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Need help choosing camo and gear.


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Old March 12th, 2013, 15:37   #1
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Need help choosing camo and gear.

Hey guys,
I'm about to buy a bunch of camo and gear as I am just about ready to get back into airsoft. I need a new set of kit since the last time I played I was but a kid.
I live in SOUTHERN ONTARIO, which is something to consider when it comes to camo and colours.
Now, here is my plan, it’s pretty much set, but I’d just like you get your guys’ opinion on it to see if I’m making any mistakes here.

One set of Chinese Type-07 Semi-urban/standard woodland pattern fatigues. These will most likely be my main camo, just because I’d like to rep the motherland XD.
Check out this ASC thread about this camo:

One set EACH of German Flecktarn in standard woodland , and the desert variant currently used by the German Army in Afghanistan. These will most likely be my backups, for when a game such as NightFall2 demands a certain pattern for a certain side, or when I just feel like mixing it up once in a while.
Standard woodland:

Desert variant:

I don’t want to use any US camo (for a variety of reasons), and while I am very tempted to use CADPAT as it works very well, I have decided against it, as just about everyone around here uses it, and also considering that stickied post about the airsoft market driving up demand and depriving our troops out in the field. Not to mention a full set of CADPAT is not cheap.

Here comes the tricky bit, I will only be buying one set of gear, cuz that stuff is expensive! So I need a colour for all my nylon/cordura gear that can go with three different kinds of patterns .

I will be buying a plate carrier, admin/mag/util/dump pouches, leg holster, elbow and knee pads, the whole 9 yards. And all of them will be of the same colour, and this is where I need your help guys.

My current plan is getting all black gear, now, that’s all fine and good when I’m in an urban or low light setting, but I plan to be mainly a woodland/milsim player, and I remembered an old rule of camouflage, “Avoid using black as it rarely appears in nature”, that’s why you don’t see black in most good camos. Now seeing as my entire torso and bits of my limbs will be covered in this colour, all of a sudden it doesn’t seem like that smart of an idea anymore.

My other options are OD green and coyote brown/dark tan. And to be honest I don’t think either of them work as well as black in this case (in terms of it being a good fit with all three camos), OD green has too much of a yellow tinge and doesn’t work well when my main camo is predominantly pine green and grey, and coyote brown on top of any sort of green camo just looks plain odd.

I just wanna draw on the experience of the community here, do we have any people who run black tac gear and if so, how do they perform in the field? Do they get dirt and dust on them after a while and blend in real good? Or do they stand out and turn you into an easy target?

sorry for the long post, verbal diarrhea.
Any advice and pointers would be greatly appreciated. =]
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Old March 12th, 2013, 15:49   #2
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If you want versatility, use Coyote Brown.

Black does stand out, from experience (seeing it, not wearing it).
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Old March 12th, 2013, 16:01   #3
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Black is good for CQB but I wouldn't use it for outdoor day events. Like DustMagnet said, black stands out a lot during day light. OD or CB actually works pretty good with most camo patterns.
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Old March 12th, 2013, 16:06   #4
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Originally Posted by 666 View Post
Black is good for CQB but I wouldn't use it for outdoor day events. Like DustMagnet said, black stands out a lot during day light. OD or CB actually works pretty good with most camo patterns.
Lol, I remember there was a time a guy wearing all black disappeared in the winter forest.

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Old March 12th, 2013, 16:12   #5
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yea that was exactly what i was afraid of, having green or tan camo fatigues with a black centre of mass seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that i think about it, in the summer time in sunlight, i'll look like a tactical mofo, but ill also be a super easy to spot tactical mofo, if anybody else wants to share their opinions and experience, please do, the more the merrier! =D
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Old March 12th, 2013, 16:33   #6
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You can try using Kryptek Highlander camo pattern, I'm getting one this summer.
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Old March 12th, 2013, 17:06   #7
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Originally Posted by Berkut View Post
Lol, I remember there was a time a guy wearing all black disappeared in the winter forest.
All black I could imagine working, especially in a high contrast winter environment.

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Old March 12th, 2013, 17:13   #8
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The color of your vest should have no effect on your performance. If it does, it's not the gear colour's fault. Pick something that fits with the camo patern you end up choosing. My teammates and I have all black gear and accessories with Woodland and we don't stand out. I've also been easily completely invisible with horrible ACU and black gear during some games aswell.

I personally think neither coyote brown or black would look good with any of the camo paterns you have chosen. I think you'll look better in ranger green or maybe even foliage green. Ranger green would give you a more authentic look. Ya, RG.
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Last edited by MonnoncMaxou; March 12th, 2013 at 17:23..
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Old March 12th, 2013, 17:14   #9
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What about Foliage or Ranger Green? Most TMC and other low cost gear makers offer their plate carriers and assorted pouchy goodness in Foliage Green (often labelled Ranger Green on sites like eBairsoft). It won't blend as well as khaki, coyote, or OD, but it'll match your primary camouflage better, if that's you main concern.

A-TACS FG will do well with your primary too:

LOL, MonnoncMaxou beat me to the punch!
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Old March 12th, 2013, 17:27   #10
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oohhh ranger green is a good suggestion, thanks guys, ill look into if i can get the gear in RG, and also i just wanted to clarify, i have no intention of playing in the winter, I will not be buying parkas or any sort of winter combat gear, and i dont want to run an AEG in a moist environment with plenty of snow. Besides, why play airsoft in the winter when you can smack the crap outta your buddies with snowballs? XD
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Old March 12th, 2013, 17:37   #11
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Real Ranger or Smoke green is a good do it all colour, it's hard to pin down.

How good the overseas copies are though isn't good news. You really want the real stuffl

Some folks are now saying the new MAS grey blends well outside of it's intended AO. You won't find any copies of it yet though.

For picking camo consider this; a lot of areas will split teams for the day based on what you're wearing. If you show up in some obscure hipster camo you may not be on the same side as your buddies.

Here's some general advice. What you need to do. First attend a couple games in the area you live. Look for the players you can't see. Then see what the group you will be playing with wears. If you're grouped with a team who's all in MARPAT then you might need MARPAT.

From what I recall of Souther Ontario is that it was very green. I would stay away from that desert Flecktarn. It stands out in the brown arid fields out here so I can't see it being anything other than cool out there.

If you wanted something a bit different see how Auscam looks.
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Old March 12th, 2013, 17:48   #12
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
For picking camo consider this; a lot of areas will split teams for the day based on what you're wearing. If you show up in some obscure hipster camo you may not be on the same side as your buddies.
Wait, you're saying milsim games now allow ugly Christmas sweaters and woodland camo chic harem pants with wayfarer sunglasses as eyepro? :O
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Old March 12th, 2013, 18:20   #13
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@danke thanks for the info man, i LOL'ed at "obscure hipster camo", and also, im getting the desert tarn for if im on the tan side in a "green vs tan" event.

Originally Posted by EchoFourTwelve View Post
Wait, you're saying milsim games now allow ugly Christmas sweaters and woodland camo chic harem pants with wayfarer sunglasses as eyepro? :O
@EchoFourTwelve, you ain't a true hipster until you've got a camelpak full of PBR on your back, and you're riding your fixed-gear bike into battle, drive-by-shooting everybody with a VP70 or some other obscure pistol you've probably never heard of.
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Old March 13th, 2013, 17:27   #14
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bump for any more suggestions?
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Old March 19th, 2013, 06:55   #15
Mr. Gruntsworthy
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I'm still a bit of a noob, so take my opinion with a pinch of naivety; but at the field I play at in Whitby, black doesn't seem to stand out too bad, unless you're silhouetted against something relatively bright. The great thing about foliage is that it creates some great contrast and shadows, and the black would work well with this.

I myself have a black chest rig, and have seen a few other people with black rigs as well. Hell, my buddy dresses completely in black, and he manages to stay hidden just fine.
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