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Old February 24th, 2015, 02:09   #1
Snowstorm45's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: BC, Canada
Trade Rating: 2 Total communication backout

I posted this a while back to my local group, but I might as well share here as a warning.

You know, I usually don't like name & shame, because sometimes there's just bad luck or miscommunication, but it's all I can do to deal with this site at this point: Tactical-Mod Industries.

They were the only site in-country that had WE P228s in stock back when I wanted one, so I did the stupid thing and ordered from a site I knew almost nothing about. In June. Two weeks after I placed the order (which had gone through, Paypal payment and all that) I emailed them back asking what was up. They said they were waiting on a WE shipment that week (human reply, not automated). Fair enough.

Then nothing, it stayed "In Processing" and I emailed them multiple times with no responses, and then I discovered their Facebook page in September, and again multiple messages with no replies. I found their official order complaint-type form on the page and sent that, nothing. No phone number either (something I'll be checking from now on). I posted a comment on one of their recent posts, and they are active, and I checked back a couple days later to find that comment gone. Now the actual order itself is gone from the website. Very goddamn professional. At least I still have their confirmation emails, as well as the Paypal info.

FB page:
And a thread I happened across with very similar issues there: My order from

I've since submitted this to the government fraud site helpfully linked here on ASC and have a lawyer involved.
"Who enjoys, wins." - Sonora Kashima
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Old February 26th, 2015, 16:28   #2
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: BC, Canada
Trade Rating: 2
Got the money back today. Funny how it's been eight and a half months, yet less than a week after I get a lawyer involved they send the refund...
"Who enjoys, wins." - Sonora Kashima
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