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IR Lasers & DBAL's at games.


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Old February 14th, 2013, 22:18   #151
z0ng's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
You can change channels on you TV from 4 miles out.

If you're good.
Or hack something like this perhaps, just replace the IR LED (D1) with a relay switch and attach that to the pressure switch input of whatever laser you have:

I can only imagine the collective rage as people's TV's start turning on and off repeatedly thanks to some jackass across town

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Old February 15th, 2013, 08:44   #152
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I know that we need an NV to see the laser and it's in my project to buy one (maybe not this year thought). The laser too wont be this year, was more for the info for the future.

I'm gonna check in Quebec if they accept them with some paperwork. If no, maybe i'll just wait a bit and see the developpement of these lasers on field. It's no priority, but would be happy to have on in a couple of year.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 08:46   #153
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Originally Posted by Nickaayyy View Post
I know that we need an NV to see the laser and it's in my project to buy one (maybe not this year thought). The laser too wont be this year, was more for the info for the future.

I'm gonna check in Quebec if they accept them with some paperwork. If no, maybe i'll just wait a bit and see the developpement of these lasers on field. It's no priority, but would be happy to have on in a couple of year.
There's a blanket ban on lasers by most organizers in Quebec. I doubt you'll find much support.

Vérificateur d'age Mauricie
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
So you're saying we cannot engage in a hobby once we are older?

Children these days.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 08:48   #154
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Originally Posted by z0ng View Post
Or hack something like this perhaps, just replace the IR LED (D1) with a relay switch and attach that to the pressure switch input of whatever laser you have:

I can only imagine the collective rage as people's TV's start turning on and off repeatedly thanks to some jackass across town
z0ng, we must do this. Lets use my paq4
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old February 15th, 2013, 09:07   #155
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Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
There's a blanket ban on lasers by most organizers in Quebec. I doubt you'll find much support.
Then sadly I'll abandon the project if it's that hated here :/... Oh well gonna save me money for my gun !!
-KWC P226 X5
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Old February 15th, 2013, 16:45   #156
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Originally Posted by Nickaayyy View Post
Then sadly I'll abandon the project if it's that hated here :/... Oh well gonna save me money for my gun !!
.. or you can move to Ontario, the land of the night games.
Age Verifier - Unionville and Markham.
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Old February 20th, 2013, 02:52   #157
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For the people that were interested in protecting their eyes from lasers ESS just introduced their new Laser Protective Lenses. Unfortunately they are subject to ITAR.

*Edit: post updated with article*

Full article from ADS Inc:
Due to the proliferation of lasers on today’s battlefield and in training at home, laser injuries are becoming more and more prevalent. As a result, each branch of service has outlined their own Laser Safety Program and each program calls for a certain degree of laser protective lens (LPL).

The ESS LPL protects the user from a broad spectrum of laser threats that are commonly found in combat and training environments. This laser protection is in addition to the current ballistic capability found in all ESS products. LPLs are created by impregnating dyes into ESS’ high-grade polycarbonate during the injection molding process. Each dye absorbs a specific light frequency, producing a colored lens capable of blocking the concentrated light emitted from laser devices at the specified nanometer wavelength(s) and optical density (OD).

Durate et vosmet rebus servate secundis.

Last edited by OM3GA; February 20th, 2013 at 18:15..
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Old February 20th, 2013, 22:45   #158
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Too bad its not available for civilians.
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Old February 22nd, 2013, 13:04   #159
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Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
My understanding of US export permits is 300 dollar fee per application not item, meaning you could have multiple items on one permit. Buy a couple of lasers at once and you save on the export fee. Something to consider for the gear whore with more money than brains. I could be wrong so someone should check before buying.

The one thing I am certain of is that paperwork will specifically state that those lasers are yours... Forever. So no group buys. Don't want the State Department laying an egg.
LDI themselves charge $250 USD for the US export permit. So why would Rampart be charging more since they are charge more for the laser itself as well. Not real keen on someone charging more then the export fee really is.

The point is mute since I talked to LDI and they won't sell to individuals in Canada now that they have a distributor here.

So what happens is you fill out the paperwork send it to Rampart. They check it and then send the paperwork to LDI. LDI is the one who actually submits the paperwork to the US Government.

Last edited by KrashRider; March 1st, 2013 at 11:18..
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Old May 17th, 2013, 16:58   #160
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Rampart International is no longer listing the IR lasers for import. The note now on the DBAL-I2 they have listed is for the visible laser only version. It says "this civilian legal model contains green and red visible lasers ONLY". Do you know if there is a new law or something preventing civilians from owning or buying legally IR lasers? Does the visible laser version have an eye safe mode? The airsoft community banning visible lasers might have to be changed if there is eye safe visible versions. Banning all visible lasers and only allowing eye safe IR lasers is kind of advocating illegal import of lasers that cannot be legally purchased from a store here in Canada. There has to be legally obtainable versions that can be used in airsoft that will be allowed at games.
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Old May 17th, 2013, 17:21   #161
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Originally Posted by KrashRider View Post
Rampart International is no longer listing the IR lasers for import. The note now on the DBAL-I2 they have listed is for the visible laser only version. It says "this civilian legal model contains green and red visible lasers ONLY". Do you know if there is a new law or something preventing civilians from owning or buying legally IR lasers? Does the visible laser version have an eye safe mode? The airsoft community banning visible lasers might have to be changed if there is eye safe visible versions. Banning all visible lasers and only allowing eye safe IR lasers is kind of advocating illegal import of lasers that cannot be legally purchased from a store here in Canada. There has to be legally obtainable versions that can be used in airsoft that will be allowed at games.
In Canada you can use Class III3B lasers, the Class I rules for civilian is an American one. I will not play in a game where class IIIB IR laser is used. You'll lose your eyesight
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Old May 17th, 2013, 18:01   #162
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
In Canada you can use Class III3B lasers, the Class I rules for civilian is an American one. I will not play in a game where class IIIB IR laser is used. You'll lose your eyesight
Rampart used to sell eye safe IR Class I, now they say civilian visible version only. Most games in Ontario are saying now "No visible laser". So if the one store in Canada that was selling eye safe Class I no longer says they can sell them to civilians. That leaves no legal option to obtain an eye safe Class I in Canada. Thereby directing people to buy illegally obtained Class I lasers as they are the only ones currently allowed. So there is going to have to be a legally obtainable version that is eye safe visible that the airsoft community is going to allow. Some version that is legally obtainable here in Canada rather than promoting illegal import of ITAR controlled Class I. Almost the same with NVG's, no one in Canada sells Gen3 to civilians but at least you can find stores that sell Gen1 or 2. The lasers there is no one selling any version of eye safe now that Rampart has stopped. There needs to be a legal option otherwise it supports illegal imported versions only.
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Old May 17th, 2013, 18:16   #163
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Originally Posted by KrashRider View Post
Rampart used to sell eye safe IR Class I, now they say civilian visible version only. Most games in Ontario are saying now "No visible laser". So if the one store in Canada that was selling eye safe Class I no longer says they can sell them to civilians. That leaves no legal option to obtain an eye safe Class I in Canada. Thereby directing people to buy illegally obtained Class I lasers as they are the only ones currently allowed. So there is going to have to be a legally obtainable version that is eye safe visible that the airsoft community is going to allow. Some version that is legally obtainable here in Canada rather than promoting illegal import of ITAR controlled Class I. Almost the same with NVG's, no one in Canada sells Gen3 to civilians but at least you can find stores that sell Gen1 or 2. The lasers there is no one selling any version of eye safe now that Rampart has stopped. There needs to be a legal option otherwise it supports illegal imported versions only.
Saying that we 'Support' Illegal import of anything is going a bit far. ASC has no bearing on members personal choices. The field owners and game organizers have their sets of rules, if these rules allow for only eye safe lasers to be used, then those are the rules. Are they forcing players to buy lasers? Not at all. Just because the only way to get lasers that follow the rules is to import them does not mean we support that. Its simply us allowing those who have the lasers to use them.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; May 17th, 2013 at 18:20..
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Old May 17th, 2013, 19:14   #164
Six By Ten
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Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 View Post
Saying that we 'Support' Illegal import of anything is going a bit far. ASC has no bearing on members personal choices. The field owners and game organizers have their sets of rules, if these rules allow for only eye safe lasers to be used, then those are the rules. Are they forcing players to buy lasers? Not at all. Just because the only way to get lasers that follow the rules is to import them does not mean we support that. Its simply us allowing those who have the lasers to use them.
Agreed. It also wasn't that long ago that many airsoft guns were being brought in via legal "grey areas". Most guys with GEN3 Night Vision at least have done the same bringing it in, those are the same guys generally using IR lasers. Fact is, it's not illegal to own here in Canada, and it's not impossible to import those items legally either. The items being used are also not stolen hardware from the military which would be completely illegal. The United States is pretty hardassed when it comes to exporting this stuff, but that's south of the border. IR lasers themselves are not illegal to import (look at all the G&P ones floating around brought in from China).

Eye safe lasers are a safety issue, only lasers classed 1 or 1M (to my knowledge) are truly eye safe. As far as I know, visible class 1M laser designators for mounting to a rifle do not exist. I'm sure if you could get one and present the paperwork showing it is a true eye safe visible laser, then hosts would maybe look into making an exception.
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Old May 17th, 2013, 19:50   #165
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Well it is a thin line to walk as isn't directly supporting or by any other means.

I would rather say "support" or promote the use of retailers who already import or will import eye safe lasers. My miss understanding was thinking they had eye safe visible versions still not importable. I guess there is no eye safe visible versions. That would by default mean just IR Class 1 lasers.

As given to me

Could be a source of legally imported Class 1 lasers if Rampart may is longer be selling/importing them. Website might not be ready for import I guess as well, have to check with them first.

Last edited by KrashRider; May 17th, 2013 at 20:59..
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