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Camo rules and why they matter to you!



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Old April 21st, 2012, 15:52   #16
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Depending on the fabric, gen, and company producing the multicam, it can be obviously green or obviously tan (tan, gray, yellow and brownish)

ARPAT as well changes shades and dominant colors across manufacturers and fabrics, but it never ceases to be gray.
Blackhawk uses leftover gen1 ARPAT that's ghost white
Tactical Tailor got in the game a little later, so they got the good, darker, foliage green stuff.
And the lvl 5 goretex is the sand/foliage green stuff that works best (for ARPAT)
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Old April 21st, 2012, 21:55   #17
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Originally Posted by JonsM4 View Post
Helmets vs Boonie hats
Domestic beer vs imported beer!!!!
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 00:31   #18
Random Fire
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Not that my opinion means much out in the east,
but is it really that controlling and anal kind of
games that get played out there? What ever happened
to using arm bands or other identifiers, maybe
not everyone can afford or for that matter even
want to own another camo type other than the one they
choose? Just cause someone doesn't own a different
color toy than you to make your job of shooting their
butts easier, you'll send them home from your sandbox.
WOW is all I can say, you know if they don't want to
wear a different color uniform, you could just shoot everyone
until they yell mercy... or hey idiot I am on your team..
my two cents
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 10:16   #19
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Your not wrong, your just looking at it wrong. We have many people out thus way who think just like you do. However, many of us have realized that there are very distinct Airsoft types, and they all want something different from the game. There are those who want it fast paced speedball style, guys who want to mess around with clearsoft in their jeans, reinactors, casual players, or those who want it to be serious "military simulation" and treat it more like a sport. Some of these groups are compatible, and some are not based on certain aspects of play style, gear, etc. and obviously there are more groups and sub groups than I mentioned, but you get the idea.

There are events that are open to all, such as; Mason Relic. There you will find a vast assortment of airsofters. I've seen guys that run all real steel gear and tactics, to kids with Walmart level guns and "camo like" pajamas. Then there are people who spend ridiculous amounts of time, effort, and money to put on a serious military simulation style events. They expect everyone else who attends to be as like minded as them. For them cheap gear consists of a stock TM, CA, KA gun with a KWA pistol, and a full high end replica loadout. Anything less looks out of place, or doesn't work. These are the players whom Strive to wear camo that works, instead if what looks cool. For example; black SWAT like camo looks cool .....but you can't blend in with it. Many of these people spend their money on things like training weapons, night vision, military vehicles, etc. And they are looking for "serious" players/teams to attend their event.

Airsofters need to stick to players like themselves. People who play the sane style. I know people that can't afford to play hockey, because they can't afford all the equipment. That's sad, but a common truth. This is exactly the same way. The NHL won't let you play with a walkathon football t-shirt, and an elementary school plastic hockey stick. Or anything in between for that matter. So very realistically stick to events that cater to you type of gameplay. Otherwise you'll look like some punk wearing a backstreet boys tshirt at a slipknot concert, and likely be treated as such.

This post is a common ideology these days from the more milsim/sport style players. And everyone will see more and more teams, events, and milsims go this way. Have respect for the people who put on these events, and the effort and cost that went into them. Follow their rules, instead of spitting on them. There are all sorts of people who can't afford more serious Airsoft, don't have Airsoft in around where they live, or whatever. It remains very much each individuals problem, do not heap that on others. One day there will be milsims requiring night vision, or other kit pieces that are very expensive. I can't afford night vision right now. So basically I couldn't attend, which sucks. But I would understand and appreciate what they are trying to do, not make everyone else change to suit my personal situation.

Camo restrictions are a great idea, to sharpen this sport. And there will be more changes as time goes on.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 10:45   #20
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So... you've got a dress code?

Just goes to show, people with brain damage are the real heroes.
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 10:56   #21
Cobalt Caliber
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Please remember this is for Military Simulation Style events. Don't like it, go skirm.
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 11:22   #22
Wanna buy some Nod's? #StolenValour
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First of all everyone's opinion means something regardless of whether it's the same as mine or not..

Second of all, I clearly stated it's a rule we have decided to enforce at our field The LZ in Ottawa.

If this style of play is not to your liking that's OK with us..we know you wont come out to play. By coming to our field to play you are saying you have read the rules and are going to abide by them.

There is nothing wrong with Skirmishers IMHO so if thats how you roll..go for it and all the power to you.

But don't get high and mighty either and call us elitist (my words not yours) because we are setting a standard.

Thanks for coming out.

Originally Posted by Random Fire View Post
Not that my opinion means much out in the east,
but is it really that controlling and anal kind of
games that get played out there? What ever happened
to using arm bands or other identifiers, maybe
not everyone can afford or for that matter even
want to own another camo type other than the one they
choose? Just cause someone doesn't own a different
color toy than you to make your job of shooting their
butts easier, you'll send them home from your sandbox.
WOW is all I can say, you know if they don't want to
wear a different color uniform, you could just shoot everyone
until they yell mercy... or hey idiot I am on your team..
my two cents
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 14:25   #23
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Originally Posted by Random Fire View Post
Not that my opinion means much out in the east,
but is it really that controlling and anal kind of
games that get played out there? What ever happened
to using arm bands or other identifiers, maybe
not everyone can afford or for that matter even
want to own another camo type other than the one they
choose? Just cause someone doesn't own a different
color toy than you to make your job of shooting their
butts easier, you'll send them home from your sandbox.
WOW is all I can say, you know if they don't want to
wear a different color uniform, you could just shoot everyone
until they yell mercy... or hey idiot I am on your team..
my two cents
Totally understand, but being confused during a game isnt my idea of a good time. There is nothing more frustrating than making arrangements to be able to make it to a game, pay $25, and questioning the whole time if someone is on my team or not.

Arm bands, sure, I guess, but thats kinda why people leave paintball in the first place, they want something realer. Also, even if your wearing jeans and a tshirt that is still a uniform that hosts can split up, mix and match vs full camo.

if you only have one of the two different camos that just means you have to sign up to one side early. Personally, I dont own anything tan, nor do I want to. I buy all OD and woodland, when a game is posted that wants certain camo, I sign up for the green team. Or if other games want PMC look I sign up there, anyone can pull off that camo.

Last edited by CR0M; April 22nd, 2012 at 14:28..
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 17:13   #24
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I agree that this is not elitist at all, it's simply a game rule. Honestly it's NO different than wearing armbands.

Lindz really hit the nail on the head with his post
Airsoft, like any other sport, has many different groups, clubs, and styles of play.
Some levels require team uniforms, like we want standardized camouflage.
Some people play for fun, some play for competition, some play with special rules (like beer ball). It's usually not a good idea to mix the players together, but there's no reason all styles of play can't be made available to everyone.

As was stated, some ops have dress codes, you don't like it? Don't go.
Better yet, host your own op that doesn't restrict camo, because there ARE others like you out there
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Old April 22nd, 2012, 17:57   #25
Cpt- Lovegrove
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i am also another person who doesnt own any tan (yet) i like having enforced camp rules, some of the camo does get kinda sketchy being tan or green as long as it is posted well before the game stating it is being enforced so people know, and sign up for the apropriate team there shouldnt be to many people complaining...

looking forward to my first game at the LZ next week
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Old April 23rd, 2012, 11:34   #26
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Domestic beer vs imported beer!!!!
This is Canada. There is no reason to drink imported beer. We have some of the best on the planet!

Back to the point:

Good article for newbs like myself. I understood the importance before buying gear from playing FPS games, most notably games like ARMA where friendly fire is a serious issue because people can't identify targets properly.

I got some Tiger camo which obviously leans towards the green side, but I'll be sure to buy some contemporary BDUs soon so I'm more in line with the others.
Here we are again bro -just you and me. Same kind of moon same kind of jungle. Real number 10 remember? Whole platoon, 32 men chopped into meat... We walk out just you and me, nobody else. Right on top huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch... - Sgt.Mac, Predator
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