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first holster for TM G17, opinions please


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Old March 6th, 2013, 22:07   #1
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first holster for TM G17, opinions please

I am in the market for a holster for my stock TM G17. I want to keep it well protected, and have it very secure, but I only have 100$ for the total cost. I will be mounting the holster on a molle battle belt.

After alot of research, I have narrowed my choices down to three possibilities.

This is where you guy's come in. This will be my first holster, so I really do not know how my three options compare. I would appreciate if you could offer your opinions.

1. Blackhawk SERPA.
- a legitimate holster. Pretty much guarenteed to work well. My pistol may not fit well though due to the stock slide. I do have plans for a PGC slide down the road.
The whole "Accidental Discharge" scandal doesn't bother me too much, good practice will prevent this.
The part that does bother me is that some have said that dirt and rocks can work their way into the release, jamming the mechanism. For me, this is unlikely though, as I am currently only playing indoors.
I would need to buy one of these:

2. A replica 6004
Apparently the same material as the original, should work well. Is more expensive than the SERPA. I'm not sure how well that strap would secure my gun.

This review does rate it well: although it is several years old.
Does anyone else have any experience with this replica?
How do these compare to the original safariland holsters?

In order to mount it to molle, I would need to rig something up like this:

3. Order Kydex and make it myself
I could order a decent amount of kydex, the required foam sheets, and all the hardware needed to mount it for around 100$. I could then make several holsters, and experiment with mimicking the 6004 design/ making some hybrids.

Obviously, my craftsmanship will ultimately determine how well protected my pistol is. As a pretty handy person, I'm not too concerned about this.
On a more general note, how well do Kydex holsters retain and protect the pistols?

Out of these three options, which do you think would serve me the best?
I want the most secure and protective option, so I don't lose/ damage my pistol.
Thanks for your help

Last edited by Caelum; March 6th, 2013 at 22:24.. Reason: expanding, grammar
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Old March 6th, 2013, 22:17   #2
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I have a g21 serpa and it fits my we/hk/tm g 17 perfectly.
Personal experience
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Old March 6th, 2013, 22:45   #3
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fyi, if you go the 6004 route, Safariland sells a MOLLE claw adapter for it.

Since you seem to be looking at minimum Lv2 holsters, you may also want to take a look at G-Code SOC holsters
Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
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Saying that you are trying to prevent bad Airsoft publicity while generating negitave Airsoft publicity on a nationally monitored Firearm web site is like fucking for Virginity.
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Old March 7th, 2013, 00:29   #4
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i have a serpa for my 1911 and love it ...
that accidental discharge is from not knowing how to use it ... not supposed to press in with the tip of your finger cuz it will 9/10 slide to the trigger
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Old March 7th, 2013, 00:30   #5
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iirc, TM G17 will not fit in SERPA
Originally Posted by pugs144 View Post
Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
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Saying that you are trying to prevent bad Airsoft publicity while generating negitave Airsoft publicity on a nationally monitored Firearm web site is like fucking for Virginity.
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Old March 7th, 2013, 00:51   #6
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Another newer option is the Crye Gun Clip. It may be a bit different than a normal holster in form and function but once you get used to it works well. Both a replica and the real one can be had for under your budget.

If you are interested in a real one I suggest giving Rick at CTOMS an email and he should be able help you out.

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Old March 7th, 2013, 00:53   #7
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Thanks for the replies everyone.
Making a kydex holster is out for now. I would rather have a quality holster first, so I can see what a holster should be like. Probably down the road a bit.

I have decided on the serpa b/c it is a good price, many others have recommended it, here and in other threads. I haven't heard a single thing about the 6004 copy on the other hand.

@ thpethalk: I believe that a TM G17 will fit, I just need to sand some material away on the inside, or put on a PGC slide, which is closer to RS specs. Also, those G-code holsters were nice! just a bit above what I'm willing to pay atm. Perhaps my next holster.

Thanks for your help everyone!

Originally Posted by OM3GA View Post
Another newer option is the Crye Gun Clip. It may be a bit different than a normal holster in form and function but once you get used to it works well. Both a replica and the real one can be had for under your budget.

If you are interested in a real one I suggest giving Rick at CTOMS an email and he should be able help you out.
Those look pretty interesting! Might need to grab on for the fun of it. Thank you for bringing that up.

Last edited by Caelum; March 7th, 2013 at 01:00..
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Old March 7th, 2013, 11:26   #8
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I run a serpa (chest mount) with my G17 that has a PGC slide, etc and it fits perfect. The stock G17 did not fit.

TM Glock 17
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Old March 7th, 2013, 11:33   #9
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For all of you saying that TM G17 will NOT fit inside a SERPA are ALL WRONG

You simply need to purchase the GLOCK 21/22 SERPA...due to the fact that TM's glock is slightly wider than its RS Glock 17 counterpart.

The Glock 22 chambered in .40 SERPA holster will support the TM G17 perfectly.

I know because i have been running one on either my chest, hip or leg holster for years.
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Old March 7th, 2013, 12:07   #10
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Originally Posted by Caelum View Post
3. Order Kydex and make it myself
I could order a decent amount of kydex, the required foam sheets, and all the hardware needed to mount it for around 100$. I could then make several holsters, and experiment with mimicking the 6004 design/ making some hybrids.

Obviously, my craftsmanship will ultimately determine how well protected my pistol is. As a pretty handy person, I'm not too concerned about this.
On a more general note, how well do Kydex holsters retain and protect the pistols?
I make kydex holsters for real steel pistols. Unless you already have

- toaster oven
- drill press
- rivet press (including die and set)
- belt sander
- scroll saw or coping saw
- book press (or the materials to make one)

then it's going to cost you well over $100 to produce one.
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Old March 7th, 2013, 13:28   #11
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What about a blade tech 5.11 thumb drive holster? I beat the crude outta mine no issues other then sanding abit of the inside to get a smoother draw was a wee bit tight at first and I like the no resistance feel now. I've run it in sand, rocks, water, and mud all combined no issues with it working.

Can be had for under your budget.

I also took my thumb guard off as I found with my gloves it slightly caught them. Even with that being said I've tested someone seriously trying to take my sidearm from me and he was unable to.

Last edited by IggysPiggy; March 7th, 2013 at 13:33..
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Old March 7th, 2013, 18:01   #12
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Originally Posted by IggysPiggy View Post
What about a blade tech 5.11 thumb drive holster?

Can be had for under your budget.

I also took my thumb guard off as I found with my gloves it slightly caught them. Even with that being said I've tested someone seriously trying to take my sidearm from me and he was unable to.
Actually, I like that holster, it covers almost the entire slide, which would be great for playing outdoors. Something that the serpa I am looking at lacks. After looking at the video, it looks like you have to push the thumb drive down quite a bit. Was it awkward getting used to?

Originally Posted by Invasian View Post
For all of you saying that TM G17 will NOT fit inside a SERPA are ALL WRONG

You simply need to purchase the GLOCK 21/22 SERPA...due to the fact that TM's glock is slightly wider than its RS Glock 17 counterpart.

The Glock 22 chambered in .40 SERPA holster will support the TM G17 perfectly.

I know because i have been running one on either my chest, hip or leg holster for years.
Thanks for your input, and you are right, a G21/G22 holster would work if I did not want to modify the holster a bit.
From my reading, I know that the slide on an externally stock TM G17 is wider by something like .7mm too wide. A Glock 17 holster will work if you either modify it a little (sand it, or use a heat gun to reform the kydex), or use a PGC slide on your glock.
I plan on reshaping it for the short term use, while I have a stock slide. Once I install a PGC slide, I will either reshape the holster one more time, or put in a thin suede liner to fill up that extra space (bonus of protecting the slides paint).
Thread I'm basing the modification off of:

Originally Posted by buttonsHT View Post
I make kydex holsters for real steel pistols. Unless you already have

- toaster oven
- drill press
- rivet press (including die and set)
- belt sander
- scroll saw or coping saw
- book press (or the materials to make one)

then it's going to cost you well over $100 to produce one.
I do own most of those tools, or lesser equivalents. Enough to give it a shot, I believe. Could probably get everything (used toaster oven, materials, hardware, foam, clamps) for a bit more than 100$.

On a different note, what kind of holsters have you made? Have any pictures? Have you ever tried replicating a safariland?

Last edited by Caelum; March 7th, 2013 at 18:33..
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Old March 7th, 2013, 18:29   #13
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Uncle Mikes or Crye Gun Clip

I have a Fobus that I like but it fits too tight and it's a lefty
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Old March 7th, 2013, 18:54   #14
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Originally Posted by Caelum View Post
On a different note, what kind of holsters have you made? Have any pictures? Have you ever tried replicating a safariland?
Mostly ones for G17, G34 and Kimber 1911s

This last one will fit a TM g17custom but it doesn't have a whole lot of retention though.
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Old March 7th, 2013, 21:06   #15
Join Date: Sep 2007
Thumb drive is light and easy no extra effort other than going to the shooters grip, your thumb naturly lands on it, I find nothing other then holding it stiff is needed on mine.

Your also in winnipeg, check out

There more then helpful.
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