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Canadian Gun Ban - May 1st



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Old May 21st, 2020, 12:29   #31
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Firearm laws do cover "possible" modification as demonstrated by the 1993 R v Hasselwander case.

The TL;DR from that case was that if a firearm was "capable of conversion to an automatic weapon in a relatively short period of time with relative ease" it was prohibited.

The big question mark is what defines as a relatively short period of time, and what is relative ease?

Does it consist of 6 hours of machining a lower to hold a Real steel upper? Does it consist of ship of Thesusing an Airsoft gun so much that its more other parts then airsoft?

Obviously if you could slap an AR-15 upper on a GBBR lower and have the GBBR lower fit AR-15 parts it should be restricted/prohibited as a real firearm. But when you have to spend hours in a machine shop making either of them fit together it shouldn't count as the case precedent did say "with a relatively short period of time and with relative ease".
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Old May 21st, 2020, 12:54   #32
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At the expense of sounding nhilistic, this was my biggest concern going into the election with bill blair as the Minister for Public Safety.

This doesn't necessarily need to be a partisan issue, but that being said make no mistake when I say this particular Liberal government can and will come after our hobby.

The date on the TM P226 FRT revision may have been before the ban, but rest assured it is no coincidence as the RCMP is likely receiving some direct or indirect input from Public Safety on what to ban.

As many here have stated, write your MP, sign the petitions, and next election carefully consider how important your hobby is to you. And carefully consider to what length this particular government will go to jam through ideological rulings in a manner that undermines our parliamentary process.

I am sure many of us remember the Cansoft / Clearsoft days.. for those here that do not, have a look in some of the wayback threads on this forum. If we aren't careful, our hobby could disappear overnight. It wasn't that long ago we were on the verge...
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Old May 21st, 2020, 13:08   #33
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Originally Posted by Chillyrabbit View Post
Firearm laws do cover "possible" modification as demonstrated by the 1993 R v Hasselwander case.

The TL;DR from that case was that if a firearm was "capable of conversion to an automatic weapon in a relatively short period of time with relative ease" it was prohibited.

The big question mark is what defines as a relatively short period of time, and what is relative ease?

Does it consist of 6 hours of machining a lower to hold a Real steel upper? Does it consist of ship of Thesusing an Airsoft gun so much that its more other parts then airsoft?

Obviously if you could slap an AR-15 upper on a GBBR lower and have the GBBR lower fit AR-15 parts it should be restricted/prohibited as a real firearm. But when you have to spend hours in a machine shop making either of them fit together it shouldn't count as the case precedent did say "with a relatively short period of time and with relative ease".
Preaching to the converted. I am sure a CNC mill would be considered 'relative ease' to the right (or wrong) person.

The problem is none of this garbage represents our community, which during my time has largely showed nothing but the highest level of responsibility and discretion, much like the firearms community in this country.
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Old May 21st, 2020, 14:31   #34
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I am sure a CNC mill would be considered 'relative ease' to the right (or wrong) person
Someone with access to a cnc mill could with relative ease mill out an 80% lower just as well, heck, they could do a 0% lower from a slab of aluminum if their mill can do the broaching for the magwell.

Someone who has access to a water jet or other cutting rig could make a full auto trigger pack to go in a 80% lower, and if they are creative, they can make the trigger pack a drop in piece that won?t need the 3rd hole like a normal FA ar trigger pack needs.

(So does knowledge of how to do this sort of shit make me a criminal...?!?)
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Old May 21st, 2020, 14:56   #35
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Originally Posted by cetane View Post
(So does knowledge of how to do this sort of shit make me a criminal...?!?)
yup - Trudeau's henchmen are coming for you
MODT - tu fui ego eris
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Old May 21st, 2020, 15:48   #36
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Originally Posted by cetane View Post
Someone with access to a cnc mill could with relative ease mill out an 80% lower just as well, heck, they could do a 0% lower from a slab of aluminum if their mill can do the broaching for the magwell.

Someone who has access to a water jet or other cutting rig could make a full auto trigger pack to go in a 80% lower, and if they are creative, they can make the trigger pack a drop in piece that won?t need the 3rd hole like a normal FA ar trigger pack needs.

(So does knowledge of how to do this sort of shit make me a criminal...?!?)
*knock knock knock*

VFC HK416C Crushed Orchid - VFC SR16 BCM ZTW

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Old May 21st, 2020, 15:56   #37
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There's a bunch of people on ASC that have milled 80% lowers and modded RS uppers to work with their GBBR's
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Old May 21st, 2020, 17:32   #38
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Originally Posted by Freeze View Post
*knock knock knock*


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Last edited by Desmodus; May 21st, 2020 at 17:55..
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Old May 21st, 2020, 17:41   #39
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Please remember that just because the rcmp are listing things on the frt site as prohibited, the site itself is not the legal authority and in fact the rcmp say that on the site. There must be specifics listed in the actual law itself, ie: federal statute, for example high cap mags and actual firearm suppressors are specifically listed as prohibited devices. I?m just as concerned as the next person, and this topic is covered by more knowledgeable people than I on the Canadiangunnutz forum. The frt system is something that is frequently used by crown attnys but not all the time. Ultimately, things r analyzed on a case by case basis, the frt system info alone is not enough for a conviction without other statutes to support it. It?s terrible that people have to spend all kinds of money to legally defend themselves on an issue that frequently ends up in an acquittal. Pls look at the gunnutz site for more-educated opinions than mine.
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Old May 21st, 2020, 20:03   #40
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Originally Posted by ColtXM177 View Post
Please remember that just because the rcmp are listing things on the frt site as prohibited, the site itself is not the legal authority and in fact the rcmp say that on the site. There must be specifics listed in the actual law itself, ie: federal statute, for example high cap mags and actual firearm suppressors are specifically listed as prohibited devices
That's... Why they're being classified. The gun ban along with these definitions in accordance with the firearms act is why we're so concerned.

There is an amnesty period for the owners of those firearms listed in the ban to comply which is April 2022.

Right now, the list being updated means bad news for us because it IMPLIES the AIRSOFT VARIANTS are being classified as a firearm under the firearms act.

Right now we're just waiting for clarification if certain airsoft models are being grandfathered or banned if they get classified as a prohibited firearm. They're still working out a buyback program allegedly so no point speculating just gotta wait and see.
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Old May 21st, 2020, 21:15   #41
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Rainy Eyes, thanks for your addtl info, I was hoping that someone else knew more. I?m deeply concerned like everyone else and I?m wondering about any future gbb purchases. Scary times in the socialist republic of Kanada, Respectfully, John
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Old June 3rd, 2020, 09:54   #42
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As per the National Post, 200 more firearms have been added to the prohib list. The post confirmed 200, but shooting clubs are saying 350. Nobody knows what all of them are, there is no way of knowing if some more airsoft have been added to the list. Shooting organizations are deeply concerned. The prohib list is being secretly complied and added on to. Just fyi, John
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Old June 3rd, 2020, 19:49   #43
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Just got this in the mail today.

I'm sure this has been posted elsewhere on other Canadian forums. No new info but seems like the wheels are moving still moving.
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Old June 4th, 2020, 12:40   #44
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Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post

Just got this in the mail today.

I'm sure this has been posted elsewhere on other Canadian forums. No new info but seems like the wheels are moving still moving.
I *really* like how the letter that they've sent us is basically already outdated, seeing as they keep adding new firearms every day at this point. Once COVID dies down a bit more, I'm organizing a local protest.
I own more GBB guns than AEGs, because I'm a stubborn bastard who hates doing things the easy way.
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