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Super Heros in airsoft



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Old August 22nd, 2012, 13:55   #46
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There are plenty of groups that don't focus on milsim and take themselves much less seriously then people seem to here.

We've had Christmas themed games where people wore full Santa suits and had elf bodyguards, and spiderman has made an appearance or two (in costume only though, not so much in terms of backflips)

I agree there wouldn't be much batman could do in character against most airsoft guns though.
Before the internet, the village idiot would stay in his own village.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:02   #47
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Bring it to Finches on a Skrim day.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:31   #48
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I would think the only real way to pull off batman at a game would be at a night game though, with NVG ... again, im all for it
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 14:42   #49
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did someone say LARP.... WTF is this anyway, Conan meets GI Joe?
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Last edited by hollywood...; August 22nd, 2012 at 15:07..
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 15:00   #50
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Not really a super hero I guess but someone used to come in to play at Sgt. Splatters with a full ghost busters kit and gun modified to look exactly like the one in the movie.

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Old August 22nd, 2012, 15:11   #51
formerly FrankieCees, Remylebeau
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I remember there was a guy who offered to dress up as Sailor Moon for a game..I think his name was Nooblord.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 15:14   #52
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post


Say it with me now....

Originally Posted by Remylebeau View Post
I remember there was a guy who offered to dress up as Sailor Moon for a game..I think his name was Nooblord.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 15:30   #53
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 17:02   #54
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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It entirely depends on function. Let's strip away the gear for a moment, and have competitive airsoft minus the gear. So basically you have a projectile weapon and normal clothing, while playing a competitive combat scenario. There is no acting, or goofy rules, just straight up shoot competition much like early paintball. Now you want to be more effective in game, so you need gear that is modular and helps with movement and concealment. The modern military has the best gear possible, so idealistically that's where you start. Now; a true competitive person will wear what is functional for the sport, not what looks cool or personal favorites. Personal touches will happen, but acceptably along the lines of team patches, or a personalized affect; much like athletes in soccer, hockey, etc.

In order to be more effective, you'll pick up things like nightvision, or weapon sights as they enhance your abilities. You may even use proper radio dialogue or military phonetics, but only what is affective to gameplay, not to appear more military like.

I don't copy a kit loadout of navy seals, marines, or any military denomination; and I certainly don't use any phonetics unless it's strictly functional or sport directive. I play competitively, and at no time feel like I'm a soldier, or am I diluted enough to think that Airsoft makes me look, act, or sound like one. I suppose that's why ex-military individuals use Airsoft as a competitive outlet much like those individuals that play with our team, or teams like ours.

I will admit however that milsim often employs a backstory, NPCs, and props designed around fiction and non-fiction world elements; to enhance game play. All of which are often very "strong" elements of role playing. But they are not used in the essential, identical context. Role playing literally means "playing a role". I'm never pretending to be someone else but myself. I'm me, using military grade equipment and tactics (due to effectiveness) to trounce the other team(s).

Although I have seen many individuals who use Airsoft as a role playing outlet, and put a lot of effort into their kits/costumes. Which is by far not what us milsim'rs, elitists, whatever you call us are doing. So realistically, airsoft; which is a Blanket term for anything that involving airsoft guns, is not really anything specific. But what we do (let's call it milsim for the moment), is to role playing what fencing is to L.A.R.P.. If it was more effective for someone who fences to use a samurai sword or dress like a Viking, they would. Sorry to any fencing players/enthusiasts as fencing is obviously a very old and refined sport; I was simply using it as an example. Our sport is relatively young, and I'm sure one day will have strict rules on kit, and league level orginization.

I'm not bashing the rest of you for doing whatever it is you are trying to do. But this is why there is always friction between groups at events. Operation Mason Relic, is a prime example where everyone from Mr. Vietnam kit, future soldier, or even Batman would within reason be accepted. But we do have events where that variety of stuff is not welcome, and you will see friction between groups. My personal opinion is that every event should have it's criteria or event type posted more clearly. No offense to anyone, but if I'm going to be competing alongside reinactors, or dudes dressed up like carebears with samurai swords; I want to know.

The big reason we have, what seems to be strict kit regulations, is because of exactly what we are talking about; the guy dressed like Batman. If one of our members showed up with let's say a "batman patch", we would be be more receptive to his mild personal flare. I have no problem with what your doing, but we will look at you as if you showed up to the arena with your foam L.A.R.P. Sword and said, "let's play some hockey!".

So in retrospect, we only ask that you keep your cosplay, L.A.R.P.'in ass out of serious combat games. Instead you can host a super hero, sci-fi, or whatever airsoft event, and we will equally respect you by staying the hell away from that. Because if Airsoft, or rather;competitive combat sports, milsim, or whatever you want to call even smelled a fart in tornado like L.A.R.P., we wouldn't touch it.

Now I play airsoft with everyone from D&D players, blue collar guys, down to a nearly twenty year vet of Canadian SSF. But when we hit the field it's clean, competitive, sportsmanlike. We only use what is functional, or enhances the sport.

Have a nice day!

P.S. For all you WOW players, of which I'm not. Check the new expansion trailer where it appears that Jack Black beats up a pirate and an Orc/ogre/something. Hilarious!
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...

Last edited by Ricochet; August 22nd, 2012 at 17:12..
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 18:42   #55
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Originally Posted by hollywood... View Post

did someone say LARP.... WTF is this anyway, Conan meets GI Joe?
What the hell is going on in this pic? It looks like Paintball, Larp and Airsoft rolled in to one big clusterfuck.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 18:49   #56
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modern version of D&D maybe? who knows.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 22:11   #57
I'm BATMAN! No, really I am!
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
If someone showed up to one of our games dressed like Batman, I'd send him home immediately. No matter how far he drove to be there, and how much it cost him.
I guess asking him to change into BDU's would be unacceptable? Remind me never to come to a game you're at, chuckles.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 22:25   #58
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Originally Posted by viking View Post
i already play alongside a super hero.

and how!!
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I'm no expert on the law, but the only victims of rape in this story are the 40 men.
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Old August 22nd, 2012, 22:27   #59
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Originally Posted by mrevolution View Post
and how!!
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Old August 23rd, 2012, 10:53   #60
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Originally Posted by spitzrock View Post
I guess asking him to change into BDU's would be unacceptable? Remind me never to come to a game you're at, chuckles.
If the game rules stated for instance that it's say, tan versus green. Then showing up dressed like a super hero would show that you either; didn't read rules, felt like you could/should get away with it, don't have the right attitude to be out there, or are not smart enough to understand the game dynamic. Having just one of these traits makes ineligible to shoot projectiles at people. There isn't another way to look at it.

I was attending an event not that long ago, where an individual brought out a replica long sword stuffed into the back of his vest. This thing was near or more than four foot long. During the pre game meeting, he was stupid enough to ask if he could use it. Your standing in a sea of players decked out in modern military garb, and you pull out a sword?! The game coordinator let out a bewildered sigh when he told the individual, "no you can't". Now you've got everyone staring at you wondering, "Is he old enough, or mature enough to be here?". and this is the type of idiot who comes on the forums afterwards and complains how he was treated like a child by all the "elitist
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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