Originally Posted by Cliffradical View Post
Is it Western Ignorance to assume that the handful of guys with the hotshit gear are just here for the pictures and the 'old look' is still largely current, or have they really had such a dramatic rearmament?
When I watch news about counter terrorist activities taking place back home I see SOME Western gear and firearms, mostly pistols but nothing this crazy. Plate carrier - sure, Acog on an AK - sure, Glock in a drop leg - sure but drastic change like that? I don't think so.
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Old December 12th, 2015, 05:28   #17
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It all depends on funding. Many of the better funded FSB teams look very western as they have the money to do that. Aswell it depends on the culture in the unit. A good example is A and B teams from TSSN center. They being Alpha and Vympel. Vympel still jas a much more distinctly Russian look stemming mostly from less multicam. However with the drop in the Ruble I have noticed a lot more domestically produced western gear. An example with be the gladiator vest produced by fort. Which scaled down looks like a western vest but scaled up is distincly Russian.
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Old December 12th, 2015, 11:33   #18
Cobalt Caliber
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Originally Posted by Off_kilter View Post
It all depends on funding. Many of the better funded FSB teams look very western as they have the money to do that. Aswell it depends on the culture in the unit. A good example is A and B teams from TSSN center. They being Alpha and Vympel. Vympel still jas a much more distinctly Russian look stemming mostly from less multicam. However with the drop in the Ruble I have noticed a lot more domestically produced western gear. An example with be the gladiator vest produced by fort. Which scaled down looks like a western vest but scaled up is distincly Russian.
it's obvious that things like Piticanny rails have taken the world by storm. Wouldn't surprise me if the Russians see something they like like. MOLLE, Low profile Carriers, fast helmet styles. and start/are copying it/tweaking it and manufacturing it at a domestic level. saves RnD costs.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old December 12th, 2015, 11:35   #19
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Originally Posted by Curo View Post
it's obvious that things like Piticanny rails have taken the world by storm. Wouldn't surprise me if the Russians see something they like like. MOLLE, Low profile Carriers, fast helmet styles. and start/are copying it/tweaking it and manufacturing it at a domestic level. saves RnD costs.
Oh hell yeah

You can tweak a wheel but it's still going to be round especially if you want to put the same tires on it right?
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Old December 12th, 2015, 11:37   #20
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There are some things the Russians do really well which are protective suits and ballistic shields. These ae items that look really modern but don't see nearly as much use in western groups.
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