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The Force Recon & MARSOC Thread



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Old May 12th, 2012, 14:04   #616
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I agree. They are deff combat shirts, but they appear to be atleast 2 sizes too big.
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Old May 13th, 2012, 13:08   #617
Heiligen Wherewolf
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Originally Posted by BrunoSardine View Post
Could anyone help me differentiate between these two belts? I'm looking back and forth between the two pictures and I honestly cannot spot any major differences.
The First one the actual belt is stitched onto the molle section, while the second the belt is fed through a hole in the molle section making it removable. I personally own the first one and have no problems so far.
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Old May 14th, 2012, 22:44   #618
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Sweet, thanks!

Also, if anyone knows of anyone selling an Allied FSBE II MAP or an FSBE II MBSS (Preferably a small or medium, I'm a bit on the skinny side), please let me know, as I'd like to have as much real kit in my impression as possible.
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Old May 24th, 2012, 08:14   #619
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I've found this few days ago:
UFC Fighters Train Like Elite Warriors - Part 3 - YouTube

Do you know where can i get those shoulder pads for MBAV?
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Old May 24th, 2012, 08:19   #620
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Ebay. They are part of the MSAP accessory kit for the SOFLCS MBAV:
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Old May 24th, 2012, 10:41   #621
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not quiet correct

The ones from the MSAP look so:

the shoulder pads that the Marine on the picture is wearing are manufactured by Allied and Eagle Ind. they are known as "MBSS" Shoulder Pads and look so:
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Old May 30th, 2012, 12:10   #622
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Just received this about 40 minutes ago:

It starts with

Oh yeah...!

And then its got

And last but not least, for those in the know...
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Old May 30th, 2012, 13:37   #623
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Very nice piece of kit brother - I USED to have one to which I went braindead and ended up giving away (stupidest thing I ever did).

Looks great for used - bonus getting the back plate insert as well. The LAND version looks a lot more rigid on the sides with that cumberbund - the MARINE version was bunching up on the sides and wrinkled in some parts - wasn't too impressed.
86 Tactics Change.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 14:22   #624
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Yeah I was really happy with myself for getting my hands on one, they're a PITA to find.

It came with a front insert too, just didn't bother taking a pic of both heh.

Looking forward to setting this up tonight.
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Old May 30th, 2012, 21:13   #625
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Old May 30th, 2012, 23:20   #626
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Yeah Viteq.

Nice catch Drake, you're gonna be so pretty. Let's hope we can play again together soon (and maybe make Vince crawl out of his hole for a game or two?)
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Old June 4th, 2012, 08:03   #627
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Alright, so this thread basically convinced me of ditching my grunt loadout and going all in for MARSOC. As I'm not too good with years / time of capture when it comes to loadout pics I'd be very happy if you'd check this kitlist and tell me which time this best applies to and if there are any inconsistencies:

1st Line:
MCCUU d/woodland
Bates Temperate (will evtl. be replaced by Danner CH)
Oakley MFrame 2.0 clear
BHI Fury Commando HD Gloves

either Boonie or
M2000* (painted OD-ish)
Norotos 3-Hole* (unpainted or desert-ish) - which Shroud shall I get btw.? Is the ACM crap or would it work?
Petzl Tactikka XP

Black belt (karate all the way)
CSM Dump Pouch
SFLCS Grenade w/ M67 dummy
G19* (yea, srsly! I know there isn't a single pic of it being carried but still, it is known to be issued/used. Only thing is i'm having a hard time deciding which holster to get)

Flyye MJK-ish RRV*
SFLCS Mags (space for 6 primary, 1 secondary)
SFLCS Canteen w/ USGI Canteen
Eagle ICOM (dunno if this thing is even real EI)
Wouxun Radio w/ antenna offset to RRV Shoulderstrap
Nexus U94 Kenwood *
4x CAT
Garmin Foretrex (probably gonna be 401)

KWA M4A1* w/ Crane Stock Gen.1 (all black and unpainted, unfortunately with LMT markings)
KAC QD Flashhider*
TD Foregrip*
STANAG mags w DIY magpuls*

Now my radio equip is completely off, and I'm pretty fine with that. I still wanna be an airsofter rather then a reenactor. Maybe I'll get an MBITR dummy for the looks at some point, but not now.
The black duty belt is actually Tasmanian Tiger. Probably not so legit.
For the LBE I'll probably need a Medic Pouch somewhere, right? Could I put it on my belt? Because if I put it on the RRV I'd have to move the canteen down to the belt, which sucks (wobbles and wiggles a lot and generally doesn't stay in place)
Were Foretrex 401 even released at that time yet? (Early 2010)

Any input is appreciated

Last edited by Aztec; June 4th, 2012 at 08:15..
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Old June 10th, 2012, 18:14   #628
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Thankfully, my high school graduation has netted me some extra money from gifts from my family, so I no longer have to be bitter that I can't dip into my savings from my job to fund my MFR impression

I found a S/M FSBE II MBSS on Ebay which I'm going to jump on as soon as my bank makes my deposit available for use. I'm a bit sad though, I've been looking all over the place for a real-deal FSBE II MAP and I haven't found anything, I don't really want to go with a repro one, even if it is Flyye or Pantac :/

Also, anyone who owns the Flyye Right Angle Belt, how adjustable is it? The retailers I've seen only carry the Coyote Brown one in large, and I'm a pretty skinny dude, so I want to make sure I won't be swimming in the thing if I get it.

EDIT: FSBE II MBSS comes tomorrow, and I just bought a bunch of pouches off of Conker. All that's left for my impression is the MICH 2000, Norotos 3 hole and Ops Core straps (already have an HL-1A Surefire light), CSM gear E&R bag and dump pouch, and a PEQ-16A, M3X and dual switch for my Mod 1. I'll start to post pictures as I get everything. Finally glad to be in the home stretch of finishing this damn thing, my wallet is thanking me :P

Double Edit: Here's my depressing FSBE II collection :P

It doesn't look like a lot today, but luckily the rest of the nylon I need is coming this week. Luckily I found an FSBE II MAP on Ebay so I don't have to buy a repro one. Still looking for an admin panel, but if anything I'll just buy a damn Pantac one or something. Also, excuse my dirty ass floor, I have to run a vacuum sometime soon

Everything pictured here is real except for the PACA.

Last edited by BrunoSardine; June 16th, 2012 at 19:31..
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Old June 19th, 2012, 20:30   #629
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Sorry if double posting isn't allowed

I just got done ordering a Norotos 3 hole, only problem is they only had Tan ones in stock. Is this kosher for a Force Recon kit? I know they run tan Universal shrouds but I don't recall seeing from-the-factory tan 3 hole shrouds. I would just re-paint it black but it'll probably come out shitty looking.

Here's another update. My Flyye Right Angle belt came, and it's pretty interesting trying to adjust a size Large belt for someone as skinny as me (as made evident by the amount of extra straps seeing laying on the ground)

Bought a bunch of pouches from Conker and have a few from Ebay inbound. My helmet and shroud are coming soon, and the Ops-Core H-Nape I ordered is on 8 to 13 week backorder :P

Still need a CSM Gear E&R bag and a CSM dump pouch, and that will be all the nylon needed for the impression. I still need to get a PEQ-16A and m3x for my gun. I feel like I'm so close to finishing this kit but yet so far away at the same time!

Last edited by BrunoSardine; June 19th, 2012 at 20:40..
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Old June 19th, 2012, 21:21   #630
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You take it from Guccie Gear right? Cause I've bought mine like 3 weeks ago, but the tag is so weird... The number is correct and match, but the tag itself look's wrong...

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