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Not a Kalashnikov fan, but these new LCT LCK's look good


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Old August 9th, 2020, 11:31   #1
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Not a Kalashnikov fan, but these new LCT LCK's look good

I've never been a particular fan of the AK-47 family of firearms, as despite their legendary reliability and toughness, they always seemed primitive and clunky to me.

However, the new modernization AK-12 and RPK-16 models have got my attention. I was wondering if anyone had good / bad experiences with the LCT versions?
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Old August 11th, 2020, 11:57   #2
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580 views and no one has any opinion on these?
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Old August 11th, 2020, 12:26   #3
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LCT is generally a good brand, and I'm assuming this will be no different. From the two I've owned and several that I have worked on I can tell you that they have excellent externals, and very good internals.

As for things that are lack-luster, the hopup bucking should probably get swapped out, and the motor will die within 1-2 years if you are using it regularly.
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Old August 11th, 2020, 16:57   #4
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My only owned LCT is a LC-3A3 (HK G3) and I was very happy with the build quality. I'm more of a collector than active player these days.
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Old August 11th, 2020, 17:20   #5
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I never cared much for AKs (despite owning one) either, until I started westernizing it. I don't particular care for the throwback handguard nor the bipod setup on the PRK-16.

Haven't used LCT (i'm a gas user) but I've used some of their external parts and they were nice.
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Old August 11th, 2020, 17:44   #6
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Honestly the RPK 16 is going to be one of those guns I’ll have to have in my collection, not a huge fan of the AK 12 though something about it just irks me. Seems to be a decent gun nonetheless
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Old August 11th, 2020, 20:48   #7
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I really enjoy the realism of my GHK M4 GBBR's.

I am anxious to try the GHK Sig 553 Commando.

The reason why I mention the Sig 553 is it provides many of the great attributes of both the AR and AK platforms.

It's as if Hugo Schmeisser, Mikhail Kalashnikov and Eugene Stoner had a diabolical baby.
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Old October 31st, 2020, 16:57   #8
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Just got my LCT RPK-16. (Disclaimer: not a Canadian)

Not a big fan for the price you pay for it.

With the E&L AK-74 Gen 2 (price point: 250-300 USD), the big issues are
1) misaligned nozzle head + air nozzle issue
2) Hop-rubber

... and that's it. Other it's pretty much good to go with good externals (albeit rust easy).

With the LCT AK-12/RPK-16 (price point: 350-400USD) :
- leaky air nozzle
- full steel teeth piston (not the biggest fan of this because I can't easily file off half of the last tooth easily)
- more disassembly required to get to the mechbox.
- Over-spec'd gears that make shimming difficult. The gears are literally stuck in the bearings and you will need a pin pinch to smack them out, and lots of force to smack them in. Replaced mine in a hurry because otherwise shimming is next to impossible.
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Old December 22nd, 2020, 11:27   #9
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Originally Posted by Amoki View Post
Just got my LCT RPK-16. (Disclaimer: not a Canadian)

Not a big fan for the price you pay for it.

With the E&L AK-74 Gen 2 (price point: 250-300 USD), the big issues are
1) misaligned nozzle head + air nozzle issue
2) Hop-rubber

... and that's it. Other it's pretty much good to go with good externals (albeit rust easy).

With the LCT AK-12/RPK-16 (price point: 350-400USD) :
- leaky air nozzle
- full steel teeth piston (not the biggest fan of this because I can't easily file off half of the last tooth easily)
- more disassembly required to get to the mechbox.
- Over-spec'd gears that make shimming difficult. The gears are literally stuck in the bearings and you will need a pin pinch to smack them out, and lots of force to smack them in. Replaced mine in a hurry because otherwise shimming is next to impossible.
How's the RPK after a couple of months? I'm looking into getting one, but this doesn't inspire confidence. Money is tight right now since I switched my workplace and ordered a thesis from Thesis was top-notch in terms of quality, but I gotta be confident that my next airsoft buy is a good one.

Last edited by FKemp; January 2nd, 2021 at 15:59..
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Old December 22nd, 2020, 13:55   #10
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That's one bad experience with an LCT product. Some batches had badly installed hop-up rubbers, this is known, but that was a few years back. Ask most people using LCTs and they will tell you that they have been running it stock for years with no malfunction. Mine is super reliable, all I did to it was install a mosfet to preserve the trigger contacts, because I use a 11.1 lipo in it. I did not even change the hop-up rubber, it fires 0.36 really really well, they go far and straight. Mine can hop 0.40g BBs no problem. The air seal was perfect.

The gears were also pretty well shimmed out of the box, I think I might have added one or two 0.1mm shim but that's it, the job took less than 5 minutes. The gears were not stuck in the bearings. If I didn't have to open the gearbox to solder the mosfet wires and put in a weaker spring (got it around 340fps on 0.20g, to be CQB safe), I wouldn't even have re-shimmed the gears, the gun sounded great out of the box.

Really, the only thing you could legitimately complain about on LCT AEGs is the rather weak motors, a better motor would give you a better trigger response, but the stock motor on a 11.1 lipo still gives a good trigger response.
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Old December 22nd, 2020, 21:54   #11
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LCT AK variants

Owning one LCT, one gen 1 E&L and one PPS (E&L) PP-19 I can say the LCT color is matched close to the real black paint used on Russian AK's and I don't worry about rust

Plastic hop units can be problematic in the LCT and Cyma units are a good swap

The only other issues I found was a machined off centre front sight but a buddy helped me solve this so the aeg now shoots straight down the iron sights which is a challenge to achieve on some airsoft guns out of the box.

The last issue was the fake bakelite grips tend to crack around the base, I can't speak on the other grips and keep in mind it's several years old

LCT are not a complete copy so to speak if you compare it to VFC AK74's or E&L in terms of using rivets in place of Allen bolts or VFC having the correct spacing and height of the selector notches but they are a solid platform and once set up correctly it will be extremely reliable.

Now if LCT made accesories that didn't have LCT or on them I would buy a few more of their attachments but this is understandable to avoid copyright infringement

since owning the Tanker AK-104 mislabeled and sold as LCT's Draco I can say it isn't one I would sell because it's an all day non stop bb spewing monster and nobody likes an aeg they can't pick up with confidence that it's going to work when needed

Every airsoft gun is beautiful in the eye of the right beholder so go with what you like providing its got a history of reliability and replacement parts if needed and doesn't use proprietary internals
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Old December 24th, 2020, 03:34   #12
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I gat no love for AKs
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Old January 29th, 2021, 17:57   #13
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This was years ago, but I bought an LCT and had nothing but problems. The build on the outside was rad! Internals... shit. Didn't work out of the box, the company I bought it from wouldn't refund or exchange it. I ended up spending more in parts than the gun cost originally and never got it working. Won't touch one again.
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