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People who want CF kit (non-surplus)


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Old August 19th, 2012, 01:47   #91
big_boss's Avatar
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I can't imagine why anyone would want the Tac Vest I've been issued.

The sleeping bag on the other hand is incredible. I value it more than anything else the reserves gave me. They were particularly adamant about demanding I return it come the end of my service though.

Of course I'm a SigOps puke so a tacvest isn't in the nebula of my concern anyway.
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Last edited by big_boss; August 19th, 2012 at 01:50..
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Old August 25th, 2012, 14:17   #92
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On my tour we were given 11 mags, and I had no trouble carrying all 11 with a relatively easy access. One in a rifle. Four in their respective pouches. I attached the tripple mag pouch to the front, where the bayonet would sit, and it worked like gold. Two smoke grenade pouches (those attached to c9 pouches for those who don't know) fit two more mags perfectly. That's 10 mags right there for you to grab!!! So just like Skeletor said, it's useable.
Also, for those that need more random crap on their vest, try replacing c9 pouches with your smallpack pouches. It works.
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Old January 15th, 2013, 16:28   #93
Doc Green
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
How about a dollar for every time I hear "That's onl;y for reg force" then hear regforce bitching only reservists have it :P
Seriously, I dont know what reservists they are talking about it sure as hell isn't any unit I know of.

Also dont see why anyone would want half of this stuff its complete shite

Tac Vest - Dont even get me started
Gloves - Go for the Oakleys, they are waay better protection and breathing room
Boots - Sooo hot, whoever decided to make a non breathing boot for the dessert is a moron
Packs - CP Gear has better ones anyways, don't worry they aren't gonna run out
Rain Gear - Is about the only thing I agree with, STILL haven't been able to get this

Im 5'10 how the hell am I a "common size" im like the smallest guy hahaha
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Old November 14th, 2013, 08:03   #94
Jbone 11 11
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I used to train with an ex-reg force guy who does private contracting in Afghanistan for the american FOB's....I once opened my big mouth about how shitty the tac-vest was while we were over at his place having a beer.

He just gave me a look that said "WTF?" then asked me why I thought it was shitty. I told him because a lot of guys bitch about them, to which he basically said its fine and it works....just like Skeletor said, not the best but it gets the job done and those that make comments like that are generally full of shit.

It's funny, I've had the privilage of meeting and working with some cats who have been around and if there is one defining trate I've noticed its that there's a distinct style to the "bitching" a seasoned soldier has over one less so. And bitching about kit usually isn't one of them....not to the uninitiated anyway.

Last edited by Jbone 11 11; November 14th, 2013 at 08:08..
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Old September 4th, 2014, 16:51   #95
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Good thing my CG634 was my dad's from back in '97 when the helmet was just introduced and he paid for it when he retired lol. I agree with you though, actively searching for CF kit on Ebay is pretty thoughtless, especially considering the tensions we're facing in Europe. Also, if you buy CF kit from eBay, you're probably overpaying. I saw a CG634 sell on eBay for over $400...
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Old October 14th, 2014, 09:52   #96
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Originally Posted by marac View Post
Also, for those that need more random crap on their vest, try replacing c9 pouches with your smallpack pouches. It works.
You can also put the small pack pouches on the back for non essential kit if you don't wear a pack.

CPGear also has a hydration replacement back panel what has molle
They also have dual shingles to go in-between the C9/canteen pouch and the vest
They also have two differs sized admin/general pouches that attach to tue same area.
They also just brought back recently the front admin panel what is covered in MOLLE.

So there is a number of options to make it work better with out permanent modifications.
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Old October 25th, 2014, 19:58   #97
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The Tac vest works well for purple trades. It gives them a basic idea of what they need to carry in the field to operate. However, for combat arms the vest is useless. C9/6 gunner where you going to carry ammo? The magazine pockets are useless at that time, camelback great kit, but always carry a canteen as they are harder to break and the order goes Ammo/water/rations and comms depending on your role. Most other nations that were involved with Iraq/Afghanistan are on their 3rd or forth gen of PPE, meanwhile Canada is still stuck in either the Fulda Gap or Bosnia for FFO. This debate could go on for years LOL
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Old November 9th, 2014, 23:14   #98
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Does anyone want to know the real reason combat arm's units are not properly equipped: its because of people selling their kit, and purple trades being greedy and not giving it up when asked to turn it in I know because I spent 6 and a half years as a supply tech at CFB Cold Lake and I saw more front line kit go through our warehouse than you could imagine.
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Old November 9th, 2014, 23:21   #99
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oh and one more thing with regards to the tac vest it comes with 2 c9 pouches and the C9 LMG takes standard C7/M16 mags as well and its not as well designed as the old OD tac vest but breathes better and is adjustable unlike the old tac vest, with regards to C6 gunners their ammo is typically carried in ammo cans or loose belts in a small pack or pouches attached to the tac vest.
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Old November 11th, 2014, 16:00   #100
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Originally Posted by Trapper_692 View Post
Does anyone want to know the real reason combat arm's units are not properly equipped
Just wondering on properly equipped as many would say that the issued tacvest is not properly equipped. Or are you referring to his availability...
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Old November 11th, 2014, 17:57   #101
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I'm wondering how to distinguish CF vs non-CF. I just got a Cadpat vest from my bro that he used for paintball. I'm thinking it's not, but dunno.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME
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Old November 11th, 2014, 18:29   #102
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Originally Posted by siggypoo View Post
I'm wondering how to distinguish CF vs non-CF. I just got a Cadpat vest from my bro that he used for paintball. I'm thinking it's not, but dunno.

Location: YYZ VOR 062 radial, 17.5 DME
have a night vision goggles and/or thermal binos lying around?
it should be coated in an anti IR and anti thermal chemical
but i might be thinking of issued American gear but who knows?
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Old November 11th, 2014, 18:48   #103
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I'm going to assume you are talking about tac vest. There is a replica which looks very much like the real deal, it's in cadpat but the mesh is brownish single colour, where on the real vest even the mesh is cadpat. Also- label.
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Old June 9th, 2015, 10:21   #104
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Originally Posted by Infidel View Post
The CADPAT boots are not entering General Issue according the CLS. Instead they are going to get a brown boot. I dont know why. Also the Desert boots that were issued for Roto 9, the boot company lost the contract and some people are unable to get issued desert boots, and those that got issued the desert boots are not impressed with the fact that they do not breath.

Also I agree with the OP 100% mainly because if you want to make an impression of teh CF while deployed overseas on a combat tour, buy your own rig like most members. The Tacvest is not even that great a vest and when I see Repo ones that people have purchased I ask them why.


Well yeah. The company actually went out of business I think. As for the boots, they were too heavy, too short , too expensive, didn't breath, if they got wet they stayed that way for a long time and there was one other thing wrong with them.....let's see........ Oh yeah, they fell apart way to easily and quickly!

As for guys selling their gear. Hey it's not yours it's the Queen's and she'll want it or the cash back. Also it's an offence, basically theft! Don't do it and don't encourage it. There is better stuff out there.
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Old June 14th, 2015, 11:35   #105
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Ive seen way too many places selling current issues CF kit. I am serving with 1st battalion RCR up here in Petawawa and their is a shortage of kit. I was at a flea market last weekend and found current issued arid and green cadpat tac vest.

Last edited by BrendanL; June 25th, 2015 at 17:25..
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