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HAWKS Compact IR Laser + Green Laser Combo


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Old January 3rd, 2015, 01:37   #31
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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So if it has a sticker and a rating, no problem. Got it.
Want them serialized, too? Cause I think that would also be a good idea.
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 01:42   #32
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
So if it has a sticker and a rating, no problem. Got it.
Want them serialized, too? Cause I think that would also be a good idea.
In China, 100 "Class 1 Laser" stickers costs about 37 cents.

A known manufacturer, with documentation, an industry/government rating, and the sticker is really THE only way.

This shouldn't even be a discussion, kind of like arguing over FPS at sea level vs. Canadian forests.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 3rd, 2015, 03:23   #33
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
In China, 100 "Class 1 Laser" stickers costs about 37 cents.

A known manufacturer, with documentation, an industry/government rating, and the sticker is really THE only way.

This shouldn't even be a discussion, kind of like arguing over FPS at sea level vs. Canadian forests.
Also vetting.

If Joe blow comes up to me with an IR laser. I'm going to ask if people know him, how trust worthy is this guy, and should I even be having this conversation?

"No" is way easier than safety hazard.

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Old January 3rd, 2015, 03:44   #34
Red Dot
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I think I'm going to approach this more seriously on the field as well... I have seen a few active lasers at games and never said anything, not anymore.
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 09:36   #35
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
So if it has a sticker and a rating, no problem. Got it.
Want them serialized, too? Cause I think that would also be a good idea.
Tested, stickered, and rated by who though? With classification and testing documents?

Major kudos for your efforts on this, but some people may have trust issues with the modded system.
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 12:47   #36
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Maybe put up a sticky with the vetted IR lasers and where to buy in country?
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 14:58   #37
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This all comes down to accountability, period. I'd let Thunder run his modded unit on my field because I know him well, and I know he'll have taken the proper precautions. However outside of that, no one is going to just trust someone over ASC to have jumped trough all of the hoops. Western world, goverent regulated, eye safe, laser products only, period. There's no other reasonable regulation out there. This is eye safety, nothing really brings this into a grey area. No one has the right to put others at risk and no large scale game organizer is going to throw caution to the wind.

Airsoft doesn't need visible lasers, they serve almost no purpose in slinging BBs, so don't run one. IR however is an important part of modern NVGs, and anyone who buys the appropriate unit that meets safety standards can run one as long as they are game allowed. Price isn't the issue here, they happen to all be expensive right now, that's just reality. They aren't banned because they don't cost enough they are banned because they can't be reasonably proven eye safe, period.

Also ghost, I've never been to a game that was PTW only. Everywhere I have been has a chrono to use on guns to check FPS. Velocity and kinetic energy are what's important and not brand. There are teams however that have very tight gear and equipment restrictions and that's their business. But guns are not lasers and so expecting proper safety gear is not elitist, not even the tiniest bit, the cost is irrelevant. If the only safe laser available is $1,000 then that's what it costs. There's no way to argue or compare. Same thing is if a cheap airsoft gun could not be brought into safe field limits it wouldn't be allowed. Cheap or top of line, if it doesn't meet the safety regs, then it's not playable.

Anything that is commonly used between airsofters and creates a potential danger is kept in check. We have chronographs for BB velocity, we have decimal meters for sound devices, we have wave meters for lasers. If your players want to run lasers then get a meter.

I'd also like to add, if you see someone with an improper laser, treat it the same way as if they have silica BBs, or a swapping springs and cylinders after chrono, or any other common airsoft abuse. Find them, report them, ban them for life. Make sure every game organizer and team knows who they are, they can go back to playing checkers with their grandmother.

Also, at risk of sounding like an elitist; if you can't afford to do it right and safe, you can't afford to do it, period.
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Last edited by Ricochet; January 3rd, 2015 at 15:03..
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 15:22   #38
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
So if it has a sticker and a rating, no problem. Got it.
Want them serialized, too? Cause I think that would also be a good idea.
My good sir; if you can afford to run a PTW and/or PolarStar as well as a NOD, you can afford to buy a legit laser. EDIT: Correction; just on it's own, if you can source and afford to run a legit quality NOD you can source and afford to run a legit laser. Bottom line - that is the user's cross the bear when going down the night vision road.

Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Maybe put up a sticky with the vetted IR lasers and where to buy in country?
Solid idea is solid. Considering that the list is pretty damn short this shouldn't be very hard.
Guardians of Asgaard

Last edited by Zack The Ripper; January 3rd, 2015 at 15:29.. Reason: grammatical crap
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 15:54   #39
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I try to feel sorry for someone who pleads poverty re a Class 1 IR Laser but then I realize they've dropped 4-9K on NODs and my sympathy evaporates.
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 16:50   #40
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Don't be too hard on Thundercactus, Frank is one of the best people you can know. Perhaps you all misunderstand his objective. Thunder isn't a guy to cheap out, I can assure you that. What he's trying to do is create an affordable option for everyone else, and he's putting in all the time, effort, expense and leg work himself. It may not work out, but he knows what he's doing and looks out for more than himself. He'd likely run a high end real steel piece himself. Also, he'd never put someone at needless risk. If he says he's personally built and properly tested each unit himself, then he has, and I'd never have any issue with him running one. For the whole airsoft world to accept that they were built by him, well maybe one day. What you'd have is guys claiming its a Thunder laser, just like guys claim its a Tac mod when it isn't.

We want airsoft to be safe and continue in technologically diverse directions, I see laser meters at games in the future.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 17:30   #41
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Yes that is what scares me the most, not that one trusted individual puts in the time and effort to mod something and ensure its safe but that less responsible people will claim "modded" when it's not or they'll start trying to mod it themselves in the basement with rubber bands and a plastic filter and call it good.
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 18:33   #42
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Don't be too hard on Thundercactus, Frank is one of the best people you can know.
This is why I called him good sir.
Guardians of Asgaard
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Old January 3rd, 2015, 20:56   #43
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