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Beta Project "Magpul PTS" PMAG Stress Test


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Old December 9th, 2012, 19:21   #1
Zack The Ripper
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Beta Project "Magpul PTS" PMAG Stress Test

This is for anyone who has considered buying the Beta Project "Magpul PTS" PMAGs, but have been apprehensive about doing so for fear of them being bad quality.

Personal disclaimer: Apologies for the portrait format video. My brother shot the first part with my Galaxy Nexus (ad alert! just kidding..) at the wrong angle so I when I took over the filming I kept it that way. Couldn't fix it with movie maker. YouTube also reduced the sound and video quality dramatically (use full screen and turn the sound up); the video file on my computer is waaayyy better. However, still a very detailed video. I used to be sketchy about these mags, but after using them for some time now I am thoroughly impressed with the quality you get for the price. Anyways, the rest of the info is in the video. Enjoy!
Guardians of Asgaard
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Old December 11th, 2012, 18:38   #2
MaciekA's Avatar
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Hey Zack, just caught this video now.. Good stuff. I haven't yet seen a drop test for these things so it's nice to see. It is in line with what you'd expect if you have been using them for a while.

For me the biggest issue with PMAGs of any brand is whether they jam internally or not, and whether they can be repaired when they jam.

The nice thing about the beta project PMAGs is that they're inexpensive, slightly nicer in texture and weight than the old green box PMAGs, and can actually be opened up for cleaning and unjamming.

It would be nice to see beta project make some TMAGs.
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Old December 11th, 2012, 22:07   #3
Zack The Ripper
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I generally don't have problems with these PMAGs. I have the odd time I'll get a misfire/double feed and I just remove, dry fire, replace and works like a charm. You just have to be careful not to over fill them or they do jam up (like most mags out there). I usually do 20 clicks on my speed loader and that does the trick, does like 3 or four BB's a click, so I get about 80 rounds or slightly less in each mag. The EMAGs are good too, I'm just not a fan of the look. I have two of them and, post video, nine of the PMAGs. That is generally the loadout I run with (ten pouched, one in).

I would love to see some TMAGs as well. It would make it easier to get them cheap and be able to see how many rounds I have before I need to reload. Running as many mags as I do I don't like spending a shitload on mags. Everyone always preaches "you get what you pay for" but I have a bunch of random "Chinglish" brand M4 mags from Airsoft Depot that work in almost any M4 system and never jam. Same with these mags, the odd misfire like any mag, but overall a well spent $111.77(shipping in.) to Shrike. These don't fit any Echo 1 rifle I have seen thus far however. Luck of the draw I guess.
Guardians of Asgaard
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