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Old January 30th, 2013, 05:29   #16
Join Date: Jan 2011
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It's funny you "rage" about someone calling a camouflage calling it by its commonly referred to name, which is technically wrong, and then go on to use the word

Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Irregardless .
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Old January 30th, 2013, 10:07   #17
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Originally Posted by FoxhoundNB View Post
It's funny you "rage" about someone calling a camouflage calling it by its commonly referred to name, which is technically wrong, and then go on to use the word
I see your point, but technically nothing; it's wrong.

Ditch the UCP, that pattern is dismal at best. Anywhere it works, there are ten camouflages that work better. That was my first pattern getting into airsoft, I had all real steel American military gear. After I saw a few videos of me playing in various environments, I was done with it. It's so easy to spot, and the few places it kind of works, it's super susceptible to movement.

Green goes with almost everything, and will match a large variety of green, or brown based camouflages; even some transitional ones. Green will go with multicam, Cadpat, woodland, AOR-2, Marpat, etc.

UCP doesn't even work with UCP because it just adds to the problem.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 10:43   #18
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If you played near me, I would say pick the ACU... I am sure you can figure out why

Take the OD and get a Green based BDU to go with it that helps blend into your environment.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 10:49   #19
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Yeah I made the mistake of running all UCP gear and camo as my first loadout. It only really works in an urban or rocky terrain. Next set of gear is definitely coyote brown with multicam BDU's.

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Old January 30th, 2013, 11:26   #20
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Two things to consider.
This is a critical difference.
UCP / ACU issue uniforms are Inexpensive and real Army Surplus Uniforms.
Meaning they are tougher.
They are designed and built specifically for the type of actions you will be performing,
by the US Military.
Since most players are at outdoor PB venues with structures the UCP masks with the aged Plywood very fkn well. Starting with ACU UCP is not a poor choice. Its affordable durable and if your just starting You will get shot up because you are new not because your camo gave you away. But at least your pants didn't FAIL. (Renagayed) The Condor vest OD or ACU meh whatever, Coyote and ACU works together, its all EarthTones.

Last edited by Armyissue; January 30th, 2013 at 11:37..
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Old January 30th, 2013, 11:34   #21
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This is Kleenex the other is Tissue.

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ACU / UCP Generic names. get over it 7331 ists
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Old January 30th, 2013, 11:37   #22
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Originally Posted by FoxhoundNB View Post
It's funny you "rage" about someone calling a camouflage calling it by its commonly referred to name, which is technically wrong, and then go on to use the word
Its a joke bro. Good job getting your panties in a bunch.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 11:47   #23
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Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post

Two things to consider.
This is a critical difference.
UCP / ACU issue uniforms are Inexpensive and real Army Surplus Uniforms.
Meaning they are tougher.
They are designed and built specifically for the type of actions you will be performing,
by the US Military.
Since most players are at outdoor PB venues with structures the UCP masks with the aged Plywood very fkn well. Starting with ACU UCP is not a poor choice. Its affordable durable and if your just starting You will get shot up because you are new not because your camo gave you away. But at least your pants didn't FAIL. (Renagayed) The Condor vest OD or ACU meh whatever, Coyote and ACU works together, its all EarthTones.
Thanks for the insight Armyissue and I do see your point regarding paintball venues and structures. This should be a consideration.
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Old January 30th, 2013, 12:58   #24
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just curious do you guys have multiple sets of camo for different environments??
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Old January 30th, 2013, 13:15   #25
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2 so far, Crye AOR1 and AOR2, still working on the loadouts. I want to get some crye precision presicion as well. Seems to work well in so many environments, the material has a coating which helps it adapt to its surrounding environment and lighting. In greens it'll stand out more as a green and in tan areas more as a brown/tan.

Last edited by nstahl.19; January 30th, 2013 at 14:20..
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Old January 30th, 2013, 13:39   #26
hot_shot under fire
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If I were in your situation I would chose the OD vest. OD works in a large variety of environments, and as a solid colour it goes well with many camouflage patterns. After all, Olive Drab has been used by many countries soldiers for a very long time, and only in the last 20/30 years has the solid OD been slowly phased out for newer camo patterns.

As far as running multiple sets of camo BDU's/ACU's/Combats, many people have two or more sets. This is because most skirmishes have their teams separated into a green team and a tan team. It is also because the colour of our environment tends to change on a regular basis, and most people like to change their camouflage accordingly so they blend into their surroundings more effectively.

I personally run 3 camo patterns which I chose depending on the season, and whether green or tan team needs an extra guy. I currently have a set of A-TACS AU, A-TACS FG and Multicam in my closet. A-TACS AU is a very obvious tan, and A-TACS FG is very green in nature. Multicam is a in the middle pattern as it has both green and tan in it. However, people who run games tend to put Multicam on the tan side as it does have a tan/brown base. Although it is not uncommon to use the guys decked out in their Multicams as a tiebreaker when a lot of guys in green show up and very few in tan come, or vise versa.

In the end, you can have the best of both worlds. You can use the UCP pattern as a base under your OD vest when you are in a UCP-friendly environment. But, because you have an OD vest you won't be limited to just UCP. You can freely run any number of patterns that you wish to use. The sky's the limit... Assuming your pocket is as deep as the sky is high.
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Last edited by hot_shot under fire; January 30th, 2013 at 13:42..
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Old January 30th, 2013, 14:38   #27
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On either vest I would still dust them with tan krylon (and light black krylon) to give it that real used operator look.

Problem solved and you look like you have been in the shit for years

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