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Imperial Airsoft? nty I'd rather cut off my finger than go there.



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Old October 4th, 2013, 15:37   #31
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Does ASC have guidelines for vendors doing business here? Like pulling their banner ad and even banning in severe cases?
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Old October 4th, 2013, 16:12   #32
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Banning what?? A member???
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Old October 4th, 2013, 16:34   #33
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Originally Posted by DustMagnet View Post
Completely irrelevant.

If GBBR dropped the ball for one of his clients and then ignored them and then shrugged and said I'll refund you in a while all while claiming opposite behaviour on his website... then I would expect him to be lambasted here regardless of whether or not he calls another vendor out.

And let's be clear here: It's 2013, either have a working website or get the **** off the internet. Being half-assed on your site reflects that you are half-assed in other ways - evidenced by example.
Lol you know nothing about the internet's and how much money a system like your talking, linking a website and TWO stores mind you would cost,
Probably 6 figures...

I believe he has been refunded to his paypal account, the op is bitching because said refund goes from seller>paypal>credit card/bank. and take's time in between 6-8 days. That being said, that's not the companie's fault. if you don't like paypal's practice's don't use paypal.

Once he got a hold of the right guy, a refund was issued.

As said above, A weekend is busy, they may not even look at online orders, which leaves a backlog on monday.
If you need something ASAP, going with the cheaper supplier. across Canada, and ordering on a weekend....

The op blew up what is an issue that happens lot's of time's all over the planet, because he needed a part ASAP and he didn't get it.

End of story.

P.S. Not saying IA can't pull their shit together, they should and he should of been able to get an answer faster. But they didn't deserve all of this.

GBBR.. They offered you a refund and maybe it was their server's? Stop acting like it's an excuse, maybe their website's fucked. Google around for what web design cost's It's not 6.95/month... I'm unsure what you expected? same day delivery for free by the company owner in person?

Last edited by PrIeSt; October 4th, 2013 at 16:36..
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Old October 4th, 2013, 17:03   #34
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Wait A second GBBR arn't you the guy who fucked Ultimate Airsoft with bringing fake BB's to undercut them..

Another thread by you...

Here's UA's thread, read the first 3 page's it was actually another user who called out GBBR...

It's a good thing you don't run around pulling shit ass business stunt's such as bringing in a knock off of a field BB so you can steal business and money from someone whom you feel offended you on facebook.

Suggestion to business's just put this guy on your ban list and ignore him.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; October 4th, 2013 at 18:47..
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Old October 4th, 2013, 17:47   #35
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This thread is full of win.

Not to jump in on your guy's argument, but from reading this from the outside I can see both stances, understanding and accepting or being upset. Since we seem to like numbered lists in this thread, here's another!

1. Their website did promise fast shipping, and often when I need a product quickly I'll look for a canadian retailer who can ship it quickly, it is extremely frustrating to waste several days only to find out you have to go elsewhere.

2. I also see that GBBR called the store to confirm stock, which means either they sold it between the time he called and the time he ordered or the salesman was lazy and just looked at the inventory system they use instead of seeing if they physically had it, this is common when a store is busy but in this case caused an upset customer, if they are too busy to answer a question they should really offer to call the customer back instead.

3. 4 days for a resolution isn't that bad in many cases but I think it is in this one. When the customer is contacting the store every day to ask for a status someone should have taken the bit of effort to look into it.

4. I disagree with those that say a customer is "responsible" for checking the stock by phone, if it shows in stock I expect to be able to order it. If it was a mistake that is okay but I expect a call within 1-2 business days. Inventory mistakes happen all the time with many small businesses, this part is understandable, not doing anything about it until you are pestered like crazy by the customer is bad customer service.

5. Waffles are the best. Can't we all just get along? :P
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Old October 4th, 2013, 18:51   #36
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Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
Wait A second GBBR arn't you the guy who fucked Ultimate Airsoft with bringing fake BB's to undercut them..

Another thread by you...

Here's UA's thread, read the first 3 page's it was actually another user who called out GBBR...

It's a good thing you don't run around pulling shit ass business stunt's such as bringing in a knock off of a field BB so you can steal business and money from someone whom you feel offended you on facebook.

Suggestion to business's just put this guy on your ban list and ignore him.

Are you saying people that do bad things don't deserve good service? I've done my share of dirty deeds, does that mean the businesses I purchase from don't have to give me 100% ?

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

This thread is jokes though, y'all carry on lol
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Old October 4th, 2013, 20:32   #37
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Red face

Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post

I believe he has been refunded to his paypal account, the op is bitching because said refund goes from seller>paypal>credit card/bank. and take's time in between 6-8 days. That being said, that's not the companie's fault. if you don't like paypal's practice's don't use paypal.
yes, waiting 6-8 for a refund form paypal is normal. I mentioned that once, under no circumstances did I actually state that is was Imperial's fault that I have to wait. I was simply stating another inconvenience that has come up from this problem. if it was a big one, I wouldn't have stated it once.

Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
Once he got a hold of the right guy, a refund was issued.

As said above, A weekend is busy, they may not even look at online orders, which leaves a backlog on monday.
If you need something ASAP, going with the cheaper supplier. across Canada, and ordering on a weekend....
yep, money was refunded, correct
weekend is busy, they may not even look at online orders? cool
backlog till monday? cool

I filed the complaint on weds morning,
by then I have already left a few voicemails and 1 email.

there was the entire Monday and the entire Tuesday to resolve this issue, maybe even Wednesday when I was calling them in their store, oh and the guy who picked up the phone " I can't help you with your order, however the online guy will be in later on tonight, I will leave him a message and he can resolve your problem"

I asked if it could happen tonight and he said " Yes, he can help you out tonight, and hung up."

mind you, I was very polite to him, I provided him with all the information needed and then thanked him>

inshort, I they had full additional day to do what ever was needed.

I waited till Wednesday night, before going nuclear.

Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
The op blew up what is an issue that happens lot's of time's all over the planet, because he needed a part ASAP and he didn't get it.
I don't know, maybe I've been spoiled by companies like Cansoft, I EMT him $1100 for a few items and items where shipped EXACTLY when he promised me, and arrived 1 day early

or Airsoft Depot, I walked in with $1100 CASH for 2 guns, when I got home to play with one of the guns, I noticed the buffer lock was broken, I called Huang, I told him the problem and he didn't even question me, he offered me 2 choices, FULL refund or he gave me a upgrade replacement part. ( I was happy with the part.) Huang promptly closed his shop, DROVE OVER TO MY HOUSE, DROPPED OFF THE PART, APOLIGIZED, AND THEN RETURNED TO OPEN HIS SHOP, mind you, when I walked in, he was already 5 minutes away from locking his doors so he could focus on his online sales, ( he literally had a skid of items that he was packing for shipping, )

or maybe Illusion Kinetics, I needed a part, a cheap $100 part, HE TOOK TIME OFF HIS WORK, so that he could meet up with me. Why? two words, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION.

How about lets go to something that is less local. CWI, BBDRAGON.

I ordered a Vipertech MK18 Mod0. I called them exactly at their opening hours, They don't speak good English, He actually TYPED everything he was going to say and used google to annunciate the words so I understood him,
2 days later I ordered the item. no call inadvance to check for stock, nothing.

The item was shipped WITHIN 3 HOURS of the order and was leaving on a flight to Toronto.

for me to even have to wait an extra day is a total no no.

Yes I did blow up. I'm extremely mad still that this happened. I'm mad not because of money. FUCK the money, $200 is peanuts,

I'm mad because of my time wasted trying to contact the right person to get this refund AND I'm mad because I needed the item and now I lost 5 business days and I have 10 left to find a new place to get one and ship it to me

( I'm lucky a local retailer saw my frustration and decided to help me out by selling me one for cheaper )

If I'm told to wait, I will wait, I will wait for as long as promised

If I'm told that something will be fast and I end up waiting 4X what was promised and it yields no results I get furious

Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
Wait A second GBBR arn't you the guy who fucked Ultimate Airsoft with bringing fake BB's to undercut them..

Another thread by you...

Here's UA's thread, read the first 3 page's it was actually another user who called out GBBR...

It's a good thing you don't run around pulling shit ass business stunt's such as bringing in a knock off of a field BB so you can steal business and money from someone whom you feel offended you on facebook.

Suggestion to business's just put this guy on your ban list and ignore him.
If you have a problem with me, feel free to tell me over PM.
This thread has absolutely nothing to do with Ultimate Airsoft, I suspect that may have been an attempt at a personal attack?

If you feel that I am a bad member on this forum, and I should be banned denied service and maybe even banned on this forum? thats great. please, Let everyone know how bad of a person I am. let all the retailers know that I am a troubling customer and they should deny me service, hell they should even ignore me.

and also be sure to let ASC admins know what kind of trouble I've been up to, I'm a naughty boy, tell them they should ban me for this conspiracy you accuse me of

Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
4.Your want for same day shipping is just silly.
yes I do want same day, they promised it, however, I gave them the benefit of the doubt and let a WHOLE TWO DAYS go by before even wondering if something is wrong. I've given them ample amounts of time before even complaining

Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
Any time's I've had to contact Jay I've got responses in minute's and product in a day or two.
how come this didnt happen when
I called
I left emails
I left voicemails
I posted on ASC

I actaully got information from a young man who worked at their northern store, he said provided me with an email to the sales director,


PrIest, I didn't get offended when you called me childish, nor did I get offended when you posted links to the ultimate airsoft thread.

However, when you are debating with someone its important to talk with respect, and try your best to not further escalating the situation by name calling, personal attacks, and also bringing up unrelated information.

You are an age verifier, you should know better. and as Pusangani said

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
Are you saying people that do bad things don't deserve good service? I've done my share of dirty deeds, does that mean the businesses I purchase from don't have to give me 100% ?

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

Last edited by GBBR; October 4th, 2013 at 21:15..
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Old October 4th, 2013, 20:49   #38
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GBBR you are a bad bad boy that buy too many toys.
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Old October 4th, 2013, 20:55   #39
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GBBR profile pic should be this

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Old October 4th, 2013, 21:13   #40
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Not to tak sides or anything but....

"May you fight with the strength of ten full grown men."
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Old October 4th, 2013, 21:22   #41
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I love you GBBR. And from what I read. You're right. They took way to long, they promised same day, what happened? 3 day shipping? Nah y0. If you promise same day shipping. You don't sit down in your shop and jerk off slowly. You actually go and do what needs to be done.

PrIeSt... #Cyanerd
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Old October 4th, 2013, 21:39   #42
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Lol Cyanerd? Nice one. I'm not saying no blame falls on IA, but fuck ups happen, this one was not as big a deal as the Op is blowing it up too be. And the Op has been caught doing some pretty low shit in past.

That discredit's any bitches he may have, right or wrong.

Oh P.s. GBBR I gave up reading your last post a few words in. I'm leaving this thread now, buh byes

Last edited by PrIeSt; October 4th, 2013 at 21:41..
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Old October 4th, 2013, 21:47   #43
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Originally Posted by PrIeSt View Post
Lol Cyanerd? Nice one. I'm not saying no blame falls on IA, but fuck ups happen, this one was not as big a deal as the Op is blowing it up too be. And the Op has been caught doing some pretty low shit in past.

That discredit's any bitches he may have, right or wrong.

Oh P.s. GBBR I gave up reading your last post a few words in. I'm leaving this thread now, buh byes

as an age verifier, you should know better than to post like that. shame
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Old October 4th, 2013, 22:13   #44
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I see a thread that needs derailing and I'm like

then reading it

and waiting for more drama

Last edited by R.I.T.Z; October 4th, 2013 at 22:52..
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Old October 5th, 2013, 08:44   #45
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in this thread a user with exceptionally poor business practices complains about a company that resolved his issue in under five business days by giving him a refund
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