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Battle of the Bulge 2014


WW1, WW2

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Old December 18th, 2013, 23:33   #1
Join Date: Dec 2013
Battle of the Bulge 2014

Greetings Canadians my fellow North Americans,
There is going to be a Battle of the Bulge airsoft event held in Johnstown New York on January 18th and 19th 2014. Please see this thread for more info.

I thought you guys might like to know about this since it is not too far from Quebec and Ontario. Its sounds like they have a very nice event planned. It would be great if players from both Canada and the North East could get together and play this wonderful game of airsoft ww2 style. I apologize if you guys dont want US stuff posted on this forum, but I thought you might like to know especially if you live within driving distance of this event.


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Old December 18th, 2013, 23:59   #2
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Its illegal to bring the guns across the border

Edit: Nevermind thats just for shipping...

Last edited by DeWee; December 19th, 2013 at 00:05..
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Old December 19th, 2013, 00:03   #3
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Location: Edmonton, Alberta
No its not. Fill out the right paper work, and put an orange flash hider on it and you will have no issues. I know MANY players that have brought their guns into the states and back.
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Old December 19th, 2013, 22:56   #4
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More details

Read these two posts to get more info about the event.

Battle Of The Bulge

Jan 18th & 19th

Lash's Paintball, Perth NY

$20 Per person, Pay at field

I am still planning the objectives and missions for the event, but I am trying to plan everything so there will be minimal downtime. No simple cature the flag type games, I will have a full narrative with props and HOPEFULLY a M29 Weasel at our disposal! I will have campfires in place at both the German and American camps, so we can all warm up between missions. I will also consider doing some night missions Sat night, although I doubt anyone is crazy enough to camp out, I will have provisions to help get everyone packed away should they decide to participate in Sat night missions and then split for warmer shelter for the night.

Night missions Sat and a Second day on Sunday all depend on who is willing to participate for the second day! I will take a count, and decide the duration of the event, depending on the willingness of the participants. I need your feedback! But please only specify a preference below if you actually plan on attending! I need to know definitvely who is willing!

If you plan on attending, Please PM me with your Impression (German Wehr, SS, or FJ OR US Para, Inf), your primary weapon and a phone number to contact you at (an Email works too).
I need to know your primary weapon, because I plan on making this a RIFLE HEAVY event!
Each team will have only a few designated SMG gunner positions. These team members are the only ones allowed to operate on FULL AUTO! All others who are designated as riflemen, despite the actual weapon type you are holding, you will be regulated to SEMI only! this is to limit the use of "Spray & Pray" tactics. I want to emphisize the use of squad tactics here. FIRE & MANOUVER! I will also be designating anyone who has a LMG/HMG as the team's Machine gunner. He will be allowed to have extra bags of BB's and speed loaders for his own and his team's weapons on the field. He will also be appointed a Machine gunner's assistant, and must both operate as a team within their team. These roles can be swapped between team members between missions, so everyone can have the opportunity to go HAM ON FULL AUTO!

I would like to make this event about having fun in our hobby, but also try to make our hobby as realistic as possible! With that said, here is an outline on the uniform requirements:


Either the M42's or M43's for Para's OR M41 Parsons Jackets, or M43 Jackets, both with wools or HBT's for Regular Infantry
Proper webgear with ammo pouches for your specific weapons, and preferrably some way to carry extras whether it be a Musette bag, Haversack, or GP bag
BOOTS! I know it will be cold, so I will not stress correct boot, just make sure they are warm!
M1 Helmet or jeep cap. I would like everyone to have some kind of head cover on, even if its just a green knit cap
BED SHEETS! yes I said it... I have some already made up to use as winter camo. USGI's didn't have proper white camo durring the bulge, so they improvised! I would highly suggest doing the same! (especially if you dont have a period correct-ish jacket to wear)


Any of the Wool uniforms will be ok (M35-M44) If you don't have such items, any of the german camo pattern jackets or smocks can be worn as a substitute with either camo or grey trousers.
proper webgear with weapon specific ammo pouches, and make sure to have a way to carry extras into combat (breadbag, or something similar will work)
BOOts! again, if jackboots or lowboots cannot be had, any warm boots with gaiters can be worn
Any German helmet with or without covers, or a field cap can be worn. Or anything of that nature (preferrably grey)
Bedsheets can be worn by any german, but I would prefer this to be a US only item (for recognition purposes)

I will be recruiting locals at this event. They will not be held to such "high" standards as you fellow WW2AA board members, but I will help them look somewhat period correct. (10ft rule applies for all participants)

Partisans are also welcome to attend, just try to find some authentic looking clothes, that are warm enough.

I am really looking forward to this event! Please give any imput or voice any concers you have!

Last edited by Jerry-ADK; December 19th, 2013 at 23:23..
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Old December 19th, 2013, 23:10   #5
Join Date: Dec 2013

I,m posting this so you don't have to read the thread on WW2AA to get the details, so yes this is happening and for real. It was posted by Brownien, the guy putting the event together. Follow the thread on WW2AA to get involved with the event. PM Brownien if you are going to attend. I think that at this time we have about 20 who have said they are coming. I think we need more people doing German impressions. There just isn't a huge ww2airsoft following yet in the North East. Events like this could change that. Also it would be nice to meet airsofters into this hobby from Canada, since I only live just south of Plattsburgh Ny.


Preliminary schedule as follows:


0900hrs- Arrival, I would like everyone at the playing field by this time, and everyone in uniform by then. Anyone using Loaner kit will form up at the Command tent and loaner gear will be issued. Everyone will then form up on the US XO to sign waivers MANDANTORY! Everyone will then report to the Armorer at the firing range for chrono-ing, and general target practice if you wish.

1000hrs- Initial Briefing, everyone will again group up around the Command tent to be briefed on the Formations drills. Our tactician will go over basic formations school circle style, before moving out for field training.

1030hrs- Field Training Commences, everyone; US and German, will move out and put what we have learned into practice. This will be live fire with very limited ammo! For training, Mags and ammo will be regulated to enforce proper trigger discipline.

1200hrs- Field Training Ends, Both sides will regroup at the Command post for a debrief, and to prep for departure to the Combat Zone! Mags, extra BB's, and gear loaded; everything you will need for the duration of the day MUST be packed! Once you move out to your respective HQ's, you won't be able to return to the CP, unless it is very important, and trust me, you really don't want to hoof it all the way back!

1230hrs- Chow! Once you are set to move out, line up at the Mess area for some hot stew, biscuits, and pork luncheon meat. Savor it! it will be your last hot meal for a long while!

1300hrs- Main Briefing-US, all US forces will be broken into squads and briefed on the location of their HQ, Forward CP, and where they are to dig in. US forces will then jump in, and move out according to orders.

1315hrs- Main Briefing-German, German forces will be broken into squads and briefed on their HQ, Forward CP, and where they are to dig in. German forces will then move out according to orders and prep their AO.

1345hrs- Battle Commences! German forces, having prepped for their main assault, will push out according to orders.

NOTE-Supper will be consumed on the field of play. There will be NO STOP CALLED! Chow will be brought up from the rear by runner, and can be warmed on a fire. You may not be eating the same time as the enemy team! keep your eyes peeled, you could be attacked at any minute, just as you could be at any other time durring combat! Eye protection must remain ON!

2100hrs- Engagement Ceases, US and German forces will pull back to what ever main fortificaion they have reached and raise their flags. Combat will cease and everyone will first report to their respective HQ's to gather their equipment, and then report to the Main CP. Everyone who has Loaner gear will report to the Command tent and turn in their gear. All gear will be earmarked for each person, so the next day everyone will recieve the same kit to speed up the issuing process the next day.


0900hrs- 2nd Day Arrival, Everyone will again be expected to arrive at this time and be already in uniform. Again, anyone needing Loaner items will need to report to the Command tent to recieve their issued items. Everyone will then need to gear up and get everything ready to move out to their HQ's.

1000hrs- 2nd Day Mission Briefing-US, American forces will fall in on the Command Tent and be briefed on the days developments and new orders. US forces will then move out to their HQ, Forward CP, and the US side of the line.

1015hrs- 2nd Day Mission Briefing-German, German forces will fall in on the Command Tent and be briefed on the opinion of their Fuhrer on their previous days actions and his master plan for the day. German forces will then move out to their HQ, Forward CP, and the German side of the line.

1045hrs- 2nd Day Combat Commences! Both sides will then follow through with their respective orders and PUSH THE ATTACK!

NOTE-AS in the first day, Chow will not be had at the Main CP, but it will be brought up from the rear. Rations for the 2nd day will be more scarce, so if you wish, you may bring your own to suppliment, but this will go along with both more scarce ammo in simulating overly stressed supply lines. There will be a side mission with a ration reward should the objective be secured.

1600hrs- 2nd Day Combat Ceases, Both forces will gather their gear at their HQ's and report to the Main CP. Anyone with loaner gear will be required to return all gear to the Command Tent before vacating the premise.


This will be a continuous, semi scripted event. This will mean that each team's CO will have private radio contact at all times to help dictate the flow of battle. they will also be able to request a rest or lul in the fighting from the other team,and I will be monitoring these comms to keep everything in check. Oly the CO's and I will be aware of any rests or combat flow controlling, so to the individual combatant, everyhting will seem "off the cuff" and non-scripted. With that said, there will be no pre-determined victor. Each side will be free to pursue victory at their own accord. The Combat flow adjustments will only be in place to keep one side from being toppled, or to keep the scenario from ending too soon and needing to be reset.

I will have loudspeakers playing looped battle ambiance durring battle. I will be controlling the volume based on the circumstances of the battle. In reguards to music, you are more than welcome to bring any period music to play at your HQ durring luls in the fighting. Just make sure the player is well protected/disguised if you have a modern player, as you will be on the field of play! I want to keep the farb-O-meter on the low side.

GRENADES! Exploding and smoke grenades are welcome at the event, and I actually plan on ordering some myself. If you would like to go partially in on grenades with me, please let me know through PM. I am not sure when I will be placing the order, but I know it will be before the 1st of the year. Any grenades I buy, will be for use with me and my buddies, if you would like a few the day of the event, i would be willing to sell you a few, but DO NOT RELY ON THERE BEING ANY AVAILABLE AT THE EVENT! If you must have grenades, please order some WITH me ahead of time, otherwise its first come, first serve.
I will be getting some smoke grenades also. these will be split up and issued to each team's CO. He can do what he wants with them, whether to hand them out or hold onto them, but he is in charge of WHEN and WHERE they are to be used!

FOOD: I will have Beef stew, spam and buscuits available for meals. they will not be in period correct containers, but labels will be removed. If you Germans, or anyone else would like, they can bring their own food along, if you would like more period correct foods. Just remember if you bring it and its modern food, please discard of the modern labels before bringing it onto the field of play. WE WILL BE EATING ON AND OFF THE FIELD! Even if you require loaner gear, be sure to bring some form of Mess Tin! even if its not military, some form of small, one person mess tin, will be REQUIRED! WE WLL BE FIGHTING ALOT! IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PERIOD CANTEEN, you may bring a non military/modern canteen (NOT A CAMEL PACK!) but SOME FORM OF PERSONAL HYRATION WILL BE REQUIRED! Water for refills will be available at both HQ's and the Main CP

Fires: I will have some barrels available at the Main CP, and each HQ for use as fire barrels. The ones at the Main CP will be liquid fuel based, but the ones at each HQ will be using firewood. They may be used for heating rations while on the field, as well as any firepits you choose to make. I am not concerned with them being a firehazard, with all the snow around, but remember that your gear is FLAMMABLE! ALL firepits MUST BE DOUCED after use! SO after you get done with them, put them out before moving out! Lastly, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELFARE OF YOUR LOANER GEAR! any fire related damage to ANY ITEMS will be an out of pocket expense to the person ISSUED THE GEAR! so KEEP AN EYE ON WHAT YOU GET ISSUED!

CHRONO: I will not be setting any FPS limits for specific guns, but upon chrono-ing your weapon, I will decide on an appropriate minimum engagment distance for said weapon. It is your responsibility to uphold this MED, so please keep this in mind. Don't expect to bring a 500fps rifle and have a means to defend yourself in a CQC enviroment! Any disputes of engaging too close with a too high of a FPS, will come directly to me. The weapon in question will be Immidiately Chrono-ed again, and any violators will have their weapon impounded for the duration of the event. That means THE WHOLE EVENT! BOTH DAYS! Don't expect to use it again on day 2.

MEDICS: In depth Medic rules will be explained at the briefings, but anyone who would like to attend as a dedicated unarmed Medic may do so! They will work off a separate medic system that will benefit them for being there as an unarmed Medic!
Besides that, each team will have designated armed Medics. they will have a quicker medic time than any non-medic teammates. Details will be laid out durring the briefings.

EXRA GEAR: Anyone who is coming that has extra gear, please bring it! As I have stated before, all Players in need of Loaner gear, will be required to kit up as US, but they may bring any extra items (despite nationality). Some players may need to switch sides to even things up, but I will be the one to designate who, to even out firepower.

Thats it so far! If anyone who needs Loaner gear, has yet to PM me pants and shirt sizes, you need to do so before the 25th of December! Its coming up quick, so hop to it!

Last edited by Jerry-ADK; December 19th, 2013 at 23:21.. Reason: More info
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Old December 19th, 2013, 23:44   #6
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My 2 cents...

Sounds ok, not really enough time to plan for this, nor enough days to really make it worth the trek.
Also - Rules seem pretty loose/open, some far more than others. Maybe we're just used to things ran a bit tighter up here.

FPS, kit restrictions, etc... Pretty big deal killer for me.

Check this out:

It's a big event we are holding annually in September, last year went off great. Everything is laid out plain and simple.

Again, just my 2cents.

Glad to see things taking off over there.
Best of luck.
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Old December 20th, 2013, 07:14   #7
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Originally Posted by Forever_kaos View Post
My 2 cents...

Sounds ok, not really enough time to plan for this, nor enough days to really make it worth the trek.
Also - Rules seem pretty loose/open, some far more than others. Maybe we're just used to things ran a bit tighter up here.

FPS, kit restrictions, etc... Pretty big deal killer for me.

Check this out:

It's a big event we are holding annually in September, last year went off great. Everything is laid out plain and simple.

Again, just my 2cents.

Glad to see things taking off over there.
Best of luck.
Yeah, we are in the early phase of WW2 airsoft. Hopefully we will soon be up to speed in the NE US. Everyone else in Europe and Aisia and Canada have been at it a bit longer. We are allowing looser kit restrictions to try to get more attendance. But most of the people attending have good and fairly correct kits. Trying to keep the farb 'O' meter down low.

I really want to go to Operation Woodsman next year. Its only 3 hours from my house. And I really admire the attention to detail you guys are doing. We Americans can learn alot from you about what makes a good event. Hopefully some of the guys in the NE will go up there with me next year. I personally am a reenactor first and just recently an airsofter. I am in this for the historical aspect. As well as the airsoft tactical part.
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Old December 20th, 2013, 15:57   #8
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Great to hear that you guys are keeping an eye on Woodsman, always nice to have our southern neighbors at large events.
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Old December 20th, 2013, 17:17   #9
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Op Woodsman

Originally Posted by 666 View Post
Great to hear that you guys are keeping an eye on Woodsman, always nice to have our southern neighbors at large events.
Some of the guys didnt know about it, until I posted a link to your event for them. Next year I think a few of us will be going. I know I will. Your event is what I hope ours to be like soon, complete reenactment and imersion tactical. Not many of us have period camp stuff yet. But I think the guys will start working toward getting it. Especially if they want to go to Operation Woodsman. Im looking forward to it.


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Old December 20th, 2013, 23:26   #10
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Best of luck on your wwii event. I hope to see some pics afterwards.
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Old December 22nd, 2013, 00:40   #11
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Complete US loner kits available

Maybe it would be a bit more inticing for some of you guys to come down if I told you complete loner kits will be available including weapons and magazines. That way the border crossing isn't as much of a issue. It's not that we are desperate for more players, we have enough for a good scenario, it just that it would be nice to have some international attendance. And we can learn a lot from our northern brothers. The more the merrier!
Most of the loner gear is US. There will be a couple of German weapons available but private message me if you want us to hold stuff for you, it is first come first serve. I am going to call customs to find out what hoops we have to jump through to easily get our airsoft weapons across the border. I will post what I find out. Also, Camping is allowed on site, so you can sleep in your foxhole if you like. If the weather is bad, there is a large heated tent on site as well. And a few people are staying at my place, and there probably is room for more. That will spare you guys the hotel room fee. So if anyone is aching to play WW2 airsoft and try out that shiny new gun Santa got them, come on down! We would love to have you there.



P.s. pyrotechnics will allowed and some will be available to buy on a first come first serve basis.

Last edited by Jerry-ADK; December 22nd, 2013 at 01:00.. Reason: Forgot to mention
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Old December 22nd, 2013, 06:35   #12
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thats the week before GAP
"First to go last to know - We will defend to the death your right to be misinformed".

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Old December 22nd, 2013, 11:45   #13
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^ That too, but you can't plan everything around everybody, although GAP is huge.

If you're only 3 hours away for Woodsman, I strongly suggest you guys make it out. Few of us from London drive a good ~5 hours!

For us to bring our weapons down, it's fairly straight forward. Y38 form and bob's your uncle. For you to bring yours up, they will need documentation (original box or some such) stating they shoot 366 with a .2 BB or up.
I'm sure we could work out loaners for you folks as well. I know fair few of us have "too" many.
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Old December 22nd, 2013, 12:30   #14
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No such thing as "too" many. I have 5 WWII rifles/SMGs and I still want at least 4 more badly, and a couple others if I find a deal on them.
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Old December 22nd, 2013, 13:05   #15
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Hence why I said ''too'' many! I'm sitting at just one above you, and want many more as well. The good thing is, fair few real ones are coming, and a wee bit cheaper than the A/S counterparts, or non existent.
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