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WE AKS74U GBBR accuracy and velocity issues please help.


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Old August 25th, 2021, 11:43   #1
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WE AKS74U GBBR accuracy and velocity issues please help.

Hi! I recentky purchased my first rifle in anticipation for my first game last saturday from a user here. He had great feedback and was amazing to deal with so I dont tbink he purposely sent me a gun with issues.

Since I really like guns with a functioning action and couldnt find an ebb I liked that had mags available and having had regular old aegs in my teens I decided to jump both feet in and get a GBBR to supplment my GBB KWA VZ61 that has been great after I replaced the hop up with a maple leaf unit since I accidentally got lube all over it and made it swell, I am now running .28s in it well since I was told to run the heaviest bbs my hop up can handle.

I recieved the ak thursday after work and by the time
I got to test it it was a bit dark and hard to see the very fast bbs but it seemed to be curving up heavily with .25s but the gun seemed to be working ok.

The next day I tested the gun after work to try to get the hop up dialed in. Even on tbe lowest setting it curved up heavily with .25s but the other thing was it seemed to be very inconsistent. Some shots would be so fast i couldnt see them others would be comparable to my vz61 and less accurate and some would barley hop at all also i had to have the hop all the way down basically to get it to not overhop the .28s. Also at one point the gun expelled lots of gas out the barrel and ejection port and made barely any velocity. I now think that was caused by a bb that glt stuck when I cleared the chamber to adjust the hop up and didnt get it out all tbe way.

I decided to see if anyone at tbe field the next day could help me. When I was there I was suggested to use .28s instead and I got it shooting ok at the range it seemed but again not very consistent. It was hard to really tell during the game because it was my first game so I wasnt doing a whole lot of accurate shooting and we were in deep woods.

The next day I decided to give the gun a good lube while field stripped and cleaned the rails the bolt slides on with q tips and lightly cleaned the bucking and a little bit of black stuff was on it and the rails. I noticed the little nozzle on the bolt that slides into the chamber was really greasy so I cleaned it off and also noticed the bucking be way too big, like take up a third/half the barrel big when set to max hop I can get a picture after work but im guessing the issue is maybe the bucking swelled up or had some issues from the cold temperatures on the airplane to be delivered.

When I fired the gun after this it seemed even worse but gradually went back to how it was before, on full auto the gun cycles but the bbs barely fly out. Also one of the mags started leaking between the end of the game sat and sunday afternoon.

The seller test fired the gun before I got it cause he said he didnt use it very often and I believe him as he was great to deal with and even gave me detailed notes on how to use the gun and mags.

I would drop it off at poco military but they require a 75 dollar deposit at drop off and im pretty tight until payday and trigger airsoft is too far away from me during the week so im wondering if im able to just figure it out myself as I feel like it cant be a major issue. Does anyone know what bucking this gun uses? Thank you!
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Old August 25th, 2021, 17:45   #2
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Originally Posted by Snerpydoodle View Post
Does anyone know what bucking this gun uses? Thank you!
That was a really long and elaborate post just to ask one question but a quick google search revealed this:

Good luck
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Old August 26th, 2021, 11:19   #3
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
That was a really long and elaborate post just to ask one question but a quick google search revealed this:

Good luck
Thats a bucking for a KWA SMG, not for a we gbb aks74u but thank you lol. I actually have 3 of those incase I run into issues with my maple leaf setup.

Also im trying to figure out why im having these issues with the gun a bad bucking is just a guess.
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Old August 26th, 2021, 14:13   #4
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One person used a reaps
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Old August 26th, 2021, 15:45   #5
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Yeah I saw those buckings but they are listed as being for "open bolt" rifles and the ak fires from a closed bolt but I guess they are the same? Was hoping someone would clear that up thank you.
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Old August 26th, 2021, 16:16   #6
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You could always just take apart the gun to check if the previous seller swapped out the barrel or the type of hop up unit is in there
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Old August 26th, 2021, 19:46   #7
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They use standard VSR10 style hop rubbers.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old August 30th, 2021, 14:20   #8
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Thanks guys I actually brought the gun into work with me today to take apart on my breaks. Gonna try cleaning the bucking and if that doesnt work ill maybe just take it in to be checked out by someone who knows more than me.
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Old September 4th, 2021, 18:23   #9
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Originally Posted by Snerpydoodle View Post
Thanks guys I actually brought the gun into work with me today to take apart on my breaks. Gonna try cleaning the bucking and if that doesnt work ill maybe just take it in to be checked out by someone who knows more than me.
Please for god sake, don't fucking take the gun to work unless you work at a paintball/airsoft shop or actual firearms store. Use common sense man. If the wrong person sees it, cops get called, media gets alerted and that's how we get bad publicity. ESPECIALLY WITH THE FUCKING SHITSHOW going on right now with the lib-fucks we have in office. Use your damn head.
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