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Safariland Has Too Many Options


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Old September 7th, 2012, 17:00   #1
Huron's Avatar
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Safariland Has Too Many Options

Hi all,

I'm trying to pick a model of Safariland drop leg for a P226 with TLR-1, but all of this SLS/ALS retention mumbo jumbo isn't making it easy. Can someone explain how these holsters actually lock, and how fast they are to draw? I don't want to spend days fumbling with some goofy button trying to unfuse my pistol from my leg.

I have a Raven Concealment right now that does a pretty good job just with friction, so if Safarilands are capable of running similar to that, with some sort of fast lock to keep it from getting unholstered while crawling around, then I'd love to know which model can do that for me.
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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Old September 7th, 2012, 17:11   #2
ShelledPants's Avatar
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Safairland is much more secure than the RCS.

If you want the high speed setup, go for the 6004 SLS.

I do not like the upper shield and have removed them on previous holsters. Also make sure not to get the model with the thumb push button (after the regular thumb shield), as it can add precious time to a draw.

The regular thumb shield is excellent.

Best bet is to go to a store that sells Safariland and check them out in person (regardless of the pistol model) to check the styles out, and then order the same style for your model gun. stocks Safariland in Toronto and has a storefront. Call them to ensure they have the holsters in stock for viewing.

EDIT: Lastly, depending on your brand of gun, you may have fitment issues with Safariland. I didn't have a problem with my TM 1911 in a 6004... but my TM 226E2 was tight. I had to remove the retention screw in the holster entirely. I like my 6004 to be completely loose without the shield in place, and it was hard to get the P226 to sit like that.

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Last edited by ShelledPants; September 7th, 2012 at 17:13..
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Old September 7th, 2012, 17:17   #3
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Look them up on YouTube. Safariland SLS and Safariland ALS. There's some very good video demos of them there.
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Old September 7th, 2012, 17:54   #4
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Thanks for the info. Will do both of those.
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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Old September 7th, 2012, 18:03   #5
a.k.a. Greedy
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As M102 said Youtube has many good videos demonstrating the different models.
Also go to R Nichols as pants mentioned the Toronto location has both models on display there you can test them out and they'll order it in for you.

After growing tired of my serpa I decided to go with a Safariland ALS and I've been loving it. I find the draw speed to be very similar to the serpa. I prefer an auto locking system so I don't have to engage the retention after I holster my pistol the way you would with an SLS. But certainly to each their own on that matter.

My ALS is for my TM PX4 it was a little tight at first, I also had to remove my retention screw. I believe the slides on most TM's are slightly larger then on "Real" pistols.

ALS - Auto locking system
SLS - Self locking system
Both are operated with your thumb.

Drop leg ALS is models are 6384 & 6385

Last edited by Kozzie; September 7th, 2012 at 18:06..
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